Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1769 Kronos

Chapter 1769 Kronos

The adrenaline in Emery's veins still pulsed from his previous bouts with magus-level fighters. There was no doubt that these wins had made him hungry for a more challenging fight, a duel against a grand magus. But this wasn't just a contest of power or a test of skill. This was a dire situation, a life-and-death battle. And with the lives of those he held dear hanging in the balance, rash decisions were a luxury Emery couldn't afford.

Drawing a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and met Kronos' piercing gaze. The weight of his words matched his determined demeanor as he proclaimed, "Senior Kronos, your magus inflicted pain upon my dear friend. My actions? They were but a fitting repercussion for their transgressions." 𝓫ℯ𝓭𝓃𝓸𝓋ℯ𝓁.𝓬𝓸𝓂

However, Emery's words might as well have been a gentle breeze against a mountain. Kronos remained unfazed. Instead, with a subtle flick of his wrist, he signaled his men. Like a wave rushing to meet the shore, they began to encircle Emery, closing him in.

Among the sea of formidable warriors, two figures stood out, their presence heavy and dominant. They emitted energy signatures that rivaled, if not exceeded, that of Zeus, a revered peak full moon magus. Emery's heart raced, but not from fear. It was from recognition. He had come across dossiers about Kronos' inner circle in the past. He could place these titans.

A gargantuan figure, clad head to toe in dark plate armor with a menacing axe strapped to his back, was unmistakably Ares, the god of war. His every step was a testament to his power. Beside him, another figure moved with a grace that belied his strength. Dressed in a scaled armor of green and gold that reflected the moonlight, this was Poseidon. Both were the pillars upon which Kronos built his army, his most trusted and lethal generals.

Going toe-to-toe with two full moon magus was a daunting task. And with the looming shadow of the grand magus himself, Kronos, ready to join the fray, Emery's chances of emerging victorious were slim to none.

As the circle tightened around him, Kronos stepped forward, his voice dripping with malice. "Any last words, earthlink?"

It was clear Kronos wasn't the type to be swayed by words. So, Emery took a different tack, one he knew was laced with risk and audacity. With a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, he retorted, ""Yes, I want to say that you Kronos were just a bunch of cowards, Eight against me, and I still emerged victorious. Now big daddy came to join the fight" Emery's gaze darted sharply towards Ares and Poseidon, before swinging back to lock onto Kronos, "Honestly? It's laughable."

His words, designed to provoke, did their job. A vein pulsed visibly on Kronos' forehead, the affront clear in his eyes. In a guttural growl, he spat out, "Fine! The four of you, against me. We'll see how you fare!"

This reaction was precisely what Emery was aiming for. Both Fjolnier and Abbot, sensing the shift in the situation, immediately voiced their support. "We stand with you, Emery," they declared in unison.

However, Emery had no intention of dragging his seniors into this maelstrom, and without belittle their help, he said, "Seniors, I appreciate your support, but I suspect this isn't a fair fight. The moment we engage Kronos, those two," he nodded towards Ares and Poseidon, "will likely swoop in to free their captive comrades. let me face him alone."

Kronos' face contorted in rage at Emery's audacity, "Insolent child! Mocking me? Prepare to face my wrath now!"

Just as Emery was gearing up for the confrontation, a soft but firm grip on his arm stopped him. It was Morgana. Her usually steely eyes now shimmered with concern and a hint of desperation. "Let me fight with you..."

He met her gaze, his thumb caressing her hand. "Not today, Morgana." Handing her the sword of legends, he whispered, "If they so much as flinch in the wrong direction, use this on the captives. Begin that one!" Emery point toward Zeus.

Morgana nodded, her determination evident. The fire in her eyes returned, matching the intensity of Emery's, ready for her role.

Emery's words trailed off, his eyes set on the horizon as he levitated, the gravitational pull barely registering against his power. "To avoid any collateral damage to your men, I suggest we take this further away."

Without waiting for an acknowledgment or agreement, Emery propelled himself forward with a burst of energy. The grand magus, Kronos, gave chase, both of them breaking through the invisible barrier that protected the battleground, and they found themselves suspended in the cold, airless expanse of space.

As they floated amidst the vacuum, Kronos reached out with his mind, his voice echoing within Emery's consciousness. "You are a fool to think a young magus like you can match my prowess in such environment?" His taunt was rooted in knowledge: a grand magus like him could endure these conditions indefinitely, while a magus, even one of Emery's stature, would have limits.

But Emery had a trick up his sleeve. With a whisper to a being within he murmured, "Khaos, lend me your strength."

A surge of dark energy erupted from his core, coalescing into a vast shadowy figure behind him - the unmistakable silhouette of Cthulhu. The sheer might of this entity not only fortified Emery but also manipulated the surrounding void, crafting a new dimension spanning miles. Within this realm, Emery's physical vulnerabilities were nullified.

Seeing this Kronos was startled and said "I see, no wonder my men lost... I will defeat you and dissect your body to see what it is that make you special!"

Emery reply the grand magus gaze with mix of challenge and determination, he casually Emery asked, "Shall we settle this once and for all? To the death?"

Kronos chuckled, a sound that rippled through their mental connection. "You're just a child, barely thirty years old. You've yet to understand the true weight of death."

Yet, as Emery braced himself, Kronos unleashed something profound. A radiant burst of light, a signature energy of Cosmos, emanated from him, a throbbing's pulse of light.

Emery recognized it's unique signature, a memory flashing in his mind of a formidable opponent he had faced during a magus academy tournament. The recollection was solidified when a complex rune materialized on Kronos' palm. Emery's guess were confirmed; Kronos was not just any grand magus. He was a Time Magus.

x x x x x

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