Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1774 Respite

Chapter 1774 Respite

Amidst the chaos playing out on the Moon, the ancient city of Rome was blanketed in an eerie silence, with an unspoken truce in effect. The cobblestone streets, which had once been alive with the sounds of arguments, clashes, and the occasional laughter, now bore witness to an uncertain peace.

Roman centurions, easily recognized by their plumed helmets and polished armor, were dispatched throughout the city. Their main task was to calm the unsettled masses, providing reassurance and maintaining order.

Meanwhile, within the walls of a grand palatial residence, Julian orchestrated the protection of world leaders who had converged in the city. The tall, marble pillars and luxurious halls now served as makeshift meeting rooms and medical zones. In one such corner, Brandt lay recuperating. He had narrowly escaped death, his condition a testament to the intensity of the recent conflicts.

Simultaneously, Julian also keeps watch over the five saints and two magus, Athena, and Apollo. These representatives from Kronos were housed in a separate, ornately decorated wing of the estate.

There, Athena was diligently attending to Apollo. The half-moon god lay still, his usually radiant face pallid. It was evident that he was still suffering from Emery's potent mental attack.

Julian's eyes met Athena's, and the weight of the situation was evident in both their expressions. Clearing his throat slightly, Julian inquired? "How is he?"

Athena paused in her ministrations to Apollo, her face a delicate tapestry of emotions, as she processed Julian's question. She finally released a deep, weary sigh, and her intense eyes locked with Julian's.

"Your friend, is the most formidable half-moon magus I've ever come across. To be honest, he might even be the most powerful human within the entirety of the magus realm."

Julian's gaze shifted, his eyes reflecting the myriad of emotions swirling within him. After a pause, he finally responded, "Had it not been for Emery, your schemes might have spelled our doom."

Athena's eyes, usually so steady and inscrutable, now shimmered with a blend of fierceness and sincerity. "You must believe me when I say I played no part in this conspiracy."

Julian's retort came swiftly, his words sharpened by past betrayals and deep-seated mistrust. "Even if your hands are clean, Because of your association, Kronos could've obliterated us."

Athena's eyes, once fiery, now dimmed with sorrow as she whispered "Unfortunately, we don't get to choose our family, we are born into it"

The tension in the room thickened, every word exchanged like the blade of a dagger, revealing wounds of the past and uncertainties of the future. Both Julian and Athena had shared many conversations over the course of months, brainstorming potential resolutions to their age-old disputes. There had been moments of hope, instances when both had believed that a shared future, free of conflict, was within reach. Yet, the events of recent days seemed to shatter such aspirations.

Drawing in a deep breath, Julian finally broke the somber silence. "What comes next?"

Athena hesitated, her eyes distant as if gazing at the stars. "I can't say with certainty. Much hinges on your friend's actions on the Moon, and how he'll deal with my kin."

Julian nodded solemnly, "Whatever he does, I trust Emery will do what is right"

Athena's expression turned contemplative as she said,? "I have studied your friend, I know where his savage name came from, but I never believed he was really a beast, not until today"

Julian's eyes dimmed, the memory of the transformed Emery flashing before him. Their paths had diverged for years, and the Emery he had witnessed today bore little resemblance to the companion he once knew. The gravity of that change weighed heavily on Julian's heart.

Their introspection was suddenly interrupted by a palpable shift in the atmosphere. An overwhelming surge of energy seemed to be descending from the sky. They looked up to see a colossal ship piercing the azure, making its way to Rome. Its mere presence ignited a wave of dread, and the populace was immediately gripped by terror. 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝐨𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗼𝗿𝐠

Without hesitation, Julian dashed to the balcony, with Athena closely in tow. Their senses, finely tuned to magical frequencies, detected the presence of numerous magus aboard the ship, among them, two entities exuding the formidable aura of grand magus.

Julian's eyes narrowed, trying to discern the identities of these formidable beings. "Who are they?"

As the ship drew nearer, Athena murmured, "It's him. My father... Kronos has come."

A cold shiver ran down Julian's spine. The implications were clear: if Kronos had come, did it mean Emery had fallen? The very thought sent waves of dread crashing over him.

The ship made a majestic landing within the courtyard of the new Roman complex. The hum of its engines died down, replaced by a tense silence that seemed to stretch on. As the hatch of the ship slowly opened, Julian strained his senses, trying to catch any familiar energy signatures. Among the myriad of auras, he detected the familiar resonance of his friends.

Athena and Julian exchanged a glance, an understanding passing between them, before they took flight, alighting gracefully near the ship's entrance, ready to greet the arrivals.

From the yawning entrance of the ship, a procession of figures began to emerge. Julian's gaze darted around, recognizing several among them. At the forefront, stood the formidable entourage of Kronos, with the imposing figure of Zeus to his right. Opposite them, Emery and his group stepped out. Relief washed over Julian at seeing his friend relatively unharmed, but his stomach twisted uncomfortably upon noticing the shackles binding Emery's wrists.

Before Julian could muster a word or gesture, a grand magus, wearing the emblematic uniform of the Magus Alliance, stepped forward. His voice, authoritative and cold, pierced the thick air. "Are you the leader of the Earth faction, Julian Kaesar?"

Maintaining his composure and understanding the gravity of the situation, Julian bowed slightly, replying, "Indeed, I am him"

The grand magus nodded slowly. "Very well. I have arrived to investigate the ongoing conflict between your faction and your caretaker, the Kronos faction"

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