Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1784 I Choose Her

Chapter 1784 I Choose Her

"So, sir, what do you think? Do any of my girls pique your interest?"

These weren't just ordinary women. Apart from their undeniable beauty, characterized by sharp features and alluring gazes, they bore an air of strength and mystique. three among them radiated an aura peculiar to those of the magus realm, while the remainder displayed a power signaling at least a saint level. This blend of beauty and might made them irresistibly captivating, like gems shining brilliantly against the dimly lit background of the room.

While it was undeniable that these beings were enough to stir desires in the coldest of hearts, Emery found himself distant. Behind his calm demeanor were scars of heartache. He had loved deeply, lost tragically, and was haunted by memories of the past.

As Emery prepared to decline, a sudden disturbance erupted outside. The melodies that previously filled the room were overshadowed by murmurs of apprehension. The expressions of the women swiftly shifted from seductive charm to veiled concern. Their glances exchanged silent messages, but Emery didn't need to see to understand.

With his mental prowess, Emery could sense the undercurrents of emotion emanating from the women. Their thoughts, usually guarded, now flowed openly in their anxiety: waves of fear, apprehension, and subdued hope.

"It's Baron Duku. He's returned."

"Whom will he choose this time?"

"Oh, I hope it's not me..."

The entrance door slammed open, and the cause of their fears revealed itself. Baron Duku, a formidable magus of the full moon, stood imposingly at the doorway. His aura was overwhelming, and his eyes darted impatiently around the room. Without even a proper greeting, he roared, "What's taking so long?!"

Despite his rugged beard and battle-hardened features, the Baron was dressed in an ensemble that could only be described as regal. Rich silks, intricate embroidery, and gem-studded accessories draped him, giving a stark contrast to his untamed appearance.

His gaze swept the room, a smirk playing on his lips when his eyes briefly met Emery's. But the Baron deemed Emery unworthy of further attention, dismissing him as if he were nothing more than a shadow in a corner. Instead, he focused his attention on the older female supervisor, his voice dripping with entitlement, "You shouldn't kept me waiting."

The supervisor's face tightened, revealing her internal conflict. Whether she was truly terrified of the Baron or simply unwilling to risk a confrontation over a newcomer like Emery, she didn't protest. She stepped aside, allowing the magus to peruse the selection of girls at his leisure.

Although the situation was escalating rapidly, Emery maintained his composure. He observed from a distance as the Baron leisurely sauntered among the women. There was a predatory gleam in his eyes, matched by the wicked curve of his lips. He seemed to revel in the discomfort he caused, running his fingers along their arms or tilting their chins up to meet his gaze.

Most of the girls mustered their courage, hiding their disdain behind veils of politeness. However, a particular young woman, with golden locks cascading down her back, visibly recoiled. Her eyes, wide with fear, seemed to plead with the Baron not to approach. But her reluctance only served to anger Duku. Without warning, he struck her, the force of the blow sending her crumpling to the floor.

The air grew colder as Emery's eyes darkened. Yet, he chose to restrain himself, waiting to see how the scene would unfold.

Finding perverse pleasure in the young girl's fear, the Baron leaned down to choose her instead and was ready to drag the terrified girl.

Just then, another figure interjected herself between them. This woman was striking, with petite horns curling from her head and a tail that swished defiantly behind her. Her voice, while trembling slightly, held a note of determination,

"Please, Baron, she is unwell tonight. Allow me to take her place. I promise to keep you entertained."

The hybrid woman was undeniably formidable. Her essence radiated a power that dwarfed the others in the room, and Emery, with his adept mental abilities, found her mind more challenging to probe than the rest. After a moment of concentration, her thoughts unfurled before him, revealing the same undercurrent of fear that the other girls felt. Yet, despite this fear, her bravery in stepping forward to shield the younger girl was unmistakable.

Emery's heart wavered, moved by her courage. Hence, before the Baron could land another blow, a palpable aura emanated from Emery. The Baron halted mid-motion, his attention shifting to the source of this newfound power.

In a commanding voice, Emery spoke, "Do not lay a hand on her. I've chosen her."

For all his arrogance, the baron wasn't oblivious to the dangers. He exhaled deeply, his posture deflating slightly. "Fine," he sneered, trying to salvage some pride. "Take her. I never cared for these freaks, anyway."

The term 'freaks' was a derogatory one, often used to belittle non-humans. Emery's patience, already thin, snapped. Standing up, his aura intensifying, he declared, "I'll take that young girl too," pointing towards the blond girl still on the floor. "Actually," he continued, his voice steel, "I take all of them."

The room's atmosphere was dense, filled with a tangible mix of trepidation and anticipation. Emery, with deliberate intent, channeled a small portion of his khaos energy into his eyes. The raw power and untamed nature of that energy, combined with his formidable spirit-reading ability, gave his gaze an otherworldly, fearsome intensity. 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚎l.𝚘rg

The Baron found himself uncharacteristically unnerved. The weight of Emery's gaze bore down on him, momentarily paralyzing him.

Stammering slightly, the Baron inquired, "Who are you... truly?" The anxiety in his voice betrayed his once commanding presence.

Responding with an air of calm self-assuredness, Emery declared, "Merely a visitor from the lower realm"

The change in dynamics was evident to all in the room. The once domineering Baron, having gauged the depths of Emery's capabilities, chose the path of caution. He extended a respectful nod, a stark contrast to his earlier demeanor, and with a curt swish of his robe, exited the chamber.

Observing the unfolding events, the female supervisor was quick to recalibrate her approach. Approaching Emery with a deferential demeanor, she said, "I deeply regret our ignorance of your esteemed status. The preparations for the ladies will be expedited."

Glancing at the group of elegant beauties before him, a fleeting thought of the exorbitant costs crossed his mind. The realization that he might've overstepped briefly took him aback. However, recalling Julian's commitment to bear the expenses, Emery regained his composure, nodding, "Proceed, then."

x x x x x x

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