Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1786 What next?

Chapter 1786 What next?

Julian's voice echoed with disbelief, "Four hundred thousand spirit stones? Seriously, Emery, all in one night?!" He paused, catching his breath and shot a stern look at his friend, "I swear, I am not going to cover for you anymore."

Emery casually turned his gaze towards the establishment's entrance, choosing to ignore Julian's reprimands. He was expecting someone. Nyx, a Succubus known for her enchanting beauty, gracefully stepped out. The attire she now wore was drastically different. Gone were the overtly provocative garments, replaced by a more sophisticated, albeit still enchanting, ensemble that seemed tailored for discretion rather than seduction.

Julian's frustration visibly dimmed at the sight of her. "Well," he mused, eyes scanning Nyx appreciatively, "at least something good comes from your reckless expenditures."

Nyx offered them both a graceful nod, her voice velvety, "I am honored to be your guide for the week."

"Alright, where should we start?" Emery asked.

The trio had barely started walking when a group of magus blocked their path. Among them, Emery recognized the tall, imposing figure of Baron Duku, his presence would definitely mean trouble.

Julian, sensing the change in the atmosphere, swiftly assessed the group. Turning to Emery, he whispered urgently, "What did you do this time, Emery?"

Behind Baron Duku was a retinue of magus, each wearing insignias indicating one faction same as Duku. New Moon, Crescent Moon, and among them stood one full moon, whose aura seemed to be at its peak, marking him distinctively apart from the rest.

Julian, always the diplomat, stepped forward, spreading his hands in a placating gesture. "Gentlemen," he began, voice steady, "I'm sure there's been a misunderstanding. Let's discuss this rationally and avoid unnecessary conflict."

Baron Duku sneered, staring at Emery, with a mocking edge to his voice. "You really are from the lower realms, aren't you? How dare you try to deceive me?"

Emery's eyebrows knitted in genuine confusion. Meeting the Baron's glare, he responded, "How could I deceive you by telling the truth?"

The Baron's face turned a shade darker, his irritation evident. "Enough with this banter," he growled, "I challenge you to a duel!"

Emery looked the Baron up and down, then sighed dismissively. "I'm really not in the mood for this," he responded. "I just arrived, and I'd rather avoid conflicts. Besides, last night was... exhausting, if you catch my drift."

As Emery made to walk away, shrugging off the confrontation, Nyx interjected smoothly, "Sir, it might be worth noting that dueling is a deep-rooted tradition here in Centauri. We even have a dedicated battleground for it - the famed Centauri Arena."

Emery paused, recalling a memory he had accessed from Nyx's mind - the Centauri Arena, a place where scores were settled, and reputations were made or broken. Turning to Nyx, a thought time."

Seeing the Baron's smug expression and Nyx's veiled enthusiasm, occurred to him, "What about the Spirit Master challenge?"

Nyx's eyes sparkled with a mischief, clearly eager to see how things would unfold. "The final registrations are this evening," she informed, "and the actual event commences tomorrow. You've got time."

Seeing the Baron's smug expression and Nyx's veiled enthusiasm, Emery finally relented. "Fine," he said to the Baron, a challenging glint in his eyes, "I accept your duel. Name your price."

Julian ran a hand through his hair, exasperation evident in his features. Watching Emery and Baron Duku haggling like merchants in the market, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. The agreed sum, a staggering million spirit souls, was no small wager.

Their argument had caught the attention of many in the vicinity, and whispers began to circulate as the two parties made their way towards the massive metallic structure dominating the heart of the city – the Centauri Arena.

The arena, a colossal testament to Centauri architecture, was built to accommodate the raw, unbridled power of the mightiest magus. Its core, specially designed, could resist the onslaught of a full moon magus, ensuring the city itself remained unscathed by any duel.

Julian looked around, noting the bustling activity and excitement surrounding the place. It seemed the arena wasn't just for settling disputes; it had become a cultural hub. It was so popular, in fact, that the Centauri had built two other branches on opposing ends of the city. These structures served a dual purpose - a venue to ensure public safety and a means to foster a competitive spirit amongst the magi.

As Emery and Julian stepped inside, they were met with the aftermath of a concluded duel. The smell of scorched earth and the faint hum of lingering magic were testament to the intensity of the battle that had just taken place. An official-looking magus, adorned with the emblem of the Centauri Kingdom, approached them. With a quill and parchment in hand, he took down their names and the reason for their duel, ensuring the kingdom had a record of all transpiring events.

Emery, ever the curious one, looked around with visible interest. The energy of the arena, the thrill of the crowd, it all appealed to his adventurous spirit. He was ready to jump right into the fray.

Julian, however, sensing the underlying tension, grabbed Emery's arm, pulling him aside. "Emery," he whispered urgently, "We don't know the full extent of this magus' capabilities. I've got a bad feeling about this. That smile of his - he might have something up his sleeve."

Emery followed Julian's gaze, taking in Baron Duku's smug expression. Despite the obvious warning signs, he shrugged, unconcerned. "Even if he's prepared something, we're in the safest arena in the city. If things go south, I'll just forfeit. Worst case scenario, you'll just have to cough up the one million."

Julian's expression hardened, "You're not using my stash for this. If you lose, it's on you."

Emery smirked, "Now, that's just disappointing."

With a sense of inevitable confrontation in the air, Emery and Baron Duku moved towards opposite entries of the vast metal sphere known as the Centauri Arena. On the outside, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. Julian and several others gathered by a specialized viewing window, enabling them to watch the bout without being in harm's way.

Baron Duku's entourage was already there, their eyes filled with a mix of smugness and excitement. One of the most imposing figures, a peak magus with a strong aura about him, glanced sidelong at Julian, his eyes glinting with malicious delight. "Your friend is out of his depth. He doesn't stand a chance against the Baron."

Julian, ever calm and composed, met the magus' gaze directly. "We'll see about that," he replied evenly, his confidence unshaken.

Before the fight commenced, a member of the Centauri Magus staff, distinguishable by their unique attire, came forward to lay down the rules. "This is a duel, not a battle to the death," he started, his voice carrying authority. "No killing is permitted. The duel will last for 30 minutes. If neither party is defeated within that timeframe, the match will be declared a draw."

Baron Duku sneered at Emery, his eyes filled with disdain. "Huh! I came to teach a lower realm magus like a lesson! you have no place here in Centauri!"

Without warning, the Baron's body began to expand, muscles bulging, and his stature becoming imposing. He activated a battle art that amplified his combat prowess, reminiscent of Emery's Immortal gate. Emery, knowing the intricacies of combat, was aware that such combat magus often had a weakness, particularly against spirit attacks. 𝚋𝚎𝚍n𝚘v𝚎𝚕.𝚗𝚎𝚝

Emery channeled the power of Khaos decisively to unleash a potent spirit attack, one that should've crippled any typical magus. But, to his astonishment, Baron Duku remained unaffected. Not a bead of sweat, not a flicker of pain. It was as if Emery's attack had been reflected, turned into a mirror that stunned him momentarily with its return force.

Seizing the momentary lapse in Emery's defenses, Baron Duku lunged, his fist now enveloped in a metallic sheen. The force of the blow sent Emery crashing into the metal confines of the arena with a deafening


The spectators gasped. That single attack showcased the Baron's strength, placing him at the zenith of the full moon magus realm.

With Emery reeling from the attack, Baron Duku laughed, an air of arrogance surrounding him. He reached into his attire, producing a gleaming silver emblem. "Just so you're not in the dark," he taunted, waving the emblem, "I came prepared this time with my spirit defense artifact. Against it, a spirit magus like you are worthless!"

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