Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1788 The City

Chapter 1788 The City

As the duel came to an end, and they emerged onto the bustling streets of Centauri, Emery found himself surprised when Nyx tightly gripped his arm. Her words carried a tone of admiration and respect, and she asked, "You are so amazing master… can I please call you master now?" 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝑛𝘰𝑣𝘦𝘭.𝘰𝘳𝑔

The succubus, it seemed, had developed a newfound respect for Emery and sought to get closer to him. Her striking appearance, with curves that accentuated her beauty and an intoxicating fragrance, added an enchanting allure to the situation. Confronted with Nyx's proximity and her request, Emery replied in a composed manner,

"You can call me master if you wish, but this is not necessary."

He gently removed her hand from his arm, all the while maintaining a friendly demeanor, and added, "Now, please show me where this Spirit Master competition is being held."

Rather than being offended, Nyx's response was to break into an even wider smile. It was evident that his answer had pleased her, and she eagerly led the way. Julian, who followed behind them, observed the situation with a careful eye. He couldn't help but wonder if Emery's approach of polite rejection was a secret strategy to attract women. "Is rejection the key?" he mused, his thoughts circling the dynamics at play.

Guided by Nyx, the three of them made use of Centauri's local transportation—a magical cloud construct. They boarded the cloud alongside a dozen other passengers as it soared gracefully across Centauri's snowy, white cityscape. The cloud ride was smooth and swift, offering them a panoramic view of the city's unique beauty.

Emery took in the sights with interest, appreciating the remarkable technology and magic that created such a mode of transport. As they journeyed on, he couldn't help but feel intrigued by the city and the diverse cultures it contained.

Nyx proved to be a valuable guide, and as they traversed Centauri, she began to share tidbits of information about the city. It became apparent that Centauri was a metropolis of grand proportions, boasting a staggering population of 3 billion citizens across the entire planet. The city was divided into various districts known as "zones" and it boasted six portal gates, likely serving as conduits to other realms or regions.

Emery absorbed this information, impressed by the sheer scale of Centauri. The fact that it played host to such a diverse population was intriguing, especially since one-tenth of its daily visitors were magus-level individuals or higher, highlighting the city's significance in the magical world.

Their conversation shifted to the city's leadership. King Dunadan Proxima held the prestigious position of being the third supreme monarch of the city. He led a grade 4 Proxima faction, overseeing not just Centauri but also a multitude of smaller planets under his rule. Furthermore, King Dunadan enjoyed support from a few grade 5 factions, contributing to the city's prosperity. Centauri's political landscape leaned toward democracy, emphasizing fairness and equality in its policies.

However, Centauri was not without its challenges. Multiple warlords posed threats to its borders, necessitating the king's presence at these vulnerable frontiers. Julian astutely remarked, "I guess this is why the king is busy right now."

The unexpected revelation led Nyx to inquire further. She asked Emery, her voice tinged with surprise, "You planned to meet the king?"

Emery, not one to hide his intentions, shared his visit to Centauri and his invitation by Grand Magus Duncan, the Centauri Magus Alliance emissary. He watched Nyx closely, hoping to glean any additional insights or information about his upcoming meeting from her reactions.

The succubus couldn't contain her admiration as she responded, "Wow, I knew you were not a simple magus, Master."

Nyx went on to elaborate on Duncan's role within Centauri. Duncan was not only one of the most trusted advisors to the city but also held a crucial position as the main liaison for the Magus Alliance. He served as the third highest-ranking officer at the Centauri Magus Alliance Headquarters, signifying his prominence in the magical community.

At the mention of the Magus Alliance Headquarters, Julian chimed in, reaffirming his intention to visit the establishment later for his own faction plans. Emery himself has something important to do there as well. As their magical cloud transport continued on its course, Nyx eventually declared, "Alright, this is our stop!"

Their journey through Centauri culminated at a grand and opulent palace, the very site of the Spirit Master competition. This massive complex nestled in the heart of the city belonged to one of Centauri's most distinguished families, second in prominence only to the ruling monarch himself. It served as the residence of Duke Damien Alabaster, the esteemed head of the Alabaster faction.

Emery had anticipated a bustling gathering of hundreds, if not thousands, of participants and spectators when he heard the term "competition." However, as they approached the complex, he couldn't help but notice that only a scant few dozen people made their way toward the entrance.

Sensing Emery's curiosity and surprise, Nyx provided context. "Even in such a grand city, Spirit Mags are quite rare, Master. That's why the yearly competition usually draws only a few hundred participants."

Emery nodded in understanding as he absorbed this piece of information. Together, the trio ventured into the magnificent building, and Emery's heightened senses detected the presence of several prominent magi within.

With Nyx leading the way, they approached what appeared to be the registration table, manned by another magus who warmly greeted them. The magus inquired, "Alright, your name?"

Emery responded confidently, "Emery Ambrose."

The Spirit Master competition was divided into four distinct categories, each catering to magi of varying skill levels: the New Magus Realm, the Half-Moon, and the Full Moon. As Emery perused the registration details, the fees and rewards for each category became clear:

New Moon: Registration Fee - 100,000 spirit stones, Winning Prize - 1 million spirit stones.

Half-Moon: Registration Fee - 300,000 spirit stones, Winning Prize - 3 million spirit stones.

Full Moon: Registration Fee - 500,000 spirit stones, Winning Prize - 5 million spirit stones

The winner of each group would also receive a special Special Spirit Magus Tome as the reward.

The mention of a special item for the Full Moon category piqued Emery's interest, but considering his current situation on a journey, he opted for a more low-profile approach and chose to participate in the Half-Moon group.

The magus at the registration table promptly informed him, "Alright, Half-Moon Spirit Master competition will be held tomorrow at noon. Don't be late."

Surprisingly, Emery felt much more excited to join such a competition. He couldn't help but wonder about the kind of opponents he would be facing and wanted to gauge the level of their mental capacity.

Emery took note of the schedule, planning to arrive early to observe the New Moon Magus competition before his own event.

With their registration complete, Emery, Julian, and Nyx continued with their original plan to visit the Magus Alliance. They embarked on another cloud transport, making their way to one of the alliance headquarters within the sector.

The structure before them stood as a grand edifice, reminiscent of the impressive buildings Emery had encountered in Golden City. Its majestic presence beckoned the trio inside.

As they approached the registration area, Julian's intentions became evident. He aimed to review the data concerning his newly established faction:

[Earth Faction]

[Leader: Julian Kaesar]

[Base: Planet Earth 1002]

[Status: Grade 1, Lower Realm]

[Subsidiary member of Nephilim Faction]

[Alliance Merit: 25,200]

The merit count had seen a significant increase, likely attributed to the efforts of Thrax and Chumo, who had been working diligently with the Magus Alliance. Julian couldn't help but wear a satisfied smile, his name now firmly associated with such a faction.

However, his satisfaction quickly gave way to another decision as he declared, "I plan to relinquish my leadership role to someone else."

The response from the alliance was swift, though not in Julian's favor. After a brief period of confirmation, the answer arrived, accompanied by disappointment. "I am sorry, sir. Your request has been rejected. The faction leader's name is fixed and cannot be replaced."

Julian's attempt to alter his leadership status had been met with an immovable barrier, it quickly occurred to him that the Nephilim influence to their faction was still in place.

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