Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 573: Fighting a Magus 3

Chapter 573: Fighting a Magus 3

It wasn’t just Emery or the Nephilim, everyone present in the area around Camelot could see the faint figure that moved through the sky at breakneck speed like a shooting star. As it got closer to where he was, Emery finally caught the clear sight of the figure heading in their direction.

It was a winged creature with a massive wingspan that almost reached ten meters. Lightning sparks were seen flickering frequently around its body. On top of it came a surprise in the form of a beautiful girl with dark hair. This girl was someone that Emery knew very well.

It was no other than The Egyptian Queen, Klea.

When the bird that carried Klea had gotten close enough that Emery could clearly see her beautiful face, she caught him off guard by jumping from the creature’s back, while it was still considerably high in the air. Her body rapidly descended towards him, while the bird that was still flying around in the air, brightening the night sky.

Dirt rose high in the air, as Klea landed squarely on the ground. Emery had to admit, the girl always knew how to make an entrance. That eye-catching bird must be the spirit bird she learnt from King Fjolnir. 

Klea’s arrival was certainly needed. 

As she somewhat safely landed, Klea immediately came over to Emery. The girl knew exactly that he was still in a battle, a life-threatening one even. Still, she couldn’t help but tease him, as she stopped right in front of him, examining the new appearance he had.

“Oh my… You look a little different, Emery.” She said with a teasing smile.

Although her teasing tone couldn’t be any more obvious, Klea was also admiring Emery’s new shaman form. As for the recipient of such treatment, he could only wryly smile, as he quickly reminded her of the figure facing them, who was watching everything happen with an interested gaze.

Klea turned her head, looked at the figure and quickly turned her head back to Emery while saying, “What the hell are you fighting here, Emery?! Geez, I swear you always have the knack of getting into trouble.”

Emery, with the wry smile still on his face, quickly said, “Klea, that guy is a magus Nephilim. He-“

The mysterious Nephilim, whose name hadn’t been revealed yet, was amused by Klea’s arrival and antics. Hence, he interrupted Emery when he was about to say more about him.

“For a beauty such as you, I will introduce myself.”

“I have many names. Your people have been worshiping me as the King of Underworld, the god Osiris. Some also called me Pluto, but I personally prefer to be called Hades.”

Emery had heard every name that was said by the Nephilim. As for Klea, who had spent her time in Alexandria Library surfing through the sea of knowledge, she of course knew the specifics and weight that every name carried.

Seeing that Klea was surprised, apparent from her expression, the Nephilim Magus, more precisely, Hades became even more amused.

“Hahaha! Do you fear me now?!” He said. “Bow before your god!”

It was at this moment that Klea’s surprised look suddenly changed into that of confusion. She then said, “Um, what? No, that’s not it… I was surprised because my people got your appearance wrong!”

A baffled look appeared on Hades’ face as he heard Klea’s unexpected words.

“They thought that Osiris’ skin was supposed to be green and where is your funny-looking long beard?! I don’t see it!”

“You bitch!!” Hades quickly became emotional, when he finally realized he was being mocked by the little girl.

Two dark flames instantly engulfed Hades’ hands, it didn’t take a second longer for two balls of black flames were thrown to each of them.


This might look like the shape of a normal fireball, but it was engulfed in black flame. 

This black flame was very similar to the one shown by Killagragah, a combination of dark and fire element. It is definitely stronger than Gerry’s violet flame.

Having tasted the flame before, Emery quickly grabbed Klea by the waist and cast [Blink], apparating away from the spell’s trajectory. The moment he reappeared, he then cast another [Shadow Mist] to befuddle the Nephilim, even just for a moment.

Emery maintained his tight grip on the girl’s waist as he moved and flickered through space. He was so concentrated on the Nephilim he didn’t even realize when his grip brought her closer to his embrace.

Klea, on the other hand, was enjoying the moment. She actually had her own way to dodge the attack, and she was sure Emery knew that fact as well. His instinctive action to bring her out of harm’s way still made a smile bloom on her face.

But then, a frown appeared on Klea’s face, as Emery took her further away and she realized where he took her. 

After dropping her at where he wanted her to be, Emery only said three words “please help her” that quickly annoyed her, before he returned back into the mist by using [Blink]. 

Emery quickly cast and sent several offensive spells to distract the magus, who evidently was still in the mist.

Meanwhile, Klea was dumbfounded by the sight presented before her. A red-haired girl in dreadful condition. Her hair wasn’t the only thing colored red as bloody wounds were visible all over her body.

Next to her was someone she knew, the youngest of the Fey sisters Glita.

“Sister Klea, please save my sister Morgana,” Glita said. “Please!”

Seeing the beautiful pale skin hidden behind the color of red, Klea once again let out a sigh. “So this is who they called Morgana… huh! That womanizer really has to be taught a lesson!”

After scolding Emery in every way possible in her mind, Klea quickly returned her attention to reality. No matter how awkward the situation was, she knew saving life came before everything.

She quickly cast [Restoration], a rank 4 water element spell. This was a more potent healing spell than [Soothing Mist] that she usually used. Of course, since it was stronger, the spirit force consumed for the spell was also considerable, making her unable to carelessly cast it otherwise she wouldn’t even know when her spirit force had been exhausted.

Klea also noticed the abnormality in the girl’s chest and how it affected her healing spell from curing the wounds. Hence she decisively decided to optimize her spirit force and focused only on healing the external wounds.

“Will my sister be alright, sister Klea?”

Klea shook her head slightly at the question. “I’m not sure. Whatever happened inside her is out of my expertise. However, I’ve stopped the bleeding. The rest is up to her.”

Klea turned her head and saw the other three fey girls were also occupied fighting a strange looking monster

Right at this moment, she heard a loud scream that seemed to be originating from Emery. It had successfully made Klea as well as Glita turn their heads.

The Nephilim Magus, Hades, transitioned his spell choices between darkness and fire spell consecutively, as he continued to bombard Emery with them. Meanwhile, Emery continues to blink around while flames can be seen burning part of his body.

The magus was still annoyed his special tier 5 binding spell [Gravitational Pressure] was not effective against Emery, He then decided to use another spell in his repertoire.

[Gravitational Pull]

Just as Emery reappeared from his [Blink], he suddenly felt a strong tugging force on him. He tried to resist it as much as he could, but he quickly discovered his attempt was futile as his body being pulled toward Hades, whose hand were completely enveloped with [Hellflame]

Knowing what fate awaited him if he didn’t do anything, Emery quickly spun in the air and touched the ground with his hand. A wall of black stone soared in front of him, as his [Granite Wall] was cast, preventing him from plunging straight into Hades’ hand shrouded in ominous flames.

However, the wall itself started to crumble under the strong force the [Gravitational Pull] exerted.

“What the hell!! Such a powerful spell!!”

When the wall was about to completely crumble and Emery would continue his journey toward the death’s embrace, 

Emery suddenly saw a bright light on the back of his eyes as a spear wrapped in lightning abruptly appeared and sped toward Hades, which forced him to retract his spell.

Missing its target, the spear looped in the air and flew back to its wielder. Turning his head, Hades saw the spear lying quietly in Klea’s hand. The spear was the artifact Klea received from Fjolnir’s royal armory.

With an annoyed gaze, Klea shouted as if she declared a definite fact. “No one but me can teach him a lesson!!”

Hearing that, Emery wasn’t really sure if she came to save him, or punish him.


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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