Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 601: Recalled

Chapter 601: Recalled

A million light years away from Earth.

Right in the center of the human universe lies one of the most important places to mankind, the place where the human alliance placed their hopes of the future: the Magus Academy.

Today, thousands of acolytes were recalled to join their new class. For some of them, this was their first time setting foot in this majestic place, but for others, this was going to be their last year in this place.

Like before, a sharp ringing sound filled Emery’s head as he opened his eyes. However, unlike last time, when he opened his eyes, he did not see the interior of the assembly courtyard nor did he see the inside of the small room. This time, he was in a much larger room.

He calmly looked around the room. While observing carefully, he found there were a few pieces of equipment inside the room. He could also see a long table in the center of the room. There was no window for the blue sky to peek from nor were there green fields on the other side. Instead, there was only a glass door with a large window. Through the transparent glass, he immediately noticed about half a dozen people wearing identical staff uniforms were watching over him from the other side.

It was certainly a different reception. However, before he could think about it any longer, he was distracted by the flash notification from the symbol on his hand.

[Restriction has been lifted.]

Right after the notification popped up, like last time, his whole body shone as white bits of stuff floated upward. He felt his body getting lighter and a strong rush of energy coursed in his body, re-energizing him both physically and mentally.

Afterward, before he wanted to access the symbol on his hand, a screen of light appeared in front of him to read.

[Emery Ambrose]

[19 years old]

[Battle Power: 100]

[Spirit Force: 904]

[Spirit Core of Darkness – Stage 5]

[Spirit Core of Nature – Stage 5]

[Acolyte Rank: 8]

[Bloodline Gene – Fey Wolf]

[Gene Classification – Legendary Bloodline]

[Bloodline Limit: Rank 6]

[Current Rank – Rank 4 – The Fey Shaman]

[Acolyte Status – Elite]

[Apothecary Apprentice – Rank 3]

[Contribution Points 93.120]

This was the most extensive information about himself he had ever seen, and with the half a dozen people in front of him watching his every move, he felt as if he was being closely analyzed.

A moment later, a voice came from among the people outside the window.

“Welcome back, Senior Acolyte. Please wait a moment.”

This was definitely the Magus Academy, but it did not feel as familiar as it should. Seeing their actions made him wonder, why were they treating him differently? Was it because of the war with the elves? 

Unused to the way they were treating him at the moment, he could not help but think about the warning his master Xion gave him again.

Shaking the thought off, Emery walked toward the long table in the center of the room. Although he could already see it from where he was, upon closer inspection, he confirmed the items on the table were indeed a set of the academy’s uniform and a storage ring.

Among the two items, his attention was immediately pulled toward the storage ring. He took the ring and checked it, quickly realizing the ring was his, as he could access its storage.

Inside, he could see the apothecary tools and ingredients he had left in the academy, the sword given by Magus Xion, his bags of 18,515 spirit stones, and also his one last spirit foundation pill.

As Emery wore the academy uniform and storage ring, the door was opened. When he turned to look toward the door, one male and two females in uniforms politely approached him.

“We are here to help every Elite member returning to the academy.”

Without wasting any time, the three staff members started to check his vitals and conditions gently and even asked if there was anything uncomfortable during the recall. It seemed this was the elite treatment Emery never had the chance to experience before.

“We also need to fully analyze your progress in the last three years. Please excuse us, as it is important to get as accurate data as possible.”

He was then led toward one particular machine that looked like a long path. Before he could ask about it, one of the staff members explained he needed to run on it. As he stepped on the path, its surface began moving. After walking for a while, he found the speed of the path’s movement followed the speed he was walking at.

After walking for a few more minutes, a mark came out on the screen in front of him.



Seeing Emery’s eyes on the screen, another one of the staff members briefly explained, “Senior, those numbers signify that you are currently running at 130 meters per second. Please run as fast as you can.”

The staff member’s words made him realize something. He did not know if it was true or not, but he felt this had something to do with being in the elite class. With this in mind, he decided it was best to run at full speed.




320 meters per second was the maximum speed of his 100 points of battle power. He estimated he would be able to run at least twice as fast with his [Immortal Gate] and [Fey Transformation], but he would rather hide his real ability unless he really had to use it.

Next, he was brought to another machine. Although he was a bit curious, he knew the staff member would tell him what he needed to do without him asking, so he stayed silent. As expected, after attaching a few cables connected to the machine to his body, he was asked to punch a certain area of the machine.


Another line of numbers came out from this particular machine.


Seeing the line of numbers on the screen, he decided to try one more time. This time, he punched the area as strongly as he could.



Without waiting for Emery to ask, the same staff member as last time explained, “Senior, those numbers signify that you did a 19,275-kilogram punch. It is 39 times the strength of a normal human.”

Emery did not know about the standards of the elite class, so he was not sure if the score was high enough. He was tempted to use his skills to reach higher scores, but he decided it was probably better to ask if this number was considered high.

“Yes, this is about the average number for all elite-class acolytes,” the third staff member answered.

The staff member’s answer made him cancel his previous decision to use his skill. As long as it was enough for him to be considered belonging to the elite class, it was enough.

When all the required tests were finally done, Emery was told to sit on a chair. From the previous tests, it was clear they would tell him what to do and what it was for sooner or later, so he did not feel any need to ask and patiently complied. However, when he looked at the male staff member, Emery noticed he was holding some kind of injection item. Without a word, he pierced it at the back of his neck.

He felt a painful sting as soon as it pierced him, followed by the feeling of a small piece of metal stuck at the back of his neck. He quickly asked what it was for.

The staff member slightly hesitated when he saw Emery’s questioning expression. In the end, he only vaguely explained, “This is the new protocol for all acolytes. It is for your safety, senior.”

Although Emery had a lot he wanted to ask, he held himself back and chose to observe for the time being. After a while, he noticed the other three that were still behind the window began to discuss with slightly perplexed expressions as if something was out of place.

A few moments later, one of the two female staff members approached him.

“My apology, senior, but there seems to be some kind of confusion with the data, and because of that, we are required to further analyze your body.”

The sentence quickly made Emery anxious. Was there something about him that could potentially be a problem to the academy? Was it the Khaos Energy, or was it something else?

Emery quickly asked, “Is it really necessary?”

The staff member opened her mouth to answer, but before she could say a word, another person walked into the room and from his uniform, the man was a Magus. He came directly toward him and said. 

“Come with me! The headmaster would like to see you.”


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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