Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 630: New Weapons

Chapter 630: New Weapons

Emery, who had been constantly training since day one, wasn’t even given the chance to take a rest, as Magus Silica apparently had prepared another training regime for them. Quickly storing the tier 4 sword in his [Spatial Storage], he and his friends were brought to another room within the building by the combat magus.

The room was located next to the armory where they received the tier 4 weapons. The aspect of this room looked similar to the armory, but this time instead of rows of tier 4 weapons greeting their eyes, they saw many black-colored combat suits hanging around the room.

Emery’s eyes were immediately fixed on the shiny black battle clothes, looking at them in admiration. His trance-like state was broken when Magus Silica said something that surprised the group.

“Each of you will take one. Now, you will be trained while wearing this outfit!”

Emery and the others quickly grabbed a black-colored combat suit of their own. When he touched one of the suits, he was immediately surprised by the information shown by the symbol on his hand.

[Combat Armor X series – tier 3]

[Medium armor]

[Weight: 5.8 kilograms]

[Protective Energy: 100/100]

There were several types of protective armor available in the market. The magical ones could provide considerable enhancement to its user’s speed, strength, or even spirit force. 

However, the most commonly used type of protective armor was those that provided a protection barrier that allowed its wearer to withstand several direct hits and save their lives, before the enhancement’s effect wore off.

The protective armors Emery and friends had at the moment were those Klea bought before the Magus Game last year. However, those were merely the light version tier 2 protective armors. Instead, the ones which were currently presented before their eyes were the upgraded version – what they had couldn’t even be compared to these extraordinary items.

The group knew the price of tier 4 weapons would hover around forty to sixty thousand spirit stones range, which was an astronomical sum for them. The protective armor, on the other hand, were on another level altogether. Although they were a level lower, they would usually cost more than a tier 4 weapon and could go up even more, if it was enhanced items like this one.

Hence, the reason why the group was really hesitant when they were given such suits. After all, the total cost to completely gear all five of them would go as high as two hundred thousand spirit stones.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for them, Magus Silica quickly said something that stopped them from returning the suits to their stands.

“This is the least that you, elite class, must have or you will not even pass the initial stage of the game.”

Even though they were still a bit hesitant, the group understood they really needed this standard of equipment to be able to compete with other elite acolytes, who were certainly supported and sponsored by their respective factions or families.

“Magus Silica, we are really grateful.” Emery said, as he tightened his grasp on the suit. “We will definitely pay back this kindness in the future.”

Magus Silica shook her hand. “As I said before, you are our Lord’s siblings, hence we are basically family. Besides, you all will be needing this for facing the difficulties laid upon your future path.”

Emery nodded readily, his gaze determined. The same could be said for others, whose eyes lit up as their resolve to give their best burned strongly.

The group start wearing the balck suit that covers all over their body with a few padded armor on the shoulder and chest.

When everything was set. They all making their way to the arena, Emery and the others were immediately greeted by the sight of hundred Terra knights, who were ready with similar suits as them, but the ones the other side were using was the lower tier one.

Seeing that the group finally arrived, Magus Silica opened her mouth. “The first Magus Game is all about defending against waves of enemies and surviving as long as you possibly can. Therefore, this time you guys will practice your teamwork to get the best formation and arrangement to hold on as long as possible.”

“Finally some real action!” Thrax shouted in high spirit, startling Emery and Julian who were in front of him.

Emery turned around and looked at his friends. They, on the other hand, all nodded in agreement. They were ready for the challenge.

Magus Silica noticed this and hence she shouted, “You have five minutes to prepare!”

Without further ado, the group quickly made their way to the dedicated spot prepared for them, where a steel pole with a red flag was positioned. 

The objective Magus Silica told them was to stop the Terra knights from successfully snatching the flag. If the other side managed to do so, that meant they failed the training.

Upon hearing that, the five close friends huddled together right away, as they went ahead and chose what strategy they wanted to use.

A while later, the group finally decided their arrangement in this training. Starting with Thrax and Julian at the front acting as the vanguard, while Emery was positioned at the middle of the formation thanks to his versatility. As usual, Klea would be placed at the back together with Chumo, who was tasked to protect her from flank attacks. 

This was the same strategy they had during the last game.

Seeing the group was ready, Magus Silica immediately gestured her hand. “Start the attack!”

As soon as her voice resounded in the air, twenty Terra knights advanced as the first wave. It consisted of two squads, each led by a golden-armored, tier 8 warrior and followed by nine silver-armored, tier 7 warrior Terra Knights.

The two squads immediately launched a frontal attack at the same time. The ground they stepped on rumbled loudly, as they swiftly made their way toward Emery and the others with their weapons brandished.

With Chumo’s [Eye of the Raven], it was confirmed that none of them were acolytes. They were all purely combatants.

Silver warriors [40-50 battle power]

Golden warriors [60-70 battle power]

Welcoming the quickly approaching squads was Thrax, who slammed his right foot on the ground while shouting his battle cry. Immediately after, he used his stage five Immortal Gate and took out his tier 4 weapon.

The moment it was out in the open, Emery and the others except Julian were surprised by Thrax’s new weapon picked by Magus Silica. It was definitely a polearm, but it wasn’t a spear he usually used. 

It was a glaive, a huge one at that. Its pole was 2 meter long and had a 70 centimeter curved blade at the end of it. An intricate pattern was seen all over its surface, while its blade emitted a faint yet intense glow to its immediate surrounding. A streak of vague red lines appeared in the air, as Thrax made a series of moves with the glaive.


With a single sweep of the glaive, Thrax managed to throw three silver warriors and instantly broke the protective barrier of their suits. The three unlucky people were sent flying through the air and fell hard to the ground.

The rest came charging at Thrax, but Julian was ready to intercept them. He proceeded to throw his shield towards them. The shield rapidly flew in the air and hit one of the silver warriors, who didn’t expect him to throw it.

When the shield bounced and went high to the air, Julian jumped to grab it mid-air, while his other hand took out his new tier 4 weapon. A short, one-handed weapon that surprised the others. It was a hammer.

Taking advantage of the momentum the gravity gave him, Julian rapidly descended and smashed the ground with his hammer, sending the half a dozen warriors in front of him in all directions and dropping their knees.

Seeing the opening, Thrax swiftly followed up with another swing of his glaive. Those who didn’t fall because of Julian’s strike tried to stop him, but he didn’t even show an ounce of hesitation as he continued his swing.

As his glaive successfully struck three more people and sent them away from the arena, several flying arrows suddenly appeared and hit those who were trying to stop Thrax. It was Chumo, who acted as a support and sent a volley of arrows.

Within just a few seconds, ten people had fallen to the ground and lost their protection barrier, deeming them disqualified from the battle.

Seeing that only 10 were left, Magus Silica swiftly made a gesture. As a result, thirty more Terra knights made their move and advanced towards Emery’s group. The situation turned to five against a whole company, with one of the captains leading the other side – a tier 9 saint level figure.


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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