Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 644: Level Four

Chapter 644: Level Four

[Level 4 – Monsters Horde]

[Beings raised by the enemy to become a powerhouse on the battlefield. Each of these monsters is able to break the human army lines and kill our strongest fighter]

Emery and his friends’ expressions turned worried. It seemed they would no longer be fighting orcs. They did not like how the enemy sounded at all.

Following the information, the bridge shook, as a massive force came from the gate. Debris started to rain down the void beneath the bridge, as if it was going to collapse.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Each footstep brought forth tremors to the stone bridge. The five of them stared in bewilderment as a massive, two-legged creature as big as the ogre walked out. The creature’s skin was made fully covered with stone, and spikes jutted out from its back and face.

[Stone Troll – Battle power 130]

[Wyvern – battle power 130]

The wyverns let out a loud, ear-shattering shriek in the air as they flew higher and higher, before swooping down from the sky as a dozen or so stone trolls came pouring from the gates.

Even without Chumo’s special eye skill, the group was able to ascertain the number of enemies. A total of 20 trolls from each gate and 10 wyverns soaring in the skies.

The numbers seemed much, much lower compared to the last levels, but from the aura of power radiating from them alone, they knew that numbers would be the last thing they should to be concerned about.

Chumo quickly activated his special Eye of Raven ability and relayed to everyone that the troll skin’s defensive power was off the charts. While the wyverns’ specialty was their speed.

However, before he could finish telling another of the wyvern’s weakness, the creature swooped down from the sky, opened its maw and breathed out a stream of melting fire.

“Watch out!!”

Klea waved her staff, quickly casting a water barrier spell large enough to block the fire spits, but the wyvern did not stop charging at them with its large talons as its weapons.

Emery quickly cast [Shadow Root], causing black-stained vines to sprout out from the bridge to block its advance. However, before he had the chance to recover, three more wyverns came swooping down from the other sides, prompting Julian and Thrax to parry their attack.

Fortunately, the stone trolls moved slowly and had not reached the center yet. Still, the group was already overwhelmed.

Using the time afforded by his friends, Chumo quickly placed back his tier 3 bow and took out the weapons he had been saving from the first, his tier 4 bow he got from the Terra armory.

[Mighty Longbow – tier 4]

[Length 1.9 meters, weight 31 kilograms]

[Skill – Power Shot]

The bow was huge and heavy, even taller than Chumo himself, he had to use a makeshift platform to help him take aim. The bow came with a unique set of quivers that Chumo quickly placed on his back.

The shape of the arrows was also certainly uncommon. Although it did have the overall structure of an arrow, the head and its length looked more like a javelin,

Chumo pulled out one of the arrows and placed it onto the bow. As Emery fought his hardest to repel the attacking creatures, he could see his Asian friend gritting his teeth to use all his strength, alongside the boost with his battle arts before pulling on the bowstring.

[Piercing Shot]

The arrow glowed with power, as Chumo pulled and released, it quickly flew across the sky and pierced one of the closest wyverns. The gray monster was pushed a few meters away before it slowly flew weirdly and as blood dripped from its body, the wyvern finally fell down toward the abyss.

“One down!!” Chumo shouted with such a happy expression, while the others looked at him, impressed.

But it was not the right time to celebrate. Nine more wyverns were still circling in the sky and the trolls were closing in.

Julain quickly called out to the Egyptian queen. 

“Klea, are you ready to fight?”

“Another cyclone spell? Yes! I probably can do it one more time. I just need a few minutes!”

Although a cyclone would have its uses, that was not what the Roman had in mind. Currently, the enemies covered the sky, he needed Klea to use her other special skill.

[Summon Thunder Bird]

A storm cloud came rolling and covered the sky before the lightning bird came down along with a massive thunder. Right as it arrived, Klea jumped up the bird, while Chumo followed suit.

The two would be in charge of fighting the enemies in the sky. Klea would be responsible for defensive spells, while Chumo would hunt the wyverns with his mighty bow.

Julian’s quick thinking worked, all the remaining 9 wyverns threatened by the thunderbird stopped attacking the bridge to focus on those two.

However, there was no time to take a breath as the trolls were already right in front of them.

“Emery!! This time you take the center!!” Julian shouted as he quickly took Emery’s spot.

Julian and Thrax each took one side, while Emery served as a backup in the center position with his spells. 

[Shadow Roots] [Granite Wall] [Shadow Mist]

Emery’s spells appeared on the bridge one by one. Black roots popped out from the surface of the ground, while a pair of walls separated them and forced the creatures to fight either Julian or Thrax one by one. At the same time, black mist seeped out from all corners and orifices, obscuring the sight of those creatures and slowing down their movements.

“Great job Emery!” The Thracian shouted in appreciation.

With newfound energy, Thrax swung his powerful glaive with every single one of his buffs. However, to his surprise, the Thracian’s weapon bounced off the troll’s thick skin. Even with all his power, he was unable to push the stone creature back.

Sensing an opening from Thrax’s bewilderment, the troll unleashed a powerful punch, which Thrax perfectly blocked, but it pushed Thrax back a few steps and made him spit out blood on the bridge.

[Protective barrier 56/100]

“Dammit!! They are very strong!!” The Thracian gritted his teeth and glared at the creature in anger.

A cursory glance revealed the same thing happened to Julian, despite his defensive capabilities. If it weren’t for his tier 4 shield, he would also probably have already collapsed within one hit from the monster. The shield was even a bit dented, undeniable proof of the stone creatures’ strength.

“Arrgh!! This is too crazy!”

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