Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 650: Surrounded

Chapter 650: Surrounded

The figures of five youths could be seen separating in different directions, the sky and four corners of the plains. Their figures flickered across the sea of bloodthirsty creatures, who wanted nothing but to take a bit of their flesh and revel in it.

Alas, it took less than five minutes for the four figures who ran away to be surrounded and being pummeled by hundreds of creatures from all directions. Meanwhile, the one who flew to the sky riding the lightning bird was completely surrounded after being relentlessly chased by two dozen wyverns.

But then, the moment these figures got overwhelmed by murderous creatures and dissected into chunks, they suddenly exploded and turned into smokes, before dissipating completely.

It was at this moment that both the creatures, as well as the spectators, who watched the development on the screen, realized that these figures were nothing but clones made by Chumo’s ability.

Five minutes ago, before the hordes of creatures clashed with the group, both Emery and Chumo worked in tandem and cast the tier 1 darkness spell [Dark Smoke]. Billowing waves of jet-black smoke appeared and shrouded where the group was, completely covering them from onlookers.

While they were in the smoke, Chumo proceeded to create five shadow clones.

In the meantime, Julian cast [Soften Earth] on the ground, creating a crater that was barely enough to fit five of them. The group immediately hid inside it, before Emery went ahead and covered the top with some of his [Granite Wall].

This one little tactic they used was enough to buy them a free five minutes of their total time surviving level five. Not only that, the clones had also attracted the attention of the hundreds of monsters in the immediate surroundings, giving them temporary security and extra time to heal themselves.

After the clones were soon destroyed, the goblins and orcs were immediately in chaos, trying to find where their prey had gone. Unfortunately, this favorable situation for Emery’s group didn’t manage to last long, because there were a few dozen Warchief among the hordes that quickly quelled the chaos and calmed down the restless orcs with their irrefutable command.

It only took the hordes one minute to return to where the group initially was and realize the suspicious-looking ground. Immediately after, they started to strike Emery’s granite wall with their weapons.

Emery and the others naturally were able to hear the commotion happening above them, as the loud consecutive sounds of the wall being struck.

“Alright, guys… Seven minutes is good enough I guess. Let’s go with the second plan.”

As Julian said those words, the ground above them continued to fiercely shake. The trolls and ogres gave their all, as they stomped the granite wall with their feet. The group instantly knew it was time when they saw cracks appear in the granite wall on their side.


All five Earth acolytes came out together from the hole they were hiding in, dashing forward shoulder to shoulder with Klea positioned in the center. They all shot toward the hordes of creatures fully prepared with all their buff turned on.

Their [Immortal Gate] battle technique was pushed to its maximum. The trio’s [9 Sun Divine], [Golden Bell Divine],[9 Moon Divine] were concurrently activated. Emery had also employed his [Fey Transformation – Shaman Form] again.

As for Chumo, he created his six clones with [shadow self] then he put his hands together and executed some secret sign. All of sudden, his six clones multiplied and became twelve identical-looking Chumo. This was the sacred technique he learnt from the masked shadow warrior Bihei on the land east of China.

Chumo’s twelve clones immediately moved and filled out the gaps in between the other four, making sure none of the creatures came close to Klea as they asserted their domain.

Seeing that her friends were ready, The Egyptian Queen quickly brought her magic staff to the air and started preparing her spell once again.

“We must hold on until Klea finishes her spell!”

Spllaaattt!!! Splaattt!!!

Goblins and orcs alike were cut and killed, as they attempted to break through, unable to get past the circular formation the group had set up. Still, even though there were now sixteen of them fighting, there were tens of thousands of enemies surrounding them in all directions. Even now, hundreds of them were attacking at once like tidal waves in the ocean.

Emery’s ability to multi-task was being tested at the moment as he had to cast the [Shadow Root] spell throughout the formation to help scuttle or restrain some creatures while continuing to wield [Weeping Phantom] with swords in both hands.

Spllatts spllaatts

Thrax’s series of swift heavy swings with the glaive that reaped lives like weeds, Julian’s never-ending hammer blows that sent creatures barreling towards each other and onto the ground, while the exquisite stabbing and piercing motions of Chumo’s clones using the dagger decimated many more. The trio was doing their best to hold the line as long as they could.

After five minutes, the storm clouds they had been waiting for finally arrived. Harmless droplets of rain fell from the sky before they turned into a heavy rain with a blast of thunder, striking fright to the creatures below.


The creatures, land and sky alike, were quickly struck by the lightning the storm clouds unleashed. Explosions appeared where lightning struck, annihilating the unlucky ones, while hurling the lucky ones away.

This time, though Klea’s spell had taken effect, the group still couldn’t take cover like before, as they still had to protect her. Chumo clones even had to switch to his archery in order to protect the slowly floating Klea from the wyverns who wanted to stop her. 

The group raised their vigilance to the maximum, because a bolt of lightning might accidentally land where they were. One of the clones even got unlucky and was struck by lightning before turning to dust.

Nevertheless, everyone continued to fight against the sea of ​​monsters as best they could.

[15 minutes had passed]

At the same time the notification appeared, Klea’s trump card of tier 5 combined magic [Cyclone] finally made its second appearance. The storm clouds gathered into one and transformed into a huge whirlwind.

It then started rotating and moving under Klea’s control, killing hundreds of orcs and goblins in its wake every second. The very sight of carnage was unfolding before Emery and the others’ eyes.

Emery could see Klea vomiting blood. It was apparent that the girl had forced herself too much. Even so, she still didn’t stop channeling her extremely destructive and similarly double-edged spells.

“Die, you vile creatures!! DIE!!!”

At this point, Klea was no longer the dignified Queen of Egypt. With her whole body completely engulfed in lightning, she was the living embodiment of the lightning goddess herself.

After the [cyclones] wreak havoc on the surrounding hordes, Klea didn’t stop, and forced herself to continue channeling the [storm haze].

“Klea that is enough! Stop!” shouted Emery from below.

However Emery’s voice only added more determination to the Egyptian queen. 

No! She would not let him look down on her, she would show him her strength!

Once again she forced herself to channel the spell. This time there was even a slight change to the spell. The temperature of the area suddenly dropped and the rain turned to an unrelenting hailstorm.

The new storm clouds this time raining down hundreds of sharp icicles and follow by a cold wind and followed by another tier 5 spell [Blizzards]

The genius Klea didn’t just manage to merge her new ice element with the spell, she even managed to create a new tier 5 spell out of it.

All the spectators stared in awe after witnessing such continuous high level spells that combined wind, thunder, water and ice, killing hundreds of creatures and stopped their advance. 

However the spells only lasted a few minutes before Klea finally stopped abruptly and fell from the sky.


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