Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 676: Priority

Chapter 676: Priority

No grand magus teacher, not even a magus was provided for him on this whole planet.

Come to think of it, it was part of last year's privilege reward to receive a grand magus as a master, just like how Annara became Zenonia's disciple.

If she were to be taken as an example, with a grand magus of Zenonia's caliber as her master, being given a different master at the privileged class would certainly become a problem by itself.

Emery was at a loss for words. 

Didn't that mean he was going to be the only one in the privileged class to not have a grand magus as a master? As they walked out toward the Hyperion base grand lobby, his thought was quickly picked up by Magus Remora.

"Ah, that's right, aren't you that acolyte who didn't get picked by any of the grand magus last year?" As if she just remembered about it, Magus Ramora stopped in her tracks for a brief moment before speaking. The magus did not even try to stifle her laugh the slightest bit as she said those unflattering words.

Her attitude made Emery wonder why this kind of magus was chosen to be a guide, but he did not say anything.

"Haha, my apologies. Actually, there are so many beneficial things for you on this planet that you probably will not even have time to meet your master, even if you have one. Of course, even though you do not, there is no need to worry. As your guide, I can help you with whatever problems you might need help with. Tell me, what do you need?" the magus offered.

Emery gave it a little thought. From the previous information, he knew that he was lacking in spirit control and endurance, hence those two were currently his priority. Not to mention, with his upcoming mission that had a high probability of endangering his life, having a more durable body and increasing his capability to stop spirit attacks were necessary for his survival.

He decided to take her up on her offer and briefly explain his needs, and upon hearing about them, Magus Ramora thought about it for a short while.

"I might not understand your double core or elements, but I know exactly what you need right now," Magus Ramora began speaking with confidence.

For a more durable body, she advised him to check on a certain island on the planet. After that, she also told him about one of the functions of the bracelets distributed to the privileged acolytes.

"For what you need next, you can get them from the store. Fortunately, for privileged acolytes, the function is available as the bracelets are connected to the universe store."

Magus Ramora instructed Emery to access the store function.


[Scrolls] [Consumables] [Artifacts]

"To put it simply, as a privileged acolyte, you are entitled to a VVIP service, which means not only are you entitled to receive discounted prices for the items, but also free delivery service! Isn't that great!?"

She then instructed Emery to access the scrolls section and seek a particular special meditation technique.

"All right, this is one the basic techniques that are compulsory for privileged students to master. Most acolytes from prominent families have been taught this since they were little, but I'm sure you haven't, so mastering this technique will be of great use to you. This practice will help your spiritual core be more relaxed, and trust me, you will thank me later," Magus Ramora explained, assuring Emery of the usefulness of the technique.

Emery currently had more than 100,000 spirit stones and almost 500,000 contribution points, so he was not afraid of browsing the list of items. However, as soon as he saw the prices, his movements halted for a second.

[Soul tempering meditation – Book One – 50,000 contribution points]

[Soul tempering meditation – Book Two – 100,000 contribution points]

[Soul tempering meditation – Book Three – 150,000 contribution points]

Seeing that Emery was a little hesitant, Magus Ramora let out a sigh before trying to convince him more, "You should know that we humans have much weaker soul power compared to our enemy the elves, so this practice will be important for you. Although it won't really be a problem to buy just the first one, I suggest you buy all three of them if you want enough improvement. The difference is quite significant."

As much as he wants to believe the magus words, considering the free delivery, it will be smarter to just buy only the first one right now. 

After all, why wouldn't he use such a convenient privilege?

[Soul Tempering – Book One – 50,000 contribution points]

[20% privilege discount – 40,000 contribution points]

[Buy scroll?]

"Yes!" Emery agreed without hesitation.

[Contribution Points: 454,550]

[Item will be delivered in a few hours.]

When he saw how responsive the system was, he once again realized how different it was being a privileged acolyte. Emery unconsciously slightly furrowed his brows.

Seeing Emery's slightly furrowed brows, Magus Ramora assured him once again, "Don't worry, you will not regret it."

Last but not least, the magus told him about another function of the bracelets; to communicate with other bracelet holders.

"You only need to press one button to call me if you have any questions, and I will find you as soon as possible," Magus Ramora ended her explanation with a satisfied smile.

Now that he had been properly briefed, Emery decided not to waste any time. He expressed his gratitude and bowed to the magus before walking toward the huge balcony. Feeling the wind blow, he took out the orbiter he got from inside his bracelet and hopped onto it.

Emery started flying slowly with the orbiter under his feet and a gas cloud under it. Checking on the location Magus Ramora recommended him to visit, he picked up speed.

It took him about an hour of flying at the fastest speed the orbiter could go before he finally reached his destination. In front of him now was a small flying island about the size of a Briton castle. Even from the distance, he could see a huge construct that was blowing smoke from its top into the air.

As he flew closer to the island, he could see the dome-like structure with multiple pipes on top that each blew up different-colored smokes.

As soon as he arrived, another member of the academy staff welcomed him.

"Welcome to the furnace center, are you here for the body-tempering service?"


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v..e.l, 

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