Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 689: Water Mastery

Chapter 689: Water Mastery


Emery was completely amazed to see water spells could be utilized like this. In fact, he didn't once think of or even imagine such applications, before he watched how Trish skillfully showcased her complete mastery over the water element.

What Trish displayed should be a unique water spell, just like Gerri's signature purple flame. However, this Heavy Water – as she had called it – did seem to have other useful functions, other than just hitting harder, like Gerri's flame did.

Seeing the huge wave of such water threatening to crash into him, while his feet were still stuck onto the ground by the very same water, Emery quickly cast his spell to counteract this attack of hers.

[Granite Wall]

[Shadow Roots]

Both spells took effect at once and worked in tandem to block the incoming wave.

BAM! A loud sound resounded throughout the arena, as the arena ground shook and from it rose a granite wall. Following right after that was the emergence of vine-like roots from the same source. They quickly encroached upon the wall and completely enveloped it with their existence.

It was a defensive measure Emery concocted on the spot – a combination spell between plant and earth element – which should be effective to stop Trish's seemingly unstoppable water spell. 

While Emery placed the majority of his focus on his spells, he also didn't forget to keep his attention on Trish. Thanks to that, he noticed how the girl had become a little more panicked than she should have been. 

He didn't know the reason that elicited such a reaction, but it was something that intrigued him. However, it didn't take long for him to be given some ideas of it, when he noticed what she was doing next.

Unexpectedly, Trish tried hard to steer the huge wave of water away from the wall Emery had created, causing only half of the spell to hit the nature barrier prepared for it. 

In the meantime, Emery was busy with something as well. He used both hands to strike the ground, causing numerous cracks to appear on it and allowing him to get away from the sticky surface that was holding him in place.

The huge wave of water rapidly headed in his direction again, but once again the combination of both spells made her throw the water off course. 

Trish didn't seem calm enough to hide her anxiety. This naturally only made Emery try to find the reason why. At this point, Emery already had an inkling of what was really going on.

Trish once again tried to create more bodies of water, with this moment of chance, Emery took the opportunity to use his Spirit Reading and analyze the entire situation. Moments later, as if inspiration bloomed vigorously in his mind, Emery smiled and exclaimed.

"I see now, so that's why!"

Realizing what was going on and the solution to Trish's troublesome water, Emery immediately went into action. He decided to go on the offensive, however, instead of using the two spells, he cast [Entangled], the normal version of [Shadow Roots] spell of plant element.

Emery didn't waste any more time and quickly channeled spirit energy from his nature core, rapidly creating a dozen of plant roots. In an instant, they rose from the ground, as if they had always been there, and swirled their way towards Trish.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

Sounds of water clashing onto hard surfaces resounded, as the plant roots that were hit by the Heavy Water were quickly blown away by it. But, at the same time, they also managed to absorb most of the water. This of course forced Trish to make more of those Heavy Water bodies. However, from the looks of it, she didn't seem able to make too many of them fast enough.

By this point, Trish realized Emery was aware of one of her abilities' flaws. Even so, she actually smiled at the latter, "Don't think that you've already won!"

After saying that, she took out something that made Emery puzzle for a second – a glass vial filled with a gold-colored liquid. Emery didn't have the time to think what it was because she had opened the vial and thrown the liquid into the bodies of Heavy Water she had created. The water started to give off a shimmering golden glow.

The next instant, Trish did another movement with her body and the glimmering water immediately separated and turned into dozens of tiny droplets. They then flew around the arena, following the gestures her hand made.

Emery was confused about what she was trying to do, but soon he was stunned by what he saw.

The water droplets rushed from under, most of which were able to slip through Emery's roots as they continued their way towards him. The droplets swiftly approached him from all directions, ensuring there was nowhere for him to escape.

As soon as he saw they got dangerously close to him, Emery quickly [Blink] into the air. Even though he didn't know what they were, his gut feeling told him that he definitely didn't want those things to come near him.

Unbeknownst to Emery, while his attention was busy paying attention on the ground, the girl seemed to have predicted that he would jump in the air, as evidenced by how she immediately leapt to the air, after she sent those droplets towards Emery.

Noticing a shadow on his face, Emery looked up and saw how Trish was already pulling her leg back like a drawn bowstring. 

Emery immediately responded by positioning his hands above his head. 


The next thing he knew was a strong impact striking his hands and sending him straight down to the ground.

Emery's body slammed heavily onto the ground, but he knew this wasn't the worst news yet, when he realized the golden droplets were now all around him. It was at this moment that Trish, who was still in the air, snapped her finger.

In an instant, the shimmering droplets shone brightly, before turning into a violent explosion that consumed its surroundings. A deafening sound resounded through the air all at once as the dozens of droplets around Emery exploded.


Under the shocked eyes of the spectators, the part of the arena where Emery was completely destroyed by the explosions. Thick smoke enveloped the area, while the debris that was flung in all directions fell to the ground helplessly.

Trish flew down when most of the smoke had dissipated, there she saw how Emery was lying weakly on the ground. The [Granite Skin] covering his body was badly cracked and peeled off, revealing the bloody skin and flesh beneath.

Seeing his badly injured but still alive state, she couldn't help but comment in awe, "You really have a very strong body. Not many people can withstand the full brunt of my hydrogen chain reaction. In fact, most of them were on the verge of death after they received this."

Alas, her admiration was destined not to stop there, when her eyes caught a glimpse of Emery's body twitching. She wasn't even given the chance to make sure she didn't see wrong, because Emery suddenly stood up. Meanwhile, the wounds on his body began to heal at a speed visible to the eye.

"High regeneration ability as well!" added Trish, observing the healing process.

"You… You are really blessed, Emery Ambrose. Four element affinities and a superior body…" She then suddenly sighed. 

"I find it extremely difficult to compete in privilege class coming from a middle realm, but you… A lower realm… I guess fortune beats talents…"

After saying that Thris suddenly threw up blood. She was shaking when she said

"I really want to fight again, but my spirit pool is now empty. So, I… surrender."

In reality, Emery himself was also taken aback by what his body was capable of. In fact, the explosion was so strong he lost consciousness for a moment there. He was as surprised as her. This monstrous regeneration was something he never had before.

Emery raised his right arm and saw firsthand the deep wound there closing in rapid manner.

'Is this because of the body tempering?' thought Emery, confused.

While Emery was busy contemplating the reason for the abnormal regeneration ability that appeared out of nowhere, the referee announced the result of the match.

"Emery Ambrose wins!" 

[Your Privilege rank increased to 78]

Emery finally made it into the top 80 and achieved the target he set for himself. However, he was not yet satisfied. Not even a bit. The explosion, the blood, the pain. It was all only stirring him, only making him want to fight more. Emery never felt such hunger before.

What is happening to him?! 

The senior staff approached him and asked if he wanted to stop. The question only served to rattle him once again.

He didn't care about the plan anymore, he just wanted to fight

"No, I am not finished.. Send me the next one."

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