Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 708: Truthfully

Chapter 708: Truthfully

Emery looked through the bustling streets of Zodiac City. His eyes swept the surrounding area for a glimpse of her figure. Even though he started to gasp for air from his relentless running, he still continued his search.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

His heart was pounding in his chest, but not from running; at the moment, fear came sneaking into his mind, as he recalled what had just happened.

It was not the fear of death that Emery currently experiencing, it was the fear of losing something.

He still did not know what he should say to her, but he knew he must see her one more time, before going on this mission that could land him in countless unknown dangers.

'Where are you?' was Emery's continuous thought. His eyes continued to move around frantically, hoping for a mere shadow of her back.

Emery used his spirit reading to find her location, but one thing he learned about the girl from all the time she was beside him, was that she had always been good at hiding herself, when she didn't want to be found.

He turned his head and looked at every turn, nook and cranny that he encountered in his search for the dark haired girl, but to no avail.

Unknowingly, the sun was already setting. Therefore, Emery decided to quickly head towards the portal instead. In his mind, he predicted she would be there, because he knew she had to return to the elite class island of the Magus Academy.

However, to his surprise, the place was packed and full of people. Countless were gathered in front of the portal. When Emery arrived in front of it after braving through the sea of people, he realized the reason why there was such an uncommon crowd – no one was allowed to use the portal.

The reason for the ban was a curfew time that had been recently created and put into effect. Apparently, when the portal was open for public use once again, the people of Zodiac City became restless, hence the authority deemed the curfew necessary.

The only way to get off the planet was through the other portals, which were located on the other side of the planet.

"The portal will open again in the morning!" Said the guards standing beside the portal to the crowd of people.

Emery swept his gaze across the crowd, hoping to find the glimpse of the girl. But even after waiting for an hour in front of the portal and the crowd of people had dispersed away, he still couldn't find her. She must have passed through the gate.

All this time, the feeling brewing inside Emery didn't recede. Instead, it grew even stronger – it was sickening. He knew what this feeling was. It was the same feeling he got when he was having a fight with the Lioness Princess the night she discovered his identity.

Emery took a deep, long breath, trying to control his emotion and calm down. In the end, after sighing helplessly into the desolate night, he walked away from the portal. 

He had to prepare for the mission tomorrow morning. He would need enough rest to deal with whatever was waiting for him tomorrow.

His lone steps echoed through the empty streets as he looked for a place, an inn preferably, to stay through the night. Without him realizing it, he found himself arriving back to the place he met her earlier, Dancing Cats Tavern.

Emery was stunned when he saw the figure in front of him.

It was a dark alley, but he knew right away, it was her. The girl he had been looking for was sitting outside the tavern entrance. Her head was lowered, causing her not to notice he had arrived.

Subconsciously, words began to escape from his mouth.

"Klea… you are here… I…"

Emery could see her body tremble slightly hearing his voice. 

Klea lifted her head and showed a stunned look, when she saw him standing in front of her. She slowly got up on her feet, unable to look directly at him. Then her body started to tremble.

Her usual confidence emanating from her was gone, replaced by nervousness. Still, she gathered her courage to look him in the eye.

"I hate myself for coming back here… But my heart told me otherwise… and every time I selfishly follow it…  it seems I only managed to push you away further…"

Klea took a deep breath, before she looked at him again. This time, the confidence had returned to her eyes, but Emery could feel it was different from the usual aloof confidence she exuded to strangers.

It was warm, comforting and full of genuine care. Emery stood there stunned, as Klea said what she came here to say courageously.

"I… I love you, Emery… and I can't imagine living in a world without you. So, please… I beg you… don't go…"

A gentle gust of night breeze blew, while the moon hung high in the sky, showing its luminance to the two people standing in the dark alley.

Hearing the words she uttered, Emery took a step closer to the girl. He looked upon her face. The previous confident look was gone, replaced by nervousness and a hint of expectation. Eventually, he put his hand around the trembling girl and let her head lay on his chest.

At this moment, his memories of her flashes right into his mind.

The first time they met, the time she took him to the Water Institute exposing the clueless him to the marvel of magic. The time when she was drunk and gave him his first kiss. The time they fought together alongside each other. The time she wanted to give herself to him. The time she came to surprise him in Britain. The time they traveled the vast ocean and raveled the wonders of the world and, finally, the date that unfortunately turned to a painful memory for both of them.

This time, Emery knew he should not hesitate. He had been a fool in the past to make her cry. Therefore wouldn't let her cry again

Emery slowly put his hands, that embraced her body, on her shoulders and gently pulled her away. He then looked towards her beautiful pair of brown eyes, as he pulled his courage to say.

"No, Klea… You didn't push me away… It was me. I was the fool, who kept running away from you."

Looking deeply into her eyes, as if he wanted to immerse himself forever into them, Emery say what he feel truthfully. 

"Klea, I love you too…"

The girl showed a stunned look when she heard it. It was unexpected for her. A rosy red immediately blossomed on her cheeks, especially when Emery slowly moved closer to her and kissed her lips.

Sparks flew right at that instant and no words were needed, when their souls met and connected, feeling right at home with each other, as they were supposed to be.

However, the moment was interrupted by the sound of people approaching from the end of the alley. Klea was about to step aside to make way, but Emery grabbed her hand, not letting her go. He then suddenly cast [Spatial Gate] and opened the portal, taking them both to the hill on the outskirts of Zodiac City.

Looking at the girl, who was still somewhat shocked by what had just happened, Emery once again cast his gaze at her and said, "I am sorry… I hope my previous actions were not inappropriate."

The girl shook her head quickly. Her previous trembles were gone along with the bloom of a beautiful smile on her face. 

At the moment, Klea had let go of all her defense as well as inhibitions and just rested her head on Emery's shoulder. They both sat on the hill overlooking Zodiac City, accompanied by the glimmering stars scattered in the sky above them.

It was one of those times when they could enjoy peace, away from everything else and just be happy.

But the peace lasted for just a minute, before the girl once again fell in disbelief, clarity returned to her as she looked at Emery's face and remembered about today's trouble. 

She whispered, "You are still going, aren't you?"

The question once again made Emery give the situation another thought. Many people were counting on him right now. But he knew it wasn't all about the mission itself that could help the wolf's clan, nor was it about the reward that could tremendously help Earth's current problem. 

No, it's mainly about his decision to not back down, to do what was right, to not be afraid in face of danger.

Emery took a glance at her, slowly nodded his head and said, "I promise I will be fine. Believe me, I will return as soon as possible."

Still feeling uneasy, Klea said, "No… it's not good enough…. Tell me your plan."


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v..e.l, 

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