Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 718: Accusation

Chapter 718: Accusation

"Hahaha! What sort of bullshit is this?!" Magus Nimeria shouted once again, cursing the blatant accusation Beatrice threw at them.

Emery, who was still hiding himself with the bracelet's ability and his mental block, was also surprised when he heard this. He finally realized what the main objective of this meeting was. It was a trap prepared to lure the real traitor hidden within the alliance.

If what Beatrice said just now was true, then the traitor would be between the two bloodline Magus, Nimeria or Jigow.

Noticing the look given in their direction, Magus Nimeria scoffed and glared at Beatrice as she spoke, "Huh! We choose to chase you because our main priority is to save the half-blood girl. As for whatever secret goal you just said, let the Magister deal with it."

The explanation Magus Nimeria gave was a plausible answer. But when she saw Magus Leon kept his silence, she exploded into another bout of anger.

"Rrrr.. Seriously?! Are you seriously taking that woman's words! You enforcers dare to accuse me, the Tiger Bloodline, as a traitor?! As for my partner here, he even has a better reputation than me: how dare you! We do not and will never betray the alliance!"

It was evident that Magus Nimeria was fed up by the accusations and the following suspicion directed at her and her colleague. Realizing no one really responded to her words, the anger within her grew exponentially and she roared loudly.

In the next moment, everyone saw her body starting to change. Apparently, she used her transformation ability. Her skin began to turn pale, light blue fur started to emerge all over her body. Her nails and teeth were greatly lengthened and sharpened, turning into sharp claws and fangs.

Magus Nimeria seemed to have a Tiger Bloodline proficient in the ice element. To Emery's complete surprise, he could feel the temperature of the surrounding area starting to drop even from his current location a mile away.

"Wake up, Leon! Now that she was already cornered, she is only trying to buy time and make us fight each other! Don't let them fool you!!"

Magus Nimeria glared at the bunch of Wolf Bloodline as she said those words. She was about to stomp the ground and attack the other party, when Beatrice once again opened her mouth and spoke to Magus Leon.

"I don't ask you to believe my words now. Our objective was only to prove this matter. I am sure my chief is currently giving the real proof to Magister Kadek."

Even though she suggested the idea to just wait until the Magister returned with Chief Beowulf in tow, Beatrice seemed to know it wouldn't happen looking at the expression seen on their faces. Strong gust of wind started to blow and shook the grove of trees in the area, so she beckoned her subordinates and prepared herself for another clash.

Beatrice and her subordinates were ready, but she didn't take the initiative to ring the bell of the second round. Seeing the situation was still in a stalemate, she looked at Magus Leon again and said, "Enforcer! I swear to you! I will not attack or run unless threatened!  I am just asking you to make sure those two people do not go anywhere until the grand magus returns!"

And as it turned out, this was a proposal Magus Leon could accept.

He turned to the transformed half-blood tiger and said, "Magus Nimeria, cease your aggression. I have decided to accept the proposal. If you really have nothing to hide, you shall return to your normal state and wait for the Magister's return."

Alas, the thing Magus Leon received as a reply was a loud roar.


Magus Nimeria, in her tiger form, had taken her stance. Her gait told everyone she was ready to attack at any moment.

"Leon, you fool! She was just trying to buy time! Don't believe her!"

Magus Leon's gaze turned stern. "Magus Nimeria, I repeat: stand down! Or I will take you down by force."

ROAR! "Arrghh! Stupid humans!"

From the brief interactions he had with her, Emery knew Magus Nimeria was a temperamental person. But at this moment, he could see that she tried her best to restrain herself.

Looking at the tense situation, Emery was anxious. A clash between magus was just on a completely different level, especially peak magus figures such as them. Both sides stared at each other in tension, but thankfully no one took the first step.

Because of that, the tense situation gradually receded. Emery was starting to feel relief as it appeared the fight would not break out after all.

It was at that moment a huge figure suddenly appeared behind Magus Leon's colleague, Magus Garnet, and quickly restrained the latter with a surprise attack.


The muscular magus with many scars on his body was immediately restrained by two huge black furry arms. Their eyes immediately shot toward the culprit. Everyone was stunned silly as they did not expect someone to take action at this moment.

It was the other bloodline magus and supposedly one of the 12 Flag Bearers, Magus Jigow, took action and attacked Magus Garnet without warning.

"Magus Jigow!" shouted Magus Leon. "What are you doing?! Stop right this instant!"

Unfortunately, Magus Jigow didn't heed his words. The muscular Magus Garnet was unable to move an inch under the pressure the former exerted. The next instant, the sound of bones cracking was heard in the air, followed by a splatter of blood dying the grassy ground in red as a contest of strength unfolded between them.

Magus Nimeria's reaction to this finally broke all of the confusion.

"Jigow, you fool! We still haven't been found out yet!"

This quickly shocked Magus Leon, as he stared numbly at the female half-blood magus. A second later, the enforcer quickly took out a sword that shone brightly, brandishing it towards Magus Jigow.

"Let him go!"

However, the huge, black fur, bear-form Jigow only spoke a total of five words in a heavy tone "Kill them all, no witnesses." The words were short, simple, succinct and to the point, but the intent behind them was vile.

Right at this moment, Magus Nimeria swiftly darted towards, where Beatrice and her subordinates were and cast a powerful spell

A powerful force was instantly gathered at both of the magus palm.

[Sub Zero – tier 7 ice element]

In an instant, everything within a mile in front of Magus Nimeria turned into a frozen plain: trees, thickets, grasses, stones, nothing was spared.

Fortunately, Beatrice was prepared for Magus Nimeria's action. She had taken out a similarly powerful tier 6 wind spell to mitigate the destruction the latter's spell brought, but unfortunately it wasn't strong enough to block such a powerful spell, making two of her subordinates instantly turned into frozen sculptures and couldn't be saved.

"Brutus!" shouted Beatrice loudly, while keeping her gaze at Magus Nimeria. "Take the girl away! Now!"

Hearing that, Brutus and the other two, who survived the [Sub Zero] spell, immediately dashed and rushed into the woods.

"No one will escape!" Nimeria shouted, as she once again channeled her spell and was ready to kill everyone around.

Emery, who watched everything from a distance, was stunned by the unexpected development. The two who were working together before were now attacking each other with intent to kill. The situation turned into an embodiment of chaos in a matter of seconds, for a second there he felt fortunate he wasn't in the middle of it or he could be one of those crystal statues.

However, now that the mystery unfold, what should Emery do? What could a rank 8 acolyte like him do in a battle where a single spell could kill multiple saint warriors.

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