Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 726: Inactive

Chapter 726: Inactive

"You piece of Duma shit! You are going to die a gruesome death for killing all members of my pack!" Beatrice shouted in anger to Magus Jigow for having decimated everyone except her, which made her the last survivor of the Wind Wolf pack.

Seeing Beatrice was about to charge towards the black goat magus, the enforcer, Magus Leon quickly took action and stopped her. He still wanted to get important information from the latter.

At the moment, Jigow looked a hundred years older than his original appearance. This was due to the fact all his muscles had turned completely dry, writhing like a piece of deadwood, while his body was still restrained by Heorgar's Demon Wolf's innate skill.

Looking at the smile on his face however, it was quite clear the man still found the whole ordeal amusing. From his previous words, he even seemed to believe he still hadn't lost.

"Tell me what you mean by those words," 

When he heard the question, Magus Jigow immediately stopped his laugh and became completely silent. It was apparent the man was unwilling to say anything. However, they could see from his gestures the man really meant what he just said.

"Enforcer, just let me kill this man already!" said Beatrice angrily, once again showing her hatred for the man. 

It was also at this time that the bloodline mage suddenly trembled and squirmed. His facial expression was greatly distorted due to the pain he was in. When he noticed this, Magus Leon immediately shifted his gaze to Magus Jigow.

He saw as one of the demon wolf's tentacles shot forward and stabbed into the black goat magus' chest. A moment later, the tentacle returned to its original place, leaving the now lifeless body of Magus Jigow in a very pathetic state.

In its grasp, Magus Leon could see a pearl-like stone – the spirit soul of Magus Jigow.

"You shouldn't have done that!" Magus Leon complained to Heorgar. A frown appeared on his face.

Heorgar didn't say anything as his body gradually returned to his human appearance. When the transformation was almost done, he quickly grabbed the glowing yellow spirit stone from the tentacle and wordlessly extended his hand towards Magus Leon.

"Enforcer, I believe we are far from safe. We shouldn't waste time on him"

Magus Leon immediately turned silent. In the end, he took the spirit soul and put it in a same jar where the bluish spirit core belonging to Magus Nimeria was kept.

After storing the jar away, Magus Leon turned to Heorgar and said, "Tell me what you know."

However, just as Heorgar was about to start explaining, he turned to Emery and with a strange expression on his face. 

"Is he one of yours?"

Magus Leon turned around and followed where Heorgar was looking. When he saw Emery in his Lanzos' appearance, he shook his head. 

"No, I thought he was one of yours"

Beatrice the wind wolf also turned her body towards Emery, following the debate between the two about which side Emery was from. 

Even though she was somehow able to recognize the exclusive White Wolf Clan mark on him and that Emery had indeed saved her from a dangerous situation, she couldn't really think clearly, she was still conflicted with the death of her entire pack.

At the moment, Emery was hesitating whether he would keep silent or reveal everything. But eventually, he decided now was not the time to worry too much about the punishment he might receive from the academy.

If what Magus Jigow said was true, it meant their situation was still not safe and they couldn't afford to be bogged down by this matter. Hence, he dispelled his [Shapeshifting] ability.

Weirdly enough, when his ability was lifted and he regained his original appearance, Emery watched Magus Leon and Heorgar suddenly said the same words at the same time. 

"He's one of mine."

Magus Leon's answer, which was the most unexpected, made Emery heave a sigh of relief. At first, he thought the man would immediately scold him upon seeing his appearance, but not only did the man not do so, Emery could even swear that the ever-stern enforcer had a faint smile on his face when he removed his disguise and showed his real face.

Now this matter was basically resolved, Heorgar returned to the question and began explaining what he meant by danger. Hearing this, Magus Leon perked his ears intently. He thought there wouldn't be any more danger after the two bloodline magus had been defeated.

Apparently, this had always been the Wolf Bloodline's plan to lure the real traitors through this method. In the plan, Heorgar was assigned to ambush the traitors and clear any possible loose ends. However, in reality, he came late because something unexpected happened.

"The gate portal in the nearest settlement is inactive. So, I was forced to cover the journey from the other side to here by foot."

"What do you mean by inactive?!"

Emery saw Magus Leon's face turn pale upon hearing the information. 

The reason this planet was chosen for the meeting location was because there were several portal gates scattered all over the planet to ensure both sides had a retreat path if anything went wrong.

What Emery didn't know was, it was very unusual for a portal to be inactive. It would need a very strong power for such a thing to happen in a settlement filled with saint level and magus figures. It was simply too hard of a task.

The thing that caused Magus Leon's face to turn pale was the thought that this may not be a coincidence. What if all the other portals were also inactive at the same time. If this was the case, then this matter was something  out of their reach.

"We should hurry and check the other portals. We need to quickly retreat from this planet and report this matter to the Magus Alliance's headquarters."

Beatrice, who had already calmed down, opened her mouth as well. "I believe we should meet up with Chief Beowulf and the grand magus. Then, we can head together to the nearest portal."

Heorgar readily agreed with the suggestion. He turned to Magus Leon and said, "Enforcer, if you wish to return soon, please go ahead. But please leave the spirit souls with us for safekeeping. Otherwise, I have to insist you come with us." 

Beatrice then looked at Emery and asked, "What about Brutus?"

A look of grief appeared on his face as Emery shook his head. Seeing this, the wind wolf turned emotional again.

Emery wanted to ask about the matter of the serpent girl, but he quickly found he didn't know where to start. In the end, he decided to just hang around and collect some information from the ground, because he might be misunderstood as the enemy's spy for asking about her.

Realizing Emery's plan to follow suit, the Demon Wolf Heorgar said, "Young acolyte, I applaud you for your outstanding bravery, but you should head back. You can't help from this point on."

It was Magus Leon who answered in his stead.

"Emery, your spatial magic will be of much use now. Even though I hate to involve a student like you, that was the reason I never agreed for you to join us, but right now, I am asking you to help. Will you help us?"

Emery was smart enough to realize Magus Leon only asked him in courtesy. He was 90% sure Magus Leon really thought all the portals, which would allow them to get back home, had already been deactivated and that the best way for him to survive was to come along with them.

Therefore, he nodded and said, "What do you need, senior? I will do my best."

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