Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 732: Duet

Chapter 732: Duet

The roar of thunder loudly resounded through the air mixing with the waves of scorching heat, while the ground violently trembled, as if it was furious and threatening to swallow everything above.

This was a battle of a scale Emery had never seen throughout his entire existence. The last time he witnessed anything vaguely comparable to this was when the Magus Alliance headquarters was attacked by the elves.

He vividly remembered how he could only last a few seconds, before he was knocked out helplessly. The next thing he knew it was all over.

That memory only served to further strengthen his resolve. This time, he could not afford such things to unfold again.

The two of them, Emery and Silva, kept their distance about fifty meters away from the thick and fire of the battle between the White Fang magus and the three Crescent-Moon elven magus.

Emery placed the majority of his attention focused on finishing the Uruks, who kept coming at him, while utilizing the remaining part to look around, trying to find the best opportunity to join the bigger fight. He looked to the side and saw that the girl was also doing the same thing.

Splaattt! Splatt!

Both of them stood side by side, as they continued to swing their blades to slice the enemies apart, killing any gray-skinned creature, that dared to charge in their direction.

Even with their limited knowledge, it was clear Anna and Beatrice were able to hold the 2 magus elves by themselves. 

However, Emery could see there was one extra magus they could not face one on one. As a result, the battle became much trickier than it should be. In fact, even the saint warriors couldn't do much to help. Out of the 15 saint warriors, three of them had already fallen.

Seeing the two wolf magus' poor condition, Emery thought they were the ones that needed a helping hand the most – in order to tip the odds in their favor.

"We should go and help them!" Emery told Silva, while gesturing towards Beatrice and Anna. Of course, his hands still continued to slash around as he spoke, killing all the orcs that dared to come close.

"Not them, Can't wait to help the females aren't you? Huh! Just follow my lead!"

As they persistently slashed and killed, the horde of Uruk around the two started to thin. With that, the battle between two magus factions became much easier to follow. It was right at this moment that Silva decided to finally tell Emery who they were going to target.

To Emery's shock, it was not the fight between the female wolf magus or the chief Beowolf, instead, the direction she was pointing to was the battle between Heorgar the demon wolf and the Half-Moon magus.

"Are you crazy?!" Emery glanced at the battle, as if refusing to believe what he just saw. "The battle between the strongest two?! Let's just help the wolf warriors, they are dying!"

This time, it was Emery who decided to stop Silva from doing such reckless action. For a moment, her expression shifted into that of irritation, but knowing how important the battle was, she took a deep breath and decided to explain her decision as clearly and concisely as possible.

Unexpectedly, out of all the fights that took place in the middle, Silva thought the worst she and Emery could participate in would exactly be the battle involving saint-level wolf warriors. 

The main reason was because of the warriors could kill their opponent, and the two of them also had limited power, they wouldn't be able to provide that much help to significantly change the situation.

Helping Magus Anna the Mesmer Wolf was also not a good choice. The wolf magus specialized in enchanting the opponents' mind, but the elves were known to possess an extremely formidable spirit defense. Hence, her innate power wouldn't be of much help here.

The chief currently battling two magus could also prove to be tricky. If the magus decided they didn't want to be disturbed, one of them could split off and attack them. If that happened, their situation would go from dangerous to deadly in the blink of an eye.

After sieving through the options and removing those she deemed as either dangerous or insignificant, the fights they could take part of without bearing that much of a risk yet bringing a comparable advantage were the one-on-one fight between Beatrice, the Wind Wolf, against a Crescent-Moon elven magus or Heorgar against the stronger Half-Moon elf Magus. 

Out of those two, Silva believed the latter would be the one that could give the fastest and biggest result that could turn the tide of conflict.

"Do you have a life-saving item?" the girl suddenly asked.

Emery remembered about the emblem given by the Headmaster Delbrand and nodded.

"Good, then, let's go! Follow my lead!

Silva quickly dashed towards the two powerhouse who were fighting. As soon as they arrived, the next words from Silva's mouth only made him bewildered.

"Senior Heorgar, we are here to help!"

The girl knew there wasn't much point to do a sneak attack. There was no hope for them to escape the attention of such a powerful figure. Instead, she bravely announced her intention to distract the Half-Moon elf magus, and ensure they didn't distract Heorgar instead.

The elven magus gave them a quick glance right as they arrived and quickly proceeded to ignore them. It was to be expected, after all, they were just a rank 9 and a rank 8 acolyte respectively. The elf had not even imagined in his delusions that the two would be able to harm him in any way.

Under the shadow, however, Silva flashed a grin. "Perfect."

She led Emery to move closer towards the demon wolf. It was the best place to try to help out in the fight.

Knowing this awkward tranquility would not last and everything could turn from zero to hundred at any moment, Emery decided to use all his power and transform.

[Fey transformation]

[Battle power increased by 10 points]

He still couldn't truly control it and he only had ten minutes at most, before he lost control of this form. But at a time like this, any kind of buff could turn the tide of battle.

The demon wolf glanced at them for a moment, before charging forward to clash with the elf once again. In the meantime, Emery and Silva worked together by throwing some ranged attacks, to distract the elf from a distance.

"Remember, do not – in any case – move closer! Stay within proximity of Senior Heorgar!" The girl told him.

Both of them prepared the spell. From the looks of it, it looked like they would be using a similar spell.

Emery and Silva looked at each other for a moment and nodded in agreement, before they slammed their palms on the ground. The effect was instantaneous. Multiple roots broke through the ground.

[Shadow Root] [Wall of Thorns]

Emery's black, shadowy gleaming tendrils were growing and spreading in unison with the roots Silva made. To his surprise, her roots were colored a pale white, just like her scales.

Both roots were aiming to entangle the magus and restrict their movements. 

As the roots chase the magus, Emery noted with surprise Silva's white thorny roots were not inferior to Emery's shadowy ones. In fact, in some ways, her roots were probably superior.

The two channeled their power together into one spell, they managed to cast the strongest entangled spell, enough to annoy the powerful half-moon magus. 

The elf finally turned his head, glaring at them as he shouted.

"Urrgg! You annoying puny humans!"


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v..e.l, 

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