Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 744 - Hunt

Chapter 744 – Hunt

An 8-meter tall figure with white fur hopped in speed through the jungle. Each step it took created a heavy tremor as it crushed the trees, chasing a target who had been flickering through the jungle.

The more it chased, the angrier it got. Even though it had been chasing with all its might, its prey constantly slipped from its grasp. Instead of catching the prey, it received blade wounds all over its body.


It roared in annoyance. It really wanted to chase after its target to the world's end to crush him, but it ultimately stopped in its tracks.

No matter how angered it was, it knew it would never be able to catch up.

However, as soon as it turned around wanting to go back, the shadowy figure flickered back toward it and landed another deep cut, this time to the back of its knee.


It could no longer contain itself; its anger had reached its peak. With that roar, the creature heavily slammed both of its hands towards the ground repeatedly. The impact caused the ground to shake so much that all the trees in a few miles' radius fell as a result.

Not only that, but this attack also created a distortion in space that prevented the shadowy figure from flickering again, causing him to fall to the ground. Fortunately, the figure managed to quickly regain his balance.

"What kind of skill is that! No wonder it's considered a high-ranking beast!" The fallen figure muttered to himself.

The figure was no other than Emery. While still surprised, he used the symbol on his hand to check the information about the beast in front of him once again.

[Mutated Silverback Ape]

[Magical Beast – Level 90]

[Battle Power – 220]

Emery had been fighting against this beast for more than an hour now. He had cut the ape with his tier 4 sword over two dozen times, yet he was only able to inflict moderate wounds.

He was hoping he would finally be able to bring down the ape after inflicting so many wounds, but the situation in front of him proved him wrong. Not only was the silver ape still standing, but it also still had more than enough energy to perform a unique skill.

Now that he was finally facing the ape, Emery decided to fight using his two swords. With his tier 4 sword in his right hand and tier 3 dark sword in his left, Emery started performing his [Weeping Phantom] and [Dao Divine Swords].

Clank! Clank! Clank!

The upgrade in battle power brought by using both of those swords was not small. Emery managed to land a few more slashes with his two swords, yet although the Silverback Ape seemed to feel pain from them, it did not show any signs of weakening.

Instead, its attacks became faster and fiercer, blowing the already-fallen leaves around away. Moreover, Emery felt the ape was getting used to his attack style. There were moments where it seemed to be able to predict some of his incoming moves, albeit still a little late.

'Time to amp it up"

The next moment, Emery raises his head to the air and howled.

[Fey Transformation].

Silver fur starts growing on his arms and legs, black tattoos on his chest.

The transformation did not just give him an extra boost of battle power, but it also brought the savage in him.

It quickly became a battle of strength, with Emery using less spells and focusing on his close combat ability.

The two furry figures hit each other for dozens more attacks.

Although the silver ape was able to hold out for long, Emery's previous incessant attacks still tired it quite a bit. 

Thanks to that, he was able to piece a final blow with his sword through the silver ape's mouth and took its life in less than 10 minutes of his transformation.

As soon as he won, Emery quickly deactivated his [Fey Transformation] to stop the corruption to start taking control again. 

He was panting and tried to calm himself for a few seconds.

The transformation brought an uncontrollable emotion that actually made it harder to perform his sword skill, but this was actually one main reason for the fight in the first place.

To control the urge from the corruption.

Finally, with the death of the monster, Emery was left with a red spirit stone.

He grabbed the stone with glee. One red spirit stone was worth 10,000 white ones, so his 2 hours of running and fighting were certainly not wasted.

Emery once again looked toward the lifeless ape, while thinking for a bit.

"I guess the girls wouldn't want an ape's meat, would they," he said with a sigh, before casting an earth spell that quickly buried the corpse underground.

Emery then created a circle with his hand. A moment after, a [Spatial Gate] toward the beach where the ship was located was created.

"I'm back."

The moment he arrived, Emery was quickly faced with the two girls fighting each other.

This time, however, Emery just took a seat on a rock and carefully watched as the two fought.

Silva with a sword and Annara with her whip, the two were on par.

The reason Emery did not stop the two was that, currently, they were not actually fighting. Although the two girls seemed serious as they fought each other, they were simply sparring.

It had been two weeks since they were first stranded on this planet. 

To not waste time and to release boredom at the same time, the three of them decided to spar every day.

Previously, it was Silva who first came up with the idea. She initially thought of it to measure Annara's strength and calculate the threat. She also liked to see how much Emery had improved, but to their surprise, the three of them were on a similar level of strength.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Silva's sword skills were fast and decisive, while Annara's whip was unpredictable.

"How do you like that, snake girl? This move can easily stop all your sword techniques!"

Silva did not seem annoyed at Annara's remark. Instead, she gave a wicked smile. In the next moment, she swiftly changed her sword technique. This momentarily caught Annara off-guard, and once again, the two's spar lasted for a few more minutes, before Silva finally managed to land a deep cut on Annara's shoulder.

The red-haired girl was furious. She was about to use her transformation, but this time, Emery quickly stopped them, as they all have agreed not to fight to that extent.

This annoyed Annara, but she still held back.

"Huh! I admit defeat! It's 5 to 6 now, but I will definitely win next time!" The red-haired girl said, while glaring at Silva.

But contrary to her expectation, Silva ignored her and instead glanced toward Emery.

"Your turn now!" The girl said with vigor.

Emery politely rejected, as his body was still aching from today's monster hunt. The ape was actually the third high-ranking monster he hunted today.

Although Silva felt it was a pity, she decided to let him be. No matter how much she wanted to spar with him, she did not want to take advantage of Emery's injuries to gain the upper hand.

When night fell, the three gathered in the stone house Emery built with his earth spells. As soon as they entered the house, Silva began cooking for them all.

Silva could surprisingly cook really well, and although she kept complaining every time she cooked for them, Emery knew the girl actually enjoyed it.

When all three of them finally finished their food, Annara brought up the topic once again.

"Seriously, how long are we going to stay here like this!?"

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