Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 759 - Primal

Chapter 759 – Primal

The sweet aroma wafting from the evenly sliced, pearly white fruit tickled his nose and was nothing short of intoxicating. It's enough to make Emery seemingly lose his grip on common sense and with the loss of his inhibition, swiftly came the deluge of desire. 

Right now, in his eyes, the slices of fruit looked like the most delicious thing in the world.

Luckily, Emery managed to regain his self-control and quickly shook his head. He was still sober enough to be able to recognize he must be under some kind of influence from smelling the aroma.

However, as he tried to resist it, the two girls surprisingly took one slice each and put the mysterious fruit into their mouths. They did the deed so fast Emery didn't even have a chance to stop them from doing so.

Now, there was only one slice left on the table, Emery subconsciously gulped his saliva, as he stared at the remaining slice, unable to resist how tempting the fruit looked. With the added concern of losing the last piece, he succumbed to desire and put the last remaining slice in his mouth.

A few seconds after the fruit disappeared into the stomach of the three youths, the intoxicating aroma followed suit. For a moment, Emery felt a sense of loss and rue.

However, it was quickly replaced by a pleasant, tingling feeling radiating from the center of his body to the tips of his fingers. It made him comfortable, yet restless – a mysterious urge attempting to control him.

For a moment, Emery's eyes turned dire as he realized what was happening. Whatever it was he just ate, it must have started to take hold on him and from the looks of it, the two girls were also suffering from the same ailment.

"What is it that we just ate?"

A thin, shining layer of sweat dampened Silva's body as she asked the question.

Meanwhile, in a contrast from the other two, Annara the red-haired girl seemed to turn twice as excited as before. Her eyes looked empty and widened, while warm breaths escaped from her mouth forming mist in the air. It seemed she had fully let herself succumb to the effects of the fruit.

He couldn't rebuke her nor deny it though, as the sensation was simply too exhilarating to be fought against. It was like they had just eaten the most wonderful and delicious food in the world and it brought them a sense of euphoria. Even their body shivered at each movement, and touches felt like their skin sent sparks connecting them to each other.

Not long afterwards, the symbol on their arms started to glow and a notification appeared in front of their eyes.

[Your battle power has increased.]

Seeing the notification that brought good news for him was certainly a wonderful thing for Emery. It also gave him a little relief. 

After all, a fruit that would grant him strength couldn't possibly be bad for his body isn't it?

But to his complete surprise, another notification quickly followed it.

[Your spirit force has increased.]

An increase of both battle power and spirit force was naturally both a great and welcomed surprise. A smile subconsciously formed on his face the moment he saw the notification. But what Emery didn't expect was that this turned out to be just the beginning.

Notifications seemed to appear every minute, and with each, the sparks tickling and throughout his skin only intensified even more.

Emery felt as if his body was filled with a significant amount of vitality, but with it, the heat rising from the center of his body became too much and he started to burn up.

"What is… this thing…" 

Emery struggled to speak, as he panted in between each word. He started to close his eyes in full concentration. His consciousness started to slip away, overtaken by the heat. His body, however, started to have some unusual urges.

At first, he thought his corruption had started to show up again, but soon he discovered that wasn't the case. As he tried to fight the urges in a losing battle, Emery suddenly felt a touch on his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see a pair of extremely soft arms wrapping both of his shoulders. It was Silva.

"Emery… I… I… can't stop…"


Then to his disbelief, Silva's hands started to crawl and dance all around Emery's overheated body. Before he could react, he felt soft touches on his neck. Shifting his eyes, he was surprised to see that it was her lips.

"S-Silva… w-what…" 

Before Emery could turn his head to look directly at her, he was once again startled by what happened in front of him. 

Not to be outdone, Annara pushed the table aside, before sitting on his lap. With her deft fingers, she started to caress him from the front. The girl even went as far as to bite parts of his body and whispered.

"Let… me get… a piece… just… one" 

Emery had read about such side effects from the apothecary institutes before. An enhancement to emotions, heightened body temperature, and a persistent feeling of arousal. This was definitely an aphrodisiacal side effect.

Which certainly meant trouble.

From the looks of it, it was apparent the two girls had long ago let slip their control. Considering how everything was going, he would end up in much the same state if he couldn't take control of the situation.

Unfortunately, the persistent touches of the two did nothing to help the current situation, as it got harder and harder for him to concentrate. Therefore, first things first, he had to get away!

Emery tried to push the two girls away as firmly yet gently as possible, so as not to hurt them and swiftly forced his raging body to walk away. He has to escape from this place, hoping they would have cooled down by the time he got back.

However, it was futile. The two girls swiftly chased after him, to the point of resorting to tackling him from behind and pinned him down.

For a few moments, he struggled, while the girls holding him down scratched and even bit him. These two girls were both high-rank half-blood acolytes, so he couldn't find a way to push them away without hurting them.

Emery eventually could not muster any more force to resist. His self-control finally snapped. The reins of common sense that held him were lost. He turned into his primal self. 

"Urrggh… you are asking for it!"

His broken control brought a certain change to his psyche, in that he suddenly stopped worrying about hurting the girls. With his full strength, he grabbed the two as tightly as he could, dragged them into the room and threw them onto the bed.

The rough act must have hurt the two girls, but it evidently only made them more excited, as if they were finally able to get his full attention. In fact, they began to act coquettishly wanting for more.

Luckily for them, Emery was ready to give them what they wanted.

With eager movements, he ripped off the two girls' clothes in a rough, almost bestial manner. His action naturally exposed their everything, the pristine skin and tempting curves that the two girls had.

The two girls were pretty in different ways, while Silva looked pale and almost ethereal with her silvery hair and skin, Annara presented a more exotic side of beauty with her crimson fiery hair and slightly darker skin tone compared to Silva. 

They truly couldn't be more different, but both were currently in the same state. Their words died in their mouths, as they could only plea for a sense of relief from Emery with their gaze filled with burning desire. However, Emery didn't move as he only stood there and looked at them.

The two took Emery's silence as hesitation. They only looked at each other for a moment before they started to try winning his favor. 

The two swiftly pounced at Emery, as if he was a treat. One hugged his arm tightly, causing him to feel the pleasant suppleness pressing against him. Meanwhile, another licked his earlobe. Both actions were enough to send shivers of pleasure down his body.

"Me… me…"

"No… me first!"

However, instead of embracing them right there, Emery pushed the two away once again – a gesture that clearly told he was the one in control. 

He then forcefully grabbed one of them and let another watch, as he started pushing his shaft inside of her. Following that was a loud scream and a succession of moans full of ecstasy.

"Ahhh… yes…"

Hours and hours of primal bliss, yet the three of them didn't stop. It was as if they had a massive surplus of energy and their body dictated they had to spend them all.

It wasn't until the second day that fatigue began to seep into their body and they passed out.

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