Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 765 - White Fang Chief

Chapter 765 – White Fang Chief

The place where the Oroboros Clan kept the members of the White Fang Clan might be a prison, but its entire appearance was anything but what the word usually resembled. 

The prison was not a dirty, gloomy, and narrow dungeon-like prison that Emery would find in any of Britain's seven kingdoms.

Except for the fact that there was simply nothing but a flat empty space, it was actually a pretty good place to stay with how clean and spacious the prison was with a ceiling that illuminated through the interior that created a soothing feeling to the place.

Instead of metal bars, the place was surrounded by transparent walls with several rune markings seen on its surface.

As soon as Emery entered the place, he could feel the undulating waves of anti-magic radiating from those walls and knew that he would not be able to use any magic to escape from this place.

With his previously suppressed strength gradually returned to him, it occurred to Emery that the pill given to him earlier must have been a security measure put in place by the Oroboros Clan, in order to keep their captives in check until they reached the prison.

Currently, the Demon Wolf was kneeling right before a white-haired old man that Emery knew very well. The leader of the White Fang Clan, Chief Beowulf.

Other than the chief, the two pack leaders of White Fang, Anna, and Beatrice, were also with the former; along with a dozen other members of White Fang that Emery had seen fighting together and valiantly on Kulturmak Planet.

However, it didn't take long for Emery to realize that the atmosphere of the room was a bit queer. Instead of being happy that they could meet again after going through that uncertain circumstance, everyone's mood was oddly depressing. 

There was definitely something wrong, but he couldn't really put his finger on it.

Moments later, Magus Heorgar and the other wolves suddenly stared at Emery and beckoned him to get closer. As he walked closer, Emery finally realized what had happened, or rather, what had caused this miserable atmosphere.

It was the Chief of White Fang; the mighty Chief Beowulf looked much older than when Emery had last seen him. In fact, the man looked so frail and weak that it become extremely concerning.

Unfortunately, Emery didn't have more chance to ponder about the chief's abnormal condition as the latter gave him a question.

"You are our member who is still in the academy, aren't you?"

Even though Chief Beowulf currently looked as though he was on a deathbed, a certain weight in the words the man spoke was still present and quickly affected Emery. He, after all, was still bonded by the bloodline as a member of the White Fang Clan's packs.

As a result, Emery felt an emotional feeling hearing the chairman's words as if he was talking to a father figure.

"Yes, Chief." Emery nodded. "I am Emery Ambrose, currently in my third year at the academy."

Chief Beowulf looked at Emery with a look of satisfaction and faint smile on his face. "I have heard about you, and your achievements… The one Wolf who enter the privileged class the last few hundred years."

The man laughed boisterously as he said the last sentence before looking back at Emery with fond eyes. "Very good. You've done very well."

Emery was about to respond to the chief's words when all of a sudden, the latter appeared to be dazed for a second and muttered under his breath. "You have much, much better talent than Brutus.. Unfortunately…"

Chief Beowulf stopped his words halfway, seemingly lost in thought and continue

"Hahaha, how I wish I had the time to teach you things, young one." Chief Beowulf let out a long sigh of desolation. "Unfortunately, the White Fang has fallen to such a miserable state."

The words spoken by the chief made the other members of White Fang Clan emotional, even Magus Anna let out tears on her face. 

Although Emery was completely clueless at first as to what was going on, it quickly crossed his mind the possible reason for this situation, that the chief must have been seriously injured or worse.

He was just about to confirm the conjecture he had made when Magus Heorgar said.

"The kid has kept the spirit soul of the bloodline traitors with him."

Hearing this, Emery's reminded that the reason they were all in this situation was because of trying to prove Wolf's innocence.

"Yes, Chief. Their spirit souls are with me," responded Emery with a nod. "Unfortunately, I can't exactly take them out right now."

"Yes, young one. I know and I understand. I hope you will keep it safe, the others here shall also help you keep it safe." 

Emery nodded respectfully at the chief and a small smile crossed Chief Beowulf's lips as he looked at Emery again. A few moments later, he turned to Heorgar and said something that made every member of White Fang Clan bite their lips.

"This is the time, Heorgar; for you to assume the chief position in my stead."

Magus Heorgar, however, threw his gaze away from Chief Beowulf's.

Seeing this, the chief laughed again. "What's wrong, Heorgar? I know that you've been wanting this position for so long. And now, when you are actually stronger than me, you suddenly decide you don't want it anymore?" said the chief with a little chuckle.

The Demon Wolf turned and looked at the chief. He was silent for a while before saying, "Later. We will talk about it after we all get home, Chief."

Seeing the firm look in his rival-slash-brother's eyes, Chief Beowulf smiled. "Sure, if that's your wish. But.." The chief turned and looked at the others sharply. "..I know that I won't be able to get back the way I was, hence our pack is at risk for not having a leader."

"White Fang, hear my order!"

"Yes, Chief!!" All the members of White Fang Clan responded simultaneously.

"All of you will now obey and follow Heorgar as if he were the chief of the clan, and he will take the position of chief in the event of me being incapacitated. Do you all understand?!"

"Yes, Chief!" 

Again, Emery could clearly feel the weight in the orders Chief Beowulf said. It was at this moment that he gleaned and understood more about the intricate bond between those of the bloodlines.

The chief closed his eyes and there was a certain hummed sung by the chief and quietly followed by the pack. It was a gloomy tune but Emery can feel comfort and strength within. It reminded him of the rave he went to last year. Such a brotherhood bond teaches him how to lead his own pack someday.

Afterward, Chief Beowulf retreated and returned to rest, leaving both Emery and Magus Heorgar to catch up with the others.

Emery approached Beatrice as he wanted to know what happened after they separated. The female magus then told the story of how they were barely able to escape from the elves' encirclement and the fact that if it wasn't because Chief Beowulf decided to burned his spirit core to create a very powerful spell that stopped the cruiser ship, they would definitely not be able to escape.

This news reminded Emery of magus Leon who actually did similar things. Thinking about this, Emery asks about the Enforcer who went with them.

Apparently, as soon as they escaped they met an Ouroboros ship and had been locked up ever since that day not knowing about the others. A total of ten weeks has passed waiting for the Serpent Bloodline's decision on their fate.

Emery once again let out the umpteenth sigh he had let out since he left the Magus Academy, as he wondered when he would finally be able to return. However, just a day after Emery and Magus Heorgar joined the other wolves, an Ouroboros magus came and mentioned his name.

"Emery Ambrose, come with me, you have been summoned"

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