Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 773 - The Silver Serpent

Chapter 773 – The Silver Serpent

After Grand Magus Syre walked into the arena, things progressed so fast that even Vizla did not have a chance to chatter his mouth out.

Emery was swiftly led outside of the arena, where he saw another vehicle had been waiting for him. It immediately rose into the sky making its way towards the architecture vaguely visible in the distance.

As they got closer to their destination, Emery saw what would probably be the most grandiose building he saw on this planet. It was definitely the palace where the Serpent Bloodline's royalty resides.

Just moments before they arrived, Vizla who had been silent since Duke Syre's arrival suddenly nudged Emery and opened his mouth. Emery turned with a questioning look on his face.

"I just want to say sorry that I tricked you." Emery saw how Vizla scratched his head with a sheepish look while saying those words. He was about to consider the man's apology when a smirk once again appeared on his face. "But at least we had fun, didn't we?"

"…" The man apparently did not sorry at all.

Oblivious to Emery's opinion of him, Vizla laughed and continued talking. "Hahaha, you really should have seen your face when I said that I was my sister's fiancé back then. It's hilarious, I tell you!"

Emery just kept silent, as he was determined to no longer entertain the man's antics.

Duke Syre, Vizla, and Emery – the three of them immediately got off the vehicle the moment it landed and made its way into the palace. They walked up the grand staircase and arrived at the great hall.

Inside, Emery saw two figures that he immediately recognized. first, a stern-looking man with short dark hair and masculine features, Magus Heorgar; and second, a woman with short brown hair, Enforcer Magus Michela.

As soon as Emery entered the hall, Magus Michela immediately approached him. From her face, Emery clearly saw how she was clearly trying to hold the turbulent emotions within her. 

Emery quickly turn anxious knowing what she wanted to ask about.

"Is it true what I heard?" Magus Michela asked hesitantly. She was asking about the fate of her companions and her captain.

Inwardly sighing, Emery nodded with difficulty. "Yes. It's true, senior. I am sorry."

Magus Michela had a smile on her face, but he could see the emotions threatening to break out of her. The sorrow in her voice couldn't be masked as she told Emery that Magus Garnet also didn't make it.

Magus Laban died under the half-blood goat Magus Jigow, while Magus Jasper died horribly with his head blown off in outer space. Last but not least, Magus Leon also didn't make it as he chose to sacrifice himself for them to escape.

All the members of the five-man magus enforcer team all died, except the one standing in front of him.

Realizing this, Emery could not help but recall what Klea said to him – how this mission would be really dangerous. Taking a deep breath, he thought that he would really have to listen to her more next time if he made it back.

Magus Michela, whose smile was on the verge of crumbling, looked at Emery and said, "At least you are alive, Emery. After all, you are also part of the team."

Hearing that, Emery couldn't help but be silent. Even though what she said was somewhat true, he feared that any words of consolation that came out of his mouth would hurt her even more.

Fortunately, it was at this moment that one of the guards announced the arrival of the Ouroboros Queen, effectively separating them from the heartbreaking conversation.

Magus Michela and Emery smiled at each other before walking to their designated positions in the hall.

Even before the person arrived, the hall was already encompassed with her presence as if she had already arrived. When the queen finally entered with another announcement from the royal aide, formless pressure suddenly manifested and filled the hall.

There, Emery saw a tall woman with very long jet-black hair and very white skin slowly walking in royal attire. Somehow, in his eyes, the queen seemed so massive in size that she quickly overwhelmed him.

It was very clear that the aura the queen was emitting was far more powerful than the grand magus, Duke Syre. As she walked towards her throne and passed the people standing at the side of the hall, everyone including Emery bowed respectfully.

When he raised his head, Emery saw a young woman following just right behind her. 

Dressed in a beautiful royal gown that made her look like a completely different person, he swore he almost could not recognize her. Even now, he still hadn't digested the fact that she was the heiress of the Silver Serpent.

The outfit she currently wore, the different hairstyle she had, and even the demeanor and gestures she displayed; if Emery had not seen her with his own two eyes, he would not have believed that the person who had just walked past was Silva.

Emery can't help to think that the girl appears more beautiful than before.

As she realized that Emery was staring straight at her, Silva quickly turned her head away in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, the queen had sat on her throne and started to stare at everyone who had gathered. Her gaze turned to Magus Heorgar, then moved to Magus Michela. But only when she looked at Emery did she pause.

Her pair of deep pitch-black eyes stared straight at him like an arrow, and Emery couldn't help feeling as though she could see through and read everything about him in that instance.

Hence, one could imagine Emery's shock when the queen said, "Let me take a closer look at you."

He couldn't help but be anxious. After all, there were many prominent figures present in the hall – magus and grand magus alike; why was she attracted to him in the first place?

After a few steps, the queen opened her mouth again.

"I heard you kept something for me. Hand it over."

Emery had been waiting for this question for days, but now that the queen had finally asked for it, he wasn't sure what to say. 

Fortunately, Magus Michela and Heorgar were present. When Emery looked in their direction for some kind of signal of what to do, the two nodded their heads in unison – a sign for him to give it to the queen.

Upon receiving confirmation, he quickly opened his spatial space and took out the silver jar in which the spirit souls of the two half-bloods were kept. Before he could do anything more, the jar abruptly flew from his hand and floated towards Duke Syre.

The queen said to Duke Syre. "You know what to do with it."

The grand magus nodded and left right away.

In response, Emery turned to Magus Heorgar and saw how the magus seemed not willing to inquire about what would happen to the spirit souls.

Emery was hesitant to ask. However, as Magus Leon and Chief Beowulf had put their trust in him, Emery steeled his determination and asked the question.

"Your Majesty, forgive my insolence, but may I know what are you going to do with those spirit souls?"

Unexpectedly, the queen looked at him with a smile. "I am going to return them to Zodiac City, to King Alduin"

Emery was shocked. The two half-bloods were people sent by Zodiac City, so to return them just like that would mean that everything they did was ultimately for nothing. The death of four magus enforcers, the White Fang members, Brutus, and many others; they died in vain.

Unable to accept such a decision, Emery turned emotional when he asked "Please tell me, why did you do that?"

Emery's unexpected burst caught everyone off guard. They were shocked by his brazenness.

On the other hand, the queen was calm. Actually, she looked amused when she said

"Tell me, what do you have in mind? What should we do with it?"

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