Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 776 - Bloodline Gene

Chapter 776 – Bloodline Gene

The room looked very similar to the one Emery had seen in the privileged class facility, but was more spacious and had more equipment in comparison. Currently, Emery was being injected with mini tubes in various parts of his body.

However, instead of laying on the floor, Emery was actually told to stand on a platform. Silva and a few other people in white coats were staring at Emery from behind the glass window in front of him. Meanwhile, Bob and the rest of his colleagues were busy doing various kinds of tests and checks on him.

Not long after, Bob stopped in front of Emery and said, "Alright, we've got all the basik data. Now we will go ahead and test your physique."

He told Emery to be ready for what was about to come. A few moments later, he could feel a strong gravitational force from the platform he was standing on, threatening to pull him down.

"10 times gravity!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone present in the scene, the intensity of the gravitational force Emery experienced increased exponentially, going from 10 times to 50 times normal gravity in a matter of minutes.

During this entire process, Emery was told to turn into his first transformation and then to his next transformation: the shaman form. He was also instructed to cast the various spells he knew during the transformation.

This continued for 10 minutes, the time limit of the shaman form after which the primal urge usually arose Emery was about to resist the urge as usual when Bob told him not to. 

Hearing this instruction, Emery naturally wanted to reject the idea, because the consequences would be dire if he lost his consciousness.

However, Bob seemed to have anticipated this, as he quickly stretched out his hand, showing a vial filled with red liquid lying there.

"We have sukkessfully multiplied your gene suppressor serum, so don't worry and just unleash your strongest potential."

Emery looked at the white-haired girl behind the glass and realized that Silva must have given the last serum to Bob. Still, he couldn't help but wonder about some things.

When did they start to research it, to the point they were able to reproduce it? It should have been three days ago when he arrived on this planet, but if that was the case, the Oroboros Clan's research capability was incredibly advanced.

Either way, knowing there was a safety net for him to land on, Emery no longer showed any hesitation. After all, inwardly, he also would like to repeat what he managed to do during the duel against Vizla, so Emery slowly activated his [Night Wolf Transformation].

The excruciating pain was still there, wrecking through his body. Of course, Emery gave his best to resist it. The silver fur that covered his body gradually changed into pitch-black color; along with it, Emery couldn't hold himself from letting out a howl.

Looking at Emery's battle power rapidly increasing like a spaceship taking off, Bob immediately told his colleagues to increase the gravity pressure. At the same time, he also told Emery to hold on to his consciousness as long as he could.

12 minutes and 20 seconds was the limit before the data finally showed that Emery's consciousness was affected. Immediately after, Bob injected the gene suppressor serum into Emery's body.

A few minutes later, Emery regained his consciousness and was brought to another room.

There, Emery waited for around an hour to calm his spirit core before Bob with Silva came to give the result of the tests he went through earlier.

[Bloodline Gene – Fey Wolf]

[Gene Classification – Legendary Bloodline]

[Bloodline Limit: Rank 6]

[Current Rank – Rank 4 – The Fey Shaman]

[Fey wolf gene essence – 32%]

[Night wolf gene essence – 8%]

Other than the four percent increase in his Night Wolf gene, there was actually nothing unusual about Emery's result.

"I kan see that you have improved since the last time we met. Looks like you also have successfully kreated your own version of gene booster. Do you still have some of it with you?"

Emery nodded and gave Bob the [Fey Gene Booster – Tier 1] that he had painstakingly created using the mix of Caracas Flower's poison, the essence of Gaia and the corrupted liquid. Without the heavenly fruit, this was the best he had specifically brought from Earth so he could continue working on it in the Apothecary institutes. 

After receiving the vial, Bob gave it to one of the white coats and they quickly poured it out of the vial.

Looking at the data of the gene booster, Bob nodded and muttered to himself. "It's what he was looking for, but…" He drawled and asked for the recipes. 

Emery realized what Bob actually was looking for. His mind quickly dove into his spatial space and took out another item. It was [Corrupted Lycanthrope], the liquid Emery had collected from the Three Claw Island.

The group ran a test on the liquid. Bob watched the rows of data that kept appearing, the expression on his face gradually filled with relief.

"What happened, Mr Bob? Is it good news?"

"It is. Fortunately, your Night Wolf gene has many similarities with the Demon Wolf gene. This diskovery will certainly speed up our process."

Waves of questions rolled in his mind, but Emery could safely conclude the group Bob the Frog was part of was the same that helped Magus Heorgar breakthrough and reach his rank 7.

Oblivious to the torrent of questions in Emery's mind, Bob continued to speak. "However, there's also one major difference. The Demon Wolf is what we kall a pure breed. While yours… are a kompletely different kind…"

"What do you mean, Mr Bob?" Emery asked, deeply confused.

"It might be too soon to say, but this thought has been at the bakk of my mind in the last three years since I studied yours. Kan you imagine it? Three years of dedikated search, and I still kan't find an identikal wolf bloodline to yours."

Emery was taken aback by what he had just heard, but then anxiety quickly replaced his surprise. 

"Please explain."

"I believe your bloodline is in a different kategory altogether and is what we kall a mutated one. It's something that was aktually born from a very… I mean, a very powerful being… this is so exkiting!!"

A sound of gulping was heard, but Emery's thoughts were too occupied to care about that. "This… is good… right..?"

"Yes, definitely… but only if we manage to understand what it really is. So, give me some time with it and we will find you when we're done."

Bob turned around and looked like he was ready to start this new project. But then, he suddenly remembered something. "Ah, yes. I almost forgot." 

One of the white coats brought a transparent box and within he saw a familiar item. It was his [Beast Pendant] that was said to be missing.

Mr Bob's words afterward surprised him

"I need your permission to use this item as one of the ingredients."

"An ingredient? This necklace?" The question caught Emery off guard. Never once in his mind did he imagine the [Beast Pendant] would be an ingredient for something.

"Yeah." Bob nodded. "My niece has told me how this thing helps you stop your transformation when it gets out of kontrol. It's kertainly not a koincidence, don't you think?" 

Afterward, Bob showed data explaining that the claw-like item hanging on the pendant was a remnant of a certain powerful wolf creature. The most important thing was that it reacted with his bloodline, he was pretty sure it held the key to the secret of his bloodline.

As if he got a new insight, Emery took out the book given by Klea – the book of Fenrir and its two offsprings the Day and Night Wolf. He then gave it to Bob in the hopes that it would help advance the research.

After skipping through the book, Bob said, "Yes, yes… This will definitely help put some kontext on the matter."

Now that he really wished to start his project, Bob told Emery to leave. It was apparent that the frog man was too excited and couldn't wait to start working on his mutated bloodline.

While making his way out of the place, Silva asked. 

"So what do you want to do while waiting for the result?" asked Silva. "Do you want to go and see around the city?"

Even though interested in such matters, Emery currently was in no mood for it. He really had to continue with his training. It had been almost three months since he had left Magus Academy. He hoped not to get left behind too much by the other, when he returned. He wondered how his friends were doing.

While he missed the important Magus Game because of this mission, it's very important that he would be able to take the mid-year exams, which should be held in two months.

So for that, he shook his head and told his plan to return for more training. The girl nodded as if she had expected his answer. "Alright, I can help you with that."


Author Note

Thank you for your privileged chapter's support. I am very grateful as your support is what keeps the story going.  I hope you are all excited for March chapters as I am. I have prepared some surprises that I really couldn't wait to share. 

Hope for your continuous support and again thank you very much

Dont forget to drop by my discord server ( as I will be answering your question and hearing your thought. This will really help me shape a better story for us all. 

Also if you haven't checked my other novel please do so. I have finally finished connecting it all together and can't wait to finish writing it all down.. Thank you for your patience.

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