Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 785 - Mythical

Chapter 785 – Mythical

"Reinforke it now!! Hurry!!! Reinforke! Aktivate the extra layer!!" Bob the Frog said frantically as the data showed rows of numbers. The instrument detected powerful waves emerging from the figure inside the chamber.

"Uncle Bob, what's going on?" Silva asked, a bit panicked.

Bob turned his head towards Silva for a second, saying there was nothing to worry about. He then immediately turned his gaze back to the control panel in the next second. Sweat could be seen forming on his forehead, telling the onlookers that there was definitely something amiss.

"This number?! Amidst the chaos, Bob's voice was heard again. This time, colored by surprise. Rank 8!! Two levels!! A two-level upgrade!"

At this moment, the half-blood frog's expression was both frightened and excited as his eyes were firmly glued on the panel which kept displaying new rows of data every second. This sight, naturally, made the already anxious Silva even more anxious.

At the same time, a loud sound resounded in the air as the metal chamber was reinforced with another layer of metal. It swiftly covered the transparent glass of the chamber, barring everyone from seeing what was going on inside.

Then, the room emitted freezing cold steam before another layer of metal appeared and covered the room once again, overlaying the previous layer of metal and trapping the freezing steam within.

This was the precaution Bob and the other researchers had prepared for this procedure. This safety measure was a maximum isolation to ensure no leakage of energy that has accumulated in the chamber.

After the second layer of metal finished covering the chamber, Bob finally let out the breath he'd been holding back from the start. He turned to his niece and said, "We've done everything we can. Now, it's all up to him."


Inside the chamber, Emery had lost track of time to the point where he didn't even know how long he had lost control of his body. It may be days, weeks, or even years.

After all the painful suffering he had to endure, at one point Emery was forced to separate his consciousness from his body – just as he did during the body-tempering accident. Otherwise, he would go crazy and completely lose his mind.

He had to stop fighting back and let his body do what it was supposed to. Meanwhile, he needed to calm his tumultuous emotions from going through such terrible pain. Emery really had to thank the second stage of soul tempering, because thanks to it, he found it easier to do this feat.

Emery was actually still able to know what was going on with his body, even though he had temporarily cut off his connection with his physical body which resulted in him losing all five senses.

After the blood cells in Emery's body went through the same process of breaking apart and forming together thousands of times, his original corrupted blood and the booster Bob had made could finally fuse in harmony.

And with that, Emery could feel a faint yet at the same time strong intent entering his consciousness. Before he could do anything about it, he found himself falling back into illusion once again.

His vision began to blur rapidly. Dark spots began to gather in the edges of his vision while the space around him began to darken before darkness eventually completely encompassed everything.

Emery could only watch as, from within the darkness, two wisps of smoke seeping out and starting to gather into two odd indistinct shapes. The shapes gradually solidified before turning into two large wolves.

One was a wolf overwhelmed by emerald green; its long fluttering tail, wide back, and four legs seemingly painted with that color. The metallic brass muscles of its thighs contrasted sharply with the large silvery mane it had, as its glowing emerald eyes darted back and forth.

The other wolf stood on its hind legs and had a wild-looking, pitch-black fur that covered its entire body. Sharp spikes protruded out of his body, while its large razor-sharp claws clenched together. Its similarly glowing electric blue eyes, on the other hand, stared straight ahead.

The dark wolf opened its mouth widely and bit down the next moment, as if trying to swallow everything. The word 'devour' immediately crossed Emery's mind upon seeing this. Meanwhile, the emerald wolf was the embodiment of 'life' capable of constantly feeding its counterpart.

The two of them strangely created a synergy of power, but the situation was far from that as the two were fighting each other chaotically. The space shook whenever the two wolves clashed with each other, leaving Emery frightened even though he knew this was just an illusion.

It was at this moment that a third wolf appeared. A pure white wolf that looked exactly like the living amalgamation of snow with a stroke of gold on its head, bright as a sun. When it arrived, the chaos between the two wolves quickly calmed down. And with that, the three turned into one harmony.

[Your Bloodline went through extreme changes]

[Bloodline limit breakthrough]

From the harmony, came power. And it was as if life itself was being restarted, Emery found his consciousness sucked and forced to return to his body that was currently trying hard to keep it from tearing apart.

[Analyzing gene]

[Calculating ancestor blood essence percentage…]

[32% Fey wolf essence found]

[8% Night wolf essence found]

[Bloodline Mutated]

[Night wolf gene essence percentage decreased to 0%]

[Fey wolf gene essence percentage increased to 40%]

The genes were being combined; the Fey gene, the Night Wolf gene, and the booster which contained the Day Wolf gene. At the last second, before everything became one, there was an illusion of the two wolves – just like the pictures in the book Klea had given.

The night who chases the sun, and the day who chases the moon. The two magically met in the middle of their endeavor, creating a beautiful majestic glow of the twilight.

[Bloodline limit breakthrough]

[Bloodline Gene – Twilight Fey Wolf]

[Gene Classification – Mythical  Bloodline]

[Bloodline limit – Rank 8]

[Your body has gone through major changes]

Finally, this was the result Emery was waiting for. His essence had successfully combined, followed by the two unexpected yet welcomed two-level limit upgrades.

At the moment, as his consciousness returned to the body, Emery never felt so powerful, so unstoppable in life. It was as if he was currently a thousand year old volcano that needed to release everything that had accumulated in that span of time.

The surging waves of power that grew on Emery's body began to build up, until it finally reached the point where it exerted tremendous pressure on the chamber he was in. Without him even touching the surrounding metal, cracks began to appear rapidly. Until finally, he broke free.


The metal layers tore apart and exploded, and Emery was out of the chamber. Afterwards, his body started to form. Just like when he activated his [Night Wolf Transformation] ability, dark fur began to appear on all four of his limbs. However, unlike usual, there was something else going on, stirring inside.

[Your bloodline just went through a condensing process]

[Fey wolf gene essence percentage decreased to 35%]

[Fey wolf gene essence percentage decreased to 30%]

[Fey wolf gene essence percentage decreased to 25%]

The notification made it seem as if something detrimental was happening. In reality, however, Emery felt even stronger with each passing second. The power buried within was being refined to its maximum potential.

[Battle Power increasing exponentially]

[Spirit force increasing exponentially]

[Analyzing genes]

[Fey Wolf Bloodline rank evolved to rank 5]

[Rank 5 – Fey Guardian]

[You have just activated new innate ability]

The best part that Emery discovered was the fact that he was in complete control during the transformation process and when in his transformation form.

The excitement didn't just happen to Emery either. Even though the place had turned into a complete mess, every pair of eyes looking at Emery was smiling and cheering at the success of the procedure.

From behind the reinforced glass, Bob the Frog said, "Kongratulations on your sukkess. Now we will prokeed with konducting the tests!"

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