Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 790 - Gene Booster

Chapter 790 - Gene Booster

"We actually still have a few gene boosters left for you."

This was definitely another great news for Emery. However, he noticed how Bob gave him an awkward smile as he spoke those words, making him turn a little anxious.

One of the white coat assistants brought over a metal tray in which there were 12 small tubes. Each contained a silvery liquid, and Emery knew those were the gene boosters he needed.

With a smile on his face, Bob finally revealed the reason for his awkwardness.

"It will cost you 50.000 spirit stones for each of them."

Emery's eyes bulged slightly when his ears picked up those words. He subconsciously took a step back, reeling in shock upon hearing such an outrageous amount. It almost made him spit out blood.

Before Emery could do or say anything, however, it was surprisingly Silva who reacted strongly.

"What the fu*kk, Uncle Bob?!" She glared at Bob and cursed. "It was the queen's order to reward him with the upgrade! How could you say something like that?!!"

Facing such a harsh remark, Bob defended himself. "But she only ordered the upgrade, which we already did free of kharge. Do you know how many prekious herbs and ingredients were used for what we have done? Let me tell you, it's a lot! If you don't believe me, then ask these people standing behind me!"

In response, Silva quickly shifted her gaze and stared at the researchers standing at the back. As if they had rehearsed it before, all of them without exception immediately averted their eyes from her gaze and hurried over to busy themselves, which of course made Silva annoyed.

Realizing those people were unreliable, Silva turned her eyes to Bob again. "Uncle, if my mother heard this, I'm sure she would say the same thing! So, I ask you to give him every serum that has been made!"

"Niece, please don't make things difficult for us." Bob said calmly. You and I both know this plake is under the direkt kontrol of the patriarkh. In fakt, I'd give all the serum to the boy right now if you kan konfirm that the queen did agree."

The word 'patriarch' seemed to make Silva's firm attitude waver a little. Still, she opened her mouth. "My words are the queen's words!"

Seeing how strongly Silva argued with Bob for his sake certainly made Emery moved. He felt very grateful already for the help and what Silva, Bob and the others had done to him. He couldn't let her help out any more, especially if it ran the risk of ruining their relationship.

Therefore, he quickly took out all the spirit stones he currently had.

Emery had 10 red spirit stones, which were given when he was accepted into the privileged class. He also managed to obtain another 36 from all the hundred high-ranking beasts he killed during his two months stranded on that unnamed planet.

This meant that he currently had 46 spirit stones worth moot 10,000 each, which brought his current net worth to a total of 460,000 spirit stones.

Not willing to owe more from Bob and Silva, Emery quickly interrupted the argument between the two and showed all the red stones to the half-blood frog.

"This is all I have, Mr Bob. They're enough for 9 serum, I think."

Hearing Emery's words, Bob took his eyes off Silva and looked at Emery's hands. His eyes shone when he saw thd glimmering red stones, he was about to accept the stones when Silva once again shot another curse.

However, Emery quickly stopped her by saying, "Stop, Silva. I'm really thankful for your help, but it's okay. Don't worry, I can definitely earn some more in the future.'

The half-blood frog accepted the stones, albeit hesitantly. However, with such a deadly gaze coming from Silva even when Emery said it was fine, he eventually gave 5 stones back to Emery, while giving all 12 serum.

Facing Emery's conflicted look, Bob could only laugh while saying, "Hahaha, how silly of me. I forgot about the family diskount."

Emery glanced at Silva and when he saw the expression on her face, he realized this was the best compromise and that he should say no more. Therefore, he could only sigh inwardly and deeply thank Bob once again.

Afterwards, Emery returned his attention to the silvery liquid. Looking at them, he had no doubt that these serums were specifically prepared and would be the best for his development. Hence, he wanted to consume them right away. Fortunately, Bob and the other researchers were more than happy to help him in this matter. File best way to konsume these serum for maximum efficiency is actually through injection." This information made Emery quite surprised, as the way he had taken a gene booster all this time was through direct consumption.

Bob quickly gave Emery a device. Noticing the confused look on his face, he explained what it was. "It's what you need to inject the gene booster straight to your blood vessels. I kan give you one to keep."

'Now, I will show you how to do it properly. Watch klosely and karefully, so that you kan do it by yourself later: Emery watched intently how Bob meticulously loaded the serum and positioned the sharp tip of the device, before finally injecting it through his skin into his vein.

Within seconds, Emery felt a slight tingling throughout his body. It was as if someone had tickled him with a feather. This sensation was then followed by a warm feeling similar to someone rubbing a warm cloth over his skin.

Then, slowly but surely, the warmth grew. After a few minutes, the heat reached the point where it made Emery's body feel like a makeshift furnace. Every inch of him felt like it was being burned by fire.

[calculating ancestor blood essence percentage...]

[25% Twilight fey wolf essence found]

[Your bloodline just went through a purifying process]

[Genes purified]

[Twilight Fey wolf gene essence percentage increased to 26%]

[Battle power increased]

[Spirit force increased]

[Battle Power 175 (178)]

[Spirit force 996 (998)]

At first glance, a two-point increase doesn't seem like much. However, at the level Emery was at, every point of increase meant a lot. Moreover, one serum could actually help him advance one percent where previously it took several to do the same.

Emery was excited and was about to inject another when Bob hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't. I know you're happy with the results, but it's aktually better to give it one day, before you take another for maximum effekt."

Hearing that, Emery quickly put down the device he picked up excitedly. Advice from an expert in the field was definitely something that should be heeded.

Hence, he stored the remaining 11 serum inside his spatial space. Then afterwards, Emery suddenly thought of something.

"Mr. Bob, when I have more spirit stones with me, can I buy more of this serum from you?"

There was no way he would let go of this amazing gene booster after tasting its effect once. Hence the reason for his question.

Unfortunately, the answer he got was a shake of the other party's head.

Apparently, even if he wanted to make more of it, Bob just did not have enough materials. Furthermore, Emery's serum was a particular case, where one of the main ingredients was actually the Day Wolf genes that came from the (Beast Pendant).

So in conclusion, if Emery really wanted to have more serum, what he had to do first was to find more of the Day Wolf genes.

Realizing this, Emery took a deep sigh, as he knew it wouldn't be an easy task to accomplish. Right now, he realized his aspiration to reach the maximum rank of his bloodline was still far away.

Emery still had a question he wanted to ask, but he was hesitating whether he should ask it or not. In the end, seeing that Bob was about to leave, he braced himself and threw the question out of his mouth.

"If that's the case, Mr. Bob, I wonder if you can give me the recipe for it." Remembering the last time, Emery quickly added, "Of course, I will prepare the necessary spirit stones for it."

Emery was surprised when he saw the talkative Mr. Bob suddenly turned quiet. The man just stood there, staring at him in silence. It was as if someone had sewn his mouth shut...

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