Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 796 - Alfa

Chapter 796 - Alfa

The known universe is so vast that a single planet is like a speck of dust on a desert plain.

A total of 9 realms, three of them ruled by the humans, three other by the elves, while the remaining was considered the neutral realm. The latter consisted of thousands of diverse lifeforms and species; neither humans nor elves.

And right now, what Emery saw through the window was the embodiment of that neutral realm.

Alfa, commonly known as City of Thousands Planets.

It was a massive flying station that floated in outer space. It was so massive that it had become the biggest and the most advanced city in the neutral realm's space. However, its appearance was far from the norm, to say the least.

From a far the place appears to be where all sorts of things gathered together without any rules, but as soon as the Ouroboros ship gets closer to it, Emery starts seeing the artistry of the construct.

Emery expressed this opinion to Silva and apparently, the girl said that Alfa didn't always look like this at the start.

In fact, its massive and irregular appearance was the result of the continuous growth that the flying station underwent every year, as it passed through the galaxy and subsequently became a permanent residence of various races.

It had traveled for more than 10,000 years throughout the universe, with a current population of 30 million which consisted of around 3000 species and lifeforms from all over the universe.

There were over 5,000 languages spoken, not counting the various computer languages. All came from the various forms of life that inhabit it have been integrated with each other. Making Alfa a giant treasure trove of myriad knowledge and culture,

Alfa is an extraordinary city that is divided into four main regions with their own characteristics. The first region known as Quatic is a submerged quarter of the city that lies under the flying station, which allowed it to be the home to 800 species and lifeforms that live in various types of liquid.

The other region, known as Caelum, is gaseous lands mostly dominated by a species called Azon, an arm-length race with heads bigger than their bodies. This region was well-known for its picturesque scenery.

The third region of the city is Ligentia, which is inhabited by a large colony called Oolite. They were born from the consciousness of a machine and the ones who governed the information, technology, finance and banking sector of Alfa.

And the last region, which has the largest area compared to other regions, is known as Urbs. It was located in the pressurized atmosphere, with more than 10 million human populace, a million elves, and the remaining of the various species and lifeforms living together under the Alfa's station rules.

In addition, these numbers did not include the visitors from outside the city that numbered in millions. From this, one could tell how diverse and unique Alfa is as a city.

As the ship flew into the enormous moving structure, Emery was unable to contain his curiosity. He couldn't stop turning his head left and right, which elicited a round of laughter from Silva.

From far behind the ship window, Emery could see what appeared to be landscape stacks in three layers. The upper layer had the sky, the ocean, and its derivatives; the middle layer was crowded bustlings with numerous towering buildings; while the bottom layer was like underground caves but as much crowded as the other two.

As soon as they entered Alfa's airspace, there was immediately a voice transmission delivered to the ship.

[Intruder xb289]

[Authorization to dock in section three]

It was only when the authorization was granted that the ship Emery and Silva finally landed at the landing base along with hundreds of other ships.

"We are here, Emery." Silva said as she stood up from her seat, causing her beautiful dress to flutter in the air. "Let's go."

The two of them swiftly walked out of the ship with the four magus in tow. The other two would remain on board and wait for any backup if needed.

While the four magus hovered around them in vigilance, Emery together with Silva made their way towards a tunnel that was visible in the distance, where there was a chamber filled with dozens of people trying to enter. Around half of them were humans, while the other half had various unique features on them.

A moment later, Emery and Silva saw one of the uniformed people, a humanoid figure with dark blue skin, and four eyes walking towards them.

"Welcome to Alfa, Silva Ouroboros." He said while bowing. "You may enter this way."

Apparently, Silva's status as a royalty still brought her some privileges in Alfa. While many have to be searched and thoroughly investigated to enter, their group was led in through another entrance that immediately brought them to the city.

The entire group was given a bracelet each. It was a device that allowed them to access all three layers of Alfa City; the upper, middle, and lower level. The bracelet also functioned as a tracking device, allowing the relevant department to keep track of their activities as a security measure.

Silva turned to Emery and spoke with a smile on her face. "Do you mind if we start today by having some fun first? I mean, it's been three years since I was last here. Please...?"

Of course, Emery would reject such an offer as he was very curious about the city himself.

They were then given a vehicle similar to the one they had on Planet Ouroboros, only the model was different and much smaller. After entering the vehicle, both Emery and Silva finally started their outing and went to the upper layer.

Their small vehicle flew out of a mountain, and after that, Emery saw what he could only describe as a paradise.

The vast expanse of blue above, white sand stretching as far as the eye can see, rolling waves chasing each other, melodious chirping of birds; it was almost like they were not on a space station at all.

There were hundreds of buildings within a hundred mile radius. Meanwhile, above the ground, thanks to his spirit reading, Emery realized that most of the people here were cultivators.

The majority of them were rank 8 and 9, with a small number possessing a cultivation below and a considerable number with magus level cultivation. He also sensed about a dozen figures emitting auras above the magus figures.

Silva chose a spot for their vehicle to land. It was a modern building situated next to the sandy beach.

Apparently, it was a place to eat.

"I told you before, didn't I? We're going to have lunch." Silva said with a smile when she saw the confused look on Emery's face.

They entered the place and after being seated, Emery was presented with a menu filled with various options. Worried that his choice of dishes would be poor, he decided to ask Silva for a recommendation which she happily accepted.

Thanks to that, the two of them managed to enjoy a pleasant lunch. While chatting about any topic they could bring up, Emery also enjoyed the opportunity to sample different dishes that he had never tasted or imagined before. Simply put, it was a wonderful experience for him.

The good meal, the sound of waves crashing, and the breeze of the wind that flew and fluttered his companion's white hair.

It was such a relaxing, ordinary activity but Emery knew he will never forget this moment.

After they finished their lunch Silva asked "So, where should we head first? Shopping for the clone frame? Spells? Or maybe, some artifacts? They have everything here"

"If that is the case, I wonder if I can find a Day wolf gene in here?"

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