Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 807 - Trade

Chapter 807 - Trade

From all the interactions they had so far, Silva knew for a fact that the old man was definitely more than what he was showing. Hence, when she saw Emery was reluctant to answer the other party's question, she quickly jumped into the conversation.

"Mister, I am sure this is very valuable to you…" She said with a smile. "I think two hundred, no, four hundred thousand will be an appropriat-"

Emery, however, interrupted Silva by holding her shoulder and pulling her back. As the two of them locked eyes with each other, Emery shook his head before breaking the eye contact and turning his eye to the old man again.

"You can have it, Senior. The initial price of fifty thousand is more than enough for it."

Emery had bought the [Twilight Fey Booster] for less than 50,000 spirit stones, so in a way, he had not suffered the slightest loss in terms of monetary value. What's more, seeing how amazing the research the other party was doing made him more than happy to have a chance to be able to contribute to the project.

Moreover, just now, the old man had rendered Emery a tremendous assistance, allowing him to understand the nature element better and deeper. Hence, the reasons for his approval.

"Ahh, thank you, young man." The old man smiled warmly. "But I have also promised you some herbs to trade for the booster. So please, if you find anything that you like or need, ask away and I will give them to you. After all, as you can see here, I have many collections."

Hearing that, Emery turned left and right as his eyes roamed around. "All of them look wonderful, Senior, I really don't know where to start." It will probably take hours for him to analyze these thousands of different plants to finally choose the one he wants.

Then, he fell silent for a second, between the fact that Silva was eager to return soon, and how 50,000 more won't help him get another of the day wolf serum he said

"I'm more than happy to give the booster to you, and upon further thought, you can keep the spirit stone as well."

After saying those words, Emery did a moderate bow to the old man and turned his body around, ready to leave. However, Silva grabbed his arm and pulled him slightly to stop him in his tracks.

"Are you an idiot?! Err, umm, I mean, please use your brain a little, will you?" Silva glared at Emery. "That booster is very valuable for your bloodline advancement. You shouldn't give it away freely like that! At least, you should ask for something in return!"

Seeing Silva suddenly becoming agitated, Emery was reminded that she and her clan had helped a lot in the making of the serum. Hence, it was only natural for her to be angry at his act of giving it away carelessly.

"I'm sorry, Silva, I already gave it to him, I will make it up to you later."

Silva seemed to become even more agitated when she heard Emery's words. She looked like she was about to explode and deliver another round of scolding, but she quickly calmed herself down by taking a deep breath.

Even though Emery knew his current action seemed unresponsible, he really wishes to help the old man's research. So, he could only appease the girl's agitation for the moment.

He turned around and walked towards the exit when, this time, the old man stopped him.

"Young man, please wait a moment."

"Is there anything else, Senior?" Emery asked after turning around.

"Did I just hear that this booster was made specifically and meant for you? Is this true?"

Emery nodded his head. "Yes, Senior. It was made based on my bloodline, actually."

When he heard Emery's reply, the old man suddenly looked elated as if he had found a treasure. "Ah, why didn't you say so earlier?" He picked up the [Twilight Fey Booster] that was on the table and, with a small gesture of his hand, flew it back to Emery.

"This item is certainly very important to you then" The old man then continues his words with much anticipation

"Actually, your blood should be enough for my research… if you are willing it will be much help to me if you can stay here for some time and go through some tests."

When he heard this, Emery reflexively glanced at Silva as he knew that the girl wanted to get back as soon as possible. He stared at the old man and said, "I'm afraid that cannot be done, Senior. Actually, we are really in a hurry to get back."

A look of realization appeared on the old man's face. "Ah, a visitor, aren't you? Yes, yes, I understand your concerns. After all, the longer you are in Alfa, the further you will be from your home."

The old man seemed to contemplate something for a moment before he turned to Emery and smiled. "How about this? If you are willing to stay and help with the research just for a day or two, I will definitely repay you by teaching you some of my skills and expertise. What do you think?"

It was certainly a great offer that made both Emery and Silva startled. To be able to be taught a skill by a grandmaster was definitely a fortune that many only dreamed to achieve. Still, Emery looked towards Silva.

Noticing the gaze, the girl understood and therefore gave him a nod.

"Don't worry. this is a precious opportunity. We can afford to stay a few more days, so you should accept it."

Silva was unexpectedly supportive this time around. It was after all uncommon for a master, even more, a grandmaster to teach their secrets. Nevertheless, Emery didn't waste time and agreed to the offer, which he then quickly jumped into the research and helped the old man.

Before Emery busied himself with the old man, Silva told him that rather than waiting here doing nothing, it will be a better use of her time to prepare other things so that later when Emery's done, they could go straight back to Ouroboros Planet.

Silva also said she will go to the shop and hearing about this Emery gave Silva 200,000 spirit stones to buy one vial of the Day Wolf gene. The two of them then parted ways.

Once she left the dome-like place, Silva immediately went ahead and checked who the old man really was. What she found shocked her.

Just by simply checking the owner of the Spectrum Garden, Silva discovered that the old man was apparently one of the 12 elders of Alfa City and known as The Arbor Master. He was the one who meticulously created the entire ecosystem of the upper level that turned the place into a paradise.

The man, Arbor Master, was apparently never cared much for wealth and only his research, hence why he looked the way he is now.

Realizing that Emery was truly in good hands, Silva was finally convinced and willing to persuade the magus bodyguards to stay a few more days.

This was not exactly how Silva imagined she would spend her last few days with Emery in Alfa City, but the opportunity Emery managed to get was definitely something good for his future nonetheless.

It was actually convenient that Emery was busy doing something else, as Silva also has another plan of her own. When she arrived at the main shop, instead of one she bought all 6 Day Wolf Gene Serum. She knew Emery will not allow her if he was around. Moreover, she also purchased the two swords that caught her fancy, the one she tested with Emery, the black and white swords. Both items took all her savings away but she didnt care.

"Well, he is joining the clan anyway. I'm sure mother will understand."

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