Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 826 - Come with me

Chapter 826 - Come with me

Emery was confused by Silva's sudden action. On the other hand, Annara became very excited, as she immediately stood up and looked like she was immediately ready to run away.

"Follow me." Silva said. Emery eventually decided to follow her.

As she led the two of them through the corridors of the facility, he saw that none of the guards they met tried to stop them. All of them just threw a glance in their direction, saw it was the Ouroboros princess, and went back to doing whatever they were doing before.

However, as soon as they arrived outside the facility, Silva's magus bodyguard saw them and quickly stood in their way. But unexpectedly, Silva was able to quickly talk her way out of the man. The magus was not given the opportunity and time to check, as she had already entered the vehicle.

"Come in, hurry up!"

Seeing the princess was already in the vehicle and seemed to be in a hurry, the magus quickly took a step back and let Emery and Annara walk past him instead of getting himself in trouble.

Silva immediately started the engine and rode it into the sky, away from the facility. It didn't take long for them to finally reach what seemed to be their destination, a field where several spaceships could be seen parked.

When their vehicle closed in, Silva turned to look at Annara, "I'm really sorry that I kept you in prison longer, I planned for us to return to the academy together, unfortunately, things took longer than I thought"

Turning her head to the outside, she continued, "Now go find one you can use and hurry. We don't have that much time."

After nodding her head showing she understood, Annara quickly got out of the vehicle and ran towards one of the spaceships without any hesitation. Silva and Emery also quickly followed behind her.

There was another magus in charge of this place, who immediately came to approach them. However, Silva quickly dismissed his inquiry and sent the man away.

Seeing this, Emery was finally sure Silva released them without permission or anyone knowing. At first, he thought Silva would really bring them to the queen, however, instead she brought them here to escape the planet. This realization immediately caused a wave of anxiety to wash over him.

"Silva, what is going on? What are you doing?"

After the unfortunate things that happened with Gennette, Emery had become much more cautious. He was definitely worried what Silva did would make things worse than it already was and cause many problems for her.

"This is the only way, Emery. You have to leave now."

Emery just stood there, the space between the spaceship whose engines had been ignited in front of the beautiful white-haired girl.

He turned to look at Silva and opened his mouth with a firm look.

"No, I'm not going to run and give you trouble."

Silva's face darkened when she heard that. She was angered by the stupidity Emery was showing. she couldn't help but wonder if he really was that stupid or just simply didn't understand what their situation was.

"You- You moron!" Pointing her finger at him, Silva continued, "You have chosen your world and your friends! What else do you want?! Just go! GO!" Her voice turned into a scream, as she reached the last words.

Seeing her on the verge of crying, Emery let out a long helpless sigh. He knew what Silva had said was true.

He walked up to the girl and said, "Silva, I'm sorry… I promise... I will make it up to you later in the academy."

The girl's expression, however, changed after Emery said that and he realized it. This immediately worried him because he could guess what it meant.

"You… are you not returning to the academy?"

Silva was silent, before eventually shaking her head and turning her face away not wanting to face him.

Emery was about to say more when suddenly, through his Spirit Reading, he could sense several flying vehicles approaching in the distance. They would arrive in a minute or two. He realized their time had run out.

Silva seemed to have realized the situation as he looked a little more panicked. So, she quickly pushed Emery away, "Just go. I will be fine. Go."

For a moment there, Emery had a feeling - as if he would not be able to see her again for a very long time. His body suddenly became heavy. He didn't know what had come into him, but Emery suddenly decided to extend his arm to her and said.

"Silva... Come with me…"

The unexpected sentence instantly stunned the girl, her expression basically said it all, she wanted clarification.

To be clear, Emery proceeded to repeat what he said.

"Come with me… I will take care of you…" Emery gazed deeply into her eyes.

There was a glimpse of a smile from the girl. Those were the exact words she asked and had been waiting for from him. The white-haired girl took his extended hand and quickly jump and put her two arms around him, holding him tightly, as if she didn't want to let go.

She rested her cheek on his chest before she slowly whispered.

"Emery... I wish it was all true… I know that deep down you don't really mean it, but I'm still happy to hear it. I truly am." She then let go of his hand and once again pushed him away. "I can't go with you. Take care of yourself, Emery. Goodbye."

Her hands were trembling, but Silva quickly hid them behind her body as she walked away from him. "Go now, or everything would have been for nothing."

At her words, Emery turned his head around and saw that the spaceship was actually starting to take off. It was clear Annara wasn't planning to wait for him.

Emery glanced at the white-haired girl and, with a heavy heart, finally turned around.

With [Blink], his figure disappeared from where he was and reappeared near the entrance of the spaceship. Before the spaceship completely closed its door, Emery turned to look at her one last time and saw the girl keep her eyes at him until the group of people finally surrounded her.

The spaceship quickly shot up into the sky, leaving streaks of bright colors on the azure expanse and a white-haired girl standing alone on the field.

Emery's heart was still beating fast, as he finally entered and sat down next to the red-haired girl, whose attention was focused on the control panel.

"I really thought you wouldn't come," Annara said calmly. "For a second there, I was convinced you were going to stay with her."

When he heard her words, Emery let out a deep sigh. He couldn't refute her - as for a second there he had also thought the same.

As soon as they left the planet's atmosphere and entered outer space, Annara controlled the spaceship to activate warp speed to escape from any possible chase by the Ouroboros.

It was at this moment Emery suddenly felt there was something in his pocket. He quickly took it out and saw that it was a storage ring. Silva must have sneaked it in when she hugged him earlier.

Emery looked into the ring and found three items. One was a dark-colored sword he was familiar with. It was the tier 5 sword they saw in Alfa Station: the [Savage Blade]. The second item was a plant. A yellow flower given by the plant creature [Flower of Eternity].

However, the third one was a small note folded into a square shape. I was just a one-sentence word.

[A sword to wish you reach number one and a flower to wish for your happiness, until we meet again]



Hours after Emery and Annara's spaceship had gone into hyperspace, a white-haired girl was walking towards the renowned Ouroboros gene facility accompanied by the Serpent Queen herself.

Bob the Frog could be seen a bit anxious by the unannounced visit. However, Silva smiled to calm her uncle's worried heart before saying in a nonchalant tone, "Uncle Bob, my mother is here because she wants to see the project I asked you to do."

"Ah, y-yes... Yes, of kourse." Bob answered with some stutter. "This way, please."

Deep within the gene facility, there was one room that seemed to be specially separated from the rest. Inside, there was a figure of a young man lying in a tube, his appearance was very similar to Emery, next to it were several tanks of blood and dozens of vials filled with golden and silver-colored liquids.

The Serpent Queen entered the room, looked around, checked some data, nodded her head in satisfaction, and said "Are you sure about this daughter?"

Silva just give a nod, turned to the half-blood frog uncle of hers, and said.

"You have all the ingredients you need. Now, I need you to make me an additional clone."

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