Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 847 - Awaken

Chapter 847 - Awaken

The duel was over too fast, just when the two had managed to put on such an amazing fight. It felt like the audience just cheered a moment ago to witness a more gripping duel, yet when the savage acolyte suddenly transformed, he was able to put an end to the battle within seconds.

These made the spectators feel both surprised and disappointed, as their voice of commentating the fight began to be heard filling the arena. Undeniably, some of them would like this fight to last longer to keep them entertained.

"That's too quick!"

"Is he really rank 8? What kind of joke is this!"

"It appears it's true. He is a mythical wolf!"

"That is such a monstrous strength! No wonder he had reached test rank 9."

"I wonder which one is stronger between him or the dragon."

"If it's physical power, I still put my bet on the Titan."

"We have a new genius this year, the top 10 ranks will definitely turn chaotic once again."

Although there were many spectators who were in awe of the fight between Emery and the Demon Nunchaku, among the rowdy and cheering crowd, it appeared there were a few who weren't impressed.

Amidst the crowd of people busy commenting on the duel, there were two figures wearing golden ornaments watching within the seat. A top privilege couple.

"Look Essho, it seems he has advanced once again. If he challenges me, I am not sure I can win against him."

The male looked unamused and it appeared as his mind was not in place, "I have no interest in such a clown, my eyes are only set for the two above me. Don't ask me to come to such a fight anymore, I need to train."

The two siblings were known as the two top Nephilim's acolytes, [Jinkan - Rank 19] [Eesho - Rank 3].

Apart from the couple, who weren't satisfied with the outcome, while watching from the spectator's seat, there were also a few among the crowd who were ecstatic with the result. Two particular figures rushed into the arena as soon as Emery won.

Emery knew the two really well. One was his friend Julian and the other was Roran Harlight. However, as soon as they arrived, they realized Emery had already left.

"Damn why he was in such a hurry!?"

"It would have been the best time to talk about the faction with him."

Unfortunately, Emery had no time to chat. As soon as he finished the fight, he didn't say a word and just cast [Spatial Gate] to return to his spirit cave as swiftly as possible. He didn't even say any word to Annara or his defeated opponent Dyoo.

"32 minutes left! I must hurry."

Emery had to get moving quickly or his herbs would be ruined. Half a dozen Spatial Gates later, he was finally able to sense his stone formation and directly returned to his cave, just right on time before his concoction ruined.

"Huff! That was close!" Emery exclaimed in relief.

Without wasting any time, he quickly got back to his cauldron. There were two other processes he had to complete before he could create his first batch of metamorph potions and quickly test the potency of his creation.

[Metamorph Potion]

[Potency Strength: 72% - Fine Quality]

Despite the fact it was a good first try, Emery was not satisfied with the result, as the [Metamorph Theory] stated that a better potency potion would affect the success rate.

This made Emery decide to find another way to increase the potency rate of the potion. For the next attempt, he used [Fragmentation] to recycle some of the usable ingredients and create more of them.

While he awaited for the new potions, Emery took the time to practice his [Photosynthesis Spell]. He needed it to be perfect before he could use it on the more rare and expensive plants.

He started with the dozen seeds that he brought from Earth. Ome by one, Emery was able to sense the changes taking place within its cell. With much curiosity, he let those "mutated" plants grow inside the cave with the intention to analyze them later.

Now that Emery had become more confident with the spell, he started to use [Photosynthesis] on the three seeds he bought.

[Chizpur Fang upgraded to stage 2]

[Hellebore upgraded to stage 2]

[Dealyius Cap upgraded to stage 2]

The [Photosynthesis] spell worked like [Acell Growth], as the spell channeled into the seeds, causing them to grow into saplings. Even though it looked easy for Emery to cast the spell, among the three plants, the mushroom was very hard to grow.

After he finished taking care of the plants, he moved to focus on the cauldron once again. He attempted to make the potion to see if he could make another one and upgrade its potency. One day after going back and forth between his cauldron and channeling the spell to the rare seeds, he finally managed to create a better quality potion.

[Metamorph Potion]

[Potency Strength: 96% - Excellent Quality]

It only needed a slight improvement to reach the masterpiece quality. He believed it would take hundreds of attempts before he could make one even better than this. However, with no luxury of time or money, this one had to suffice.

Along with it, he also successfully raised two seeds to stage 3: [Chizpur Fang] and [Hellebore]. Nevertheless, the third one was a failure. It seemed like the mushroom that could even grow in space [Dealyus Cap] did not show any changes at all, no matter how hard he tried to cast the spell on it. Emery just had to accept that not everything could be Metamorph.

Besides his [Flora Colossi], now he had 10 seeds available, 5 of the yellow-looking sapling Chizpur Fang and 5 dark red Hellebore.

With much more confidence in casting [Photosynthesis], and an excellent quality potion ready for use, he finally decided to give a try to the most important stage of the Metamorph - the awakening stage.

The recipes stated he still needed one last ingredient to make the Metamorph work, a drop of blood. As a result, Emery cut the tip of his finger and drew a few drops of his blood.

Finally, he approached the first sapling, the rigid yellow [Chizpur Fang], and followed the instructions, similar to how the Arbor master showed it to him. The potion and the blood were given to the sapling before he started to cast [Photosynthesis] on it..

The Arbor Master made it seem easy when he showed it to Emery, yet, it wasn't an easy task at all. Through the spell, Emery could feel the potion liquid and his blood spreading and making changes to the saplings. It was just like a concoction, he had to control the strength of his spirit to flow into the plant not to make a burst and destroy the plant.

After a few moments, Emery felt a gathering of energy within the plant, condensing and turning into pebbles that glowed in the center of it, like the heart.

Finally, a notification appeared in his mind, indicating the attempt to upgrade the sapling was successful.

[Chizpur Fang upgraded to stage 4]

A split second later, Emery could see a faint energy core glowing within it. The yellowish plant in front of him was no longer a sapling, it had turned into a small arm length tree like creature with a rocky yellowish body. As the spell had completed successfully, the [Chizpur Fang] was awakened and open its two pitch-black eyes

Ku… Ku…


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