Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 882 Threats

Chapter 882 Threats

The sun was high above in the sky, busy sharing its brilliance, as the fight between the two bloodlines that just took place in the Arena was finally able to get the audience to feel a rush of excitement. Roars of cheers and shouts resounded through the air, coloring the atmosphere with even more excitement.

The two of them had both displayed extraordinary physical strength that far surpassed their peers and even surpassed that of a magus, and thus the reason they were cheered on vehemently by the audience.

Now that the blood-pumping battle was over, it was only normal for the audience's passion and enthusiasm to subside. However, that was not what happened because the next fight was the more anticipated one.

A duel between the rising star known as the Savage Acolyte and one of the famous proteges of the Human Alliance's top factions.

[Rank 19 Jinkan Nephilim (15)]

Emery was supposed to get 15 minutes of rest after the fight, but his opponent didn't seem to mind that as she already walked into the arena.

She was a beautiful short blonde haired girl who exudes an air of nobility.

The smile on her face was extremely enchanting to those who saw her. However, the intense look in her eyes was enough to intimidate and unnerve any man from approaching her, especially knowing the family she came from - not many people dared to stare her in the eye.

The blonde girl approached Emery in a nonchalant manner, and the latter could feel she was not emitting any fighting intent at all.

"We never officially met… I am Jinkan Nephilim. It's nice to finally meet the one renowned as the Savage Acolyte."

Emery remembered what Lord Izta had suggested to him, that he should not be rash and should be really cautious toward this faction.

It was not just because the girl was higher in rank than the other Nephilims acolytes; but with just one gaze, he instinctively knew that this girl was nothing like Armand. He had to be extra careful with her.

Emery hadn't shown any verbal response, but noticing the gestures his body was displaying, the girl seemed to have realized something and she then opened her mouth again.

"Don't worry, I am actually not here to fight. Instead, let's use these short 15 minutes to get to know each other better."

Emery was actually interested to hear what she had to say, however, once again, the words the girl spoke next took him by surprise.

"First, I am curious… if I do decide to fight… will you dare to defeat me?"

That question definitely had a hidden meaning. But before Emery could answer, the girl continued to speak.

"Well, now that I think about it, you did dare to beat up Armand and the others…" Jinkan smiled as if she remembered something funny. Turning to Emery, she continued, "What about me? Do you really dare to beat up a girl like me?"

From the looks of it, the girl seemed to be the type that liked to play mind games. Instead of directly answering what she wanted to hear, Emery decided to respond with a question.

"Why not? Is it because of your family background?"

"Yes of course." Jinkan replied. "Why? Are you not afraid of my family? Most people are…"

Emery replied "It's just a friendly competition. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Hearing Emery's reply, the smile on Jinkan's face grew even wider as she said, "Hahaha… I think you should.. You really should… especially being a native of Earth 1002."

Emery immediately became anxious when he heard 'Earth 1002'. It's because he knew that name was the name Magus Alliance used to refer to his home planet.

And, the fact she suddenly said it out of nowhere, could only mean one thing. She was threatening him with the safety of his home.

"Hahaha! The look of shock on your face right now is priceless!" Jinkan chuckled and slowly continued.

"No wonder… there was definitely something strange going on between you and my family, and with a little check… hahaha… This is good… this is good.. You really should be afraid of us. After all, we are basically your gods."

Various negative thoughts quickly entered Emery's head while his mind pondered what her purpose was by saying all this. Emery then took a deep breath trying to calm himself down.

He then looked at the blonde girl and said, "What do you want?"

Hearing that, Jinkan smiled again. "How unexpected. You are actually smarter than you look, for a savage from a primitive planet."

Exasperation filled him when Emery heard those words. He couldn't help but think that he was better off fighting 100 Armands at once than tackling this one shrewd girl.

His tone became even more forceful as Emery once again asked "What is it that you want?"

The blonde girl suddenly said in a serious manner

"If… if I want you to admit defeat now, surrender and out of this match… will you do that?"

Despite her joking tone, Emery knew that the girl was trying to mess with his mind. Emery had seen some despicable and low acts, but her action had refreshed his worldview as this was just a new level of low.

Emery subconsciously clenched his fists, but he didn't lash out because he knew it was futile. He took a deep breath, pondered for a few seconds, and then looked at the blonde girl. With a confident tone, he answered.

"No, I wouldn't surrender."

Emery scorned and really hated such a bully who shamelessly used their family power for their own benefit. At the moment he was prepared for any possible consequences.

However, contrary to Emery's expectations, the blonde girl nodded her head and looked amused by his response.

"Very good.. I expect nothing less.."

Jinkan showed an even bigger smile and said, "just making sure that you are prepared for the consequences."

Right after that, before Emery could understand the meaning of her words, the girl raised her hand in the air.

"I admit defeat!"

[Rank 19 - Emery Ambrose (9)]

The audience started to get rowdy because they were confused and disappointed by the unforeseen development. The two people in the arena, however, couldn't care less about their reactions.

Emery looked at the girl in bewilderment, while the girl didn't seem to be done with what she wanted to say.

"I know what you and your little group are trying to do… Well, with your strength, you probably able to win against the two titans. That guy, Arcana, however, is not easy at all."

"My advice is… do not defend and keep going on the offensive, that's all."

After saying those words, she turned around and said, "I expect to see you win, we will talk again after" before leaving the arena in the same nonchalant manner.

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