Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 925 - Improvement

Chapter 925 - Improvement

It was a well-known fact among rank 9 acolytes that every pillar formed in one's foundation would give a great boost to the specific element it was based on.

Now that Emery had formed his darkness and earth pillars, the power of every spell that belonged to the two elements would be significantly strengthened. Especially the ones belonging to both elements, such as [Jade Skin], [Jade Wall], [Ash Blast] and his Rank A spell [Mineralized Warrior].

Thinking that Thrax and Chumo's group might be in danger, Emery quickly summoned a new army of [Mineralized Warriors]. A glint of expectation flashed across his eyes as he examined the dozens of humanoid figures completely made of metals standing before him.

[Mineralized Warrior]

[Battle power - 50(55)]

A ten percent increase might not be much at a glance, but it demonstrated that over time, as his cultivation realm continued to progress, Emery would eventually be able to create more powerful versions of the Mineralized Warrior.

Moreover, not only were these summons much stronger than before, Emery also sensed the cost his Spirit Pool had spent making them had also been greatly reduced.

Like before, he once again created 90 Mineralized Warriors at once. But this time, instead of a third, he could feel that half of his Spirit Pool was not restricted and could still be used. This meant Emery should be able to create 200 Mineralized Warriors before his Spirit Pool was emptied.

He also believed that, with a certain amount of time, he would be able to cast the third type of the Mineralized Warrior as well.

Emery beckoned Chiko and asked the chubby creature to pass on 60 Mineralized Warriors to his two brothers - Thrax and Chumo. Meanwhile, he handed over the last thirty warriors to the two girls.

Realizing his next action would be to tell them to go back and continue their task of clearing the Abyss nests, the Egyptian queen pouted and complained. "Do you not have any other task for me? Those Abyss nests are such a chore to do. Can't I just follow you hunting these hordes?"

"Give those nests to me then!" Arcana interrupted, before Emery could say anything. "I need more points!"

Unfortunately for him, Emery chose to ignore him. He instead approached Klea, shook his head, and explained her tasks were necessary in order for Anas and the rest of his squad to get the points they so needed.

Hearing those words, the Egyptian queen fell silent. It was only a moment later that she took a deep breath and finally nodded her head in understanding.

Moments later, his device received a message from one of the groups he had sent away.

[Commander, I found a group of survivors who refuse to be rescued.]

The message came from Micah's group, who had headed north to the area they were assigned to look for survivors twelve hours ago.

Seeing there was an unexpected situation at Micah's side as well as Klea's request earlier, Emery decided to ask Klea. "How about this ? You can come with me on this one, but promise me you'll return to your task once it's over."

Upon hearing such words, Klea immediately revealed a smile and bobbed her head around.

"You are the best, Emery!"

Annara could also have some time to relax before delving into the Abyss nests once again. As for Arcana, the kid-looking acolyte had no other choice but to follow him.

Now that it was decided the two would not return to their task, for the time being, Emery dispelled the 30 Mineralized Warriors. Then, with [Spatial Gate], the four of them made their way towards Micah's group.

In a matter of minutes - 3 jumps away - they arrived at their destination. However, what Emery found this time was a settlement different from any he had seen until now.

Even though it was still only made of stone, the settlement had better fortifications and defensive structures. It also had a unique, dome-shaped building in the center of the settlement.

But what surprised him the most was that several hundred people with physical strength a few times stronger than normal humans lived in this settlement. There were even some who possessed spirit force as strong as rank 5 and rank 6 acolytes.

This completely different sight seemed bizarre to Emery's eyes, and at the same time made him wonder why?

Emery and the other three actually arrived a few miles away from the settlement. Therefore they clearly saw Micah and his group just standing a hundred meters from the settlement, when suddenly a group of people gathered on the settlement's defensive wall and pointed their weapons at them.

"Get away! We don't need your help! Leave us alone!"

A moment later, one of the people on top of the wall aimed a metal, pipe-like weapon towards Micah and company. The weapon was fired and a metal sphere rapidly flew through the air and exploded upon landing.


Fortunately, for Micah, a wall of ice has been erected in front of the group. If he wasn't prepared with his [Ice Barrier] spell, some of his group would definitely be injured from such an explosion.

"How dare you?!" Micah, who wasn't a patient person to begin with, was furious for the attack. "You lower realm idiots really don't know what's good for you!"

Micah and the others of his group were ready to retaliate, their weapons were drawn, while multicolored lights appeared on the group indicating that spells were ready to cast.

The two sides were about to clash. Seeing the tension and aggression in the air, Emery knew he had to take action immediately.

"Wait! Everyone, don't be hasty!" Using the orbiter, Emery flew and hovered in the sky above the settlement.

However, Micah's powerful display of being able to easily withstand their lethal weapon had created more tension in these people. This naturally led them to believe Emery flying over was some kind of aggression to retaliate against them.

"Shoot him down!" shouted one of the people on top of the wall wearing a formal uniform.

Immediately, several guns were fired at Emery and hundreds of projectiles struck his body rapidly. However, none of them were able to penetrate Emery's [Jade Skin]. They even fired the metal, pipe-like weapon at him, causing a huge explosion to bloom in the sky. Even so, as the smoke subsided, Emery seemed unharmed.

Those people started to panic. They were terrified by what Emery had shown.

Then, Emery saw several high-rank survivors begin to gather on top of the walls. Realizing this as an opportunity to start communicating, Emery shouted.

"Let me speak with your leader. If you still refuse by then, we will leave you alone."

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