Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 556 - Virtual Space

Chapter 556: Virtual Space

Suddenly Xiao Lin felt like he had entered a dream world. He had closed his eyes when the light shone, and when he reopened them he realized he was still in his room, but his surroundings were very dark, and he was also pitch-black outside his window. He could not see any trace of sunlight, nor could he hear anyone else. The entire world was dead silent, and Xiao Lin could not help but suspect if that was hell after he died.

“Hey, you’re already awake? That was fast!” Bell pushed open the door and entered. The girl was still in her white dress, and her feet were still bare. However, Xiao Lin immediately saw something strange; Bell actually had her feet on the floor. Compared to the virtual image before, each step she took felt much more realistic.

“Are you a pedophile?” Noticing Xiao Lin’s gaze, Bell’s smile widened.

Xiao Lin suddenly shivered as he averted his gaze; that artificial lifeform was probably older than anyone in the academy, so it was not appropriate to call her a little girl, even though she looked like one.

“Where is this?” Xiao Lin asked.

“Dawn Academy.” Bell smiled as she held her head high, continuing to say, “This is my world; a virtual Dawn Academy.”

“A virtual world? Like a computer game?” Xiao Lin could not help but think about some FreeWebNovels that he had read before.

“I think you’ve played too many games! I can’t really explain the basic principles to you, but if you’re interested, you can go learn about space. Basically, this is still the academy; we’re still in the same plane, but in a different place.”

“So you have a real body here?” Xiao Lin could not help but voice his confusion.

“Hahaha!” That girl liked to laugh, but most of her time her laughter was that of playful teasing. The laughter gave Xiao Lin a bad feeling, and sure enough, Bell said, “No, I think you’ve got it all wrong. It’s not that I’ve obtained a body... You just lost your body!”

Xiao Lin was shocked, and he hurriedly touched his arms and body; he still felt solid, but he felt like something was off. At Bell’s words, he frantically investigated what was off.

It was his body heat; his skin was completely ice cold and it had no warmth at all. He could not feel a heartbeat from his chest at all; he felt completely like a dead person, but Xiao Lin did not feel that way at all.

“Am I dead?”

“If you want to die, I can do that for you!” Bell rolled her eyes in annoyance, then explained, “This space completely replicates the academy; both of them have their similarities, but the laws here don’t allow living beings to enter. Don’t worry though; I used a special way to temporarily separate your consciousness, so it won’t affect your safety.”

Even though Xiao Lin could not understand the theory behind it, it seemed very cool...

Basically, Xiao Lin was not worried about his safety, since it was in the same space. That meant that he was still under the protection of the resurrection towers, so death was not a threat. Following Bell out of the dormitory, they headed straight to the library.

On the way, Xiao Lin looked around, and just like the girl had said, each blade of grass, each tree and each building all looked exactly like Dawn Academy. It was just that there was no one in the buildings.

Pushing open the library, it was very dark inside. Xiao Lin had to narrow his eyes to look around carefully. The layout inside was the same as usual, but when Xiao Lin took out a book from the shelves, he found something different.

The cover of the book was a little yellowed, and the corners had obvious marks of wear and tear. That had surprised Xiao Lin, because the library had always considered the long-term storage of the books, and had used special magics to protect them. However, he did not know that those protective spells only started to be used in the last few decades.

The book did not have a name. On the title page was a line of words that seemed to be drawn on, ‘Strength is just sacrifice; only by paying a high enough price can we obtain unlimited power!’

“This is a forbidden skill... The author had violated the academy rules that prohibited research into black magic, and even broadcasted it, causing very negative repercussions. The author had his memories removed and was sent back to Earth, and based on our last investigation, I remember that man is still in the psychiatric ward.” Bell appeared behind Xiao Lin and explained all of this to him after looking at the title page.

“Why was he in the psychiatric ward?” After what happened with Wang Dalin, Xiao Lin knew that the academy absolutely prohibited the spread of forbidden techniques.

“I’ve already said it — his memories were completely wiped. That’s to prevent him from potentially regaining any of them. After all, if someone with forbidden magic managed to regain their memories, it would cause tremendous harm to Earth. Only, that kind of removal causes a large scar, and it harms the mind, so he has to stay in the psychiatric ward his whole life.”

Xiao Lin trembled as he hurriedly put the book back onto the shelf, asking, “Since the president has given you a request beforehand, do you know what sort of books I want?”

“That’s right, I do, but isn’t it time for you to fulfil your promise?” Bell fluttered her innocent eyes as she said slyly.

“You really are stingy,” Xiao Lin mumbled before falling silent.

Bell waited for a few minutes in boredom before she vented a few words in frustration, but Xiao Lin did not answer her. Suddenly, Xiao Lin’s eyes widened as veins appeared next to his eyes, as if he was using a lot of force. Xiao Lin panted heavily.

“Hey, hey, what are you doing? I almost forgot to tell you, the laws in this place reject the elements, so if you want to do anything to me, you might not be able to beat me. Oh...” Bell was just playfully mocking him, but midway through, she forcefully swallowed the remainder of her words as her eyes widened. She looked at the third eye on Xiao Lin’s head with a strange expression on her face.

“A Heaven’s Eye, you have a Heaven’s Eye! How could that be?!” Bell asked before Xiao Lin could even speak.

“Isn’t this a Spiritual Eye?” Xiao Lin remembered that Silverlight had told him those eyes were actually called Spiritual Eyes based on what they were called in Atlantis.

“There’s no difference. First, tell me, how did you get a Heaven’s Eye! These eyes should have completely gone extinct tens of thousands of years ago!”

Xiao Lin did not say anything, and Bell was not surprised, so she quickly continued her monologue, “Whatever, it’s fine if you don’t want to tell me. Legends say that Heaven’s Eye had the ability to go back and forth in reincarnation. It’s something almost everyone treats as a myth. Now I understand why you are so certain that time can be rewound!”

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