Eternal Melody

Chapter 799 Red Feather Part 1

If we're together, we can overcome anything.

'Even if I died, I will meet with you again in the next life, and if I am reincarnated before you, I'll wait patiently until you are reincarnated, even if it takes centuries/decades. I will find you again, and if we are reincarnated in completely different places, I'll look all over you until I find you. It seems selfish that only I will remember my memories of my past life, but even if you don't recall it. I'll remind you. For our future together, I'll remind you. Even if you were to choose someone else, I'll still stay by your side and watch over you. That's why Sumire live.'

Yuhi's eyes shot open, and he rose from his futon covered in cold sweat. Their images danced freely in his mind, almost like they were mocking him.

The anger that came from him as he grabbed the bloody katana on the ground beside her to extract vengeance on the man who killed her.

Yuhi tossed the blanket aside and decided to get some fresh air. He slides open his balcony, only to see a full moon surrounded by numerous stars. Summer was kind to the US. It wasn't too hot, nor was it too cold. The temperature would be just right. Sumire would like it here.

She would like this estate Takeyama got them all. It's in a location that isn't too far from the city but private enough that the media wouldn't follow them. This estate reminded him of a past, a distant past.

A young boy raised as the head of his family was thrust into a position of great power and responsibility at a young age.

Memories from the distant past. At first, he had brushed it off as his imagination, yet when Yuhi found a familiar-looking brush amongst his belongings. It hit him straight away. What a pain. His soul can't reincarnate into a more peaceful situation, huh?

Although he had fully regained his memories on the matter, it didn't mean he could start searching for the girl who lingered in his memories. However, he made a promise with that person and even tied their fates together, even though it connected strongly with another person.

He honestly wasn't sure whether or not he should bother with it. After all, this is the present. This is the present, and they are living completely different lives now than back then; however, when he crossed paths with her the first time.

Yuhi saw it the thread that connected them together. ' Ah so it's this girl'. He didn't know what to make out of it when he realized it was her. 𝑏𝘦𝑑𝘯𝑜𝑣𝘦𝑙.𝘤𝘰𝘮

But that smile she showed him that day and that she was not afraid to get close to him. Not being afraid aside, continuing to speak to him and grabbing hold of his hand.

The first time Ibuki Sumire held his hand, he immediately confirmed the memories and the thread he saw. This is the girl. She is the one he has been waiting for. The reason why he is in this world.

Casting a spell in stigma so he could follow her all the way here. The reason why he did it was so he would be able to protect her. Protect her and ensure that the past doesn't repeat itself so that she wouldn't die in the same way.

Not only has he fallen for her again. But the shadow predicting her death still hasn't gone away. However, Mamoru did something to stop it from spreading. It doesn't mean her illness doesn't show up occasionally. Yuhi pulls out a few sheets of paper and a brush as he finds himself sitting down on the window ledge.

He recalled the last time he saw her. She was smiling happily, and yet at night, he would hear her coughing non-stop and the sound of her unusual heartbeat.

Hino had been sending him photos occasionally, and Yuhi would compare it with the video footage of her performances. On stage, she looks fine and filled with life.

But in those pictures Hino takes, he can see how sick she has become.

Why is that? Is it because she's been overworking herself? Yuhi requested a copy of her schedule from Hino, who seemed very reluctant to give it at first. But when he did and saw how packed it was, Yuhi questioned him.

'It's not me, despite what you think. It's her. She accepts every job. She wants to keep herself busy. I am sure you understand why.'

And he did, of course, he did. Sumire is keeping herself busy so she doesn't have to think about him.

In that aspect, she has not changed at all. That loneliness, grief, and suffering she feels. Allow him to take it away. This time around, allow him to take it away. This time don't reject his offer. Back then, he meant it about wanting to take her away. Though she only saw it as a joke.

'Allow me to take you away. Somewhere far away. The air in this place isn't good for you. And the more ties you have with people. The more you connect yourself with them, the stronger your burden becomes. Sumire, come with me.'

She only saw it as a joke, so he ended up saying it was. But perhaps back then, he could have persuaded her somehow. After all, she was already degrading.

Yuhi's thoughts paused in mid-thought then. Was her condition already degrading then? Hold on, but that was when she was in middle school. With an illness like hers, it's not possible to have prolonged it to this degree. How come? As these questions rang through his mind.

"Nightmares again, leader?" A deep voice intruded his thoughts.

Yuhi sighed, seeing Kou standing in the doorway. "How many times have I told you to knock?"

Kou laughed. "Sorry, sorry."

Yuhi ran his hands through his sweat-soaked hair. "What time is it?"

Kou gives him an estimation, and Yuhi pauses. He takes his phone out. Would she be busy? He wants to talk to her, to hear her voice, and make sure she is safe. He has tried limiting their video call conversations because he didn't want Sumire to notice how haggard he had become.

He doesn't want her to suspect that he is doing more than building M5's reputation abroad. He doesn't want her to suspect the blood in his hands.

Kou sighed and simply slid an envelope with documents down on the table by the balcony. "Look through it later." With those words said, Kou exited the room quickly.

A quick look at 𝗯𝐞𝐝𝗻𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝗼𝐦 will leave you more fulfilled.

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