Eternal Melody

Chapter 816 Blue Wind Part 3

Jupiter Records.

"You know, you don't have to act so tense," Shin commented.

"B-But this is the first time I am meeting them, although I've helped compose your last few songs."

"You say that, but you met Kirishima briefly in Hamano's bar, didn't you?"

"Ah yeah, he seemed to be friends with Jun-kun."

"So, it's only Shohei you are meeting for the first time."

Those words did nothing to reassure her since Sumire kept sighing.

'I really am bad at comforting girls. I don't know what to do about this.'

Shin sometimes wonders how Yuhi manages it. That guy is even more clumsy than he is sometimes. Then again, Yuhi is different when he is with Sumire.

Shin immediately thought they were dating the first time he saw them together. The idea of them being a couple should have hurt him, but he wasn't hurt. Maybe it was because he knew they had feelings for one another already. Perhaps he already prepared his heart.

When they entered the lobby, they found Shohei bending over a drain.

"What's wrong, Shohei?" Shin asked.

Shohei turned around with a gloomy expression. "The ramen tickets I won for being a regular customer just fell down the drain."

"Um." Sumire suddenly spoke up and pulled something out of her bag. "I have a lot of these. Would you like some?"

"A goddess." Shohei stood up and clasped her hands.

Sumire laughed. "I also eat ramen a lot. Maybe we can go together next time."

Shohei was already looking at her with admiration. Shin sighed. He knew there was no need to be so worried about this first meeting. After all, despite what Sumire thinks, she is pretty easy to get along with.

"It seems Shohei finally stopped wailing."

"Damn you, Kirishima! It's your fault I dropped them. Why did you sneak up on me?"

"Because you were acting suspicious."

Shin hears chuckling and sees Sumire looking at the two with a gentle gaze. It seemed her earlier nerves had disappeared. The two eventually stop bickering, and Kirishima leads them down the hallway to the practice room.

Sumire is looking around the room, amazed. "So, you guys use facilities like this all the time?"

Kirishima nodded. "Since we are the company's main group and Jupiter Records is still a fairly new company. Is it not like this at Star Company?"

"Mmm, I don't use the company training facilities often. I tend to practice at home."

'That's probably because she knows how much-unwanted attention she attracts.'

Sumire really isn't to blame for any of the rumors about her. She never did anything wrong. People in this industry are just quick to judge. Moreover, it doesn't help that the media are unusually hostile towards her.

'Both Atsuro and I have tried searching for the source of the media's hostility, but we can't find anything.'

Not to brag, but with their connections, they should be able to find something. But there is nothing. If that's the case, then the only thing he can think of is Lucifer started those rumors.

Even before Sumire became an entertainment industry member, Lucifer manipulated people into hating her. That theory sounds accurate, considering how he started up a company filled with artists who dislike her. However, there is something that doesn't add up.

If Lucifer truly had the power to do that, then couldn't he have stopped Sumire from entering the entertainment industry?

His thoughts break off when Sumire places a cold drink against his cheek. be𝚍𝚗ove𝚕.𝚗𝚎𝚝

"Are you tired? It seems you haven't been sleeping much. I know this because Miya told me that when she walks by your office to get to the library, you're always fast asleep."

While he is clueless about how to comfort girls, he can recognize when one becomes nervous and starts rambling. Sumire does that a lot when she is nervous.

Shin extended his hand out and lightly ruffles her hair.

"Yeah, I've been working on some papers for the next academic conference. But, I am close to finishing."

Sumire's eyes brightened. "That's great."

"Would you like to come? It's open for visitors."

"Really? Then I'll ask Hino to adjust my schedule. I can't wait to see your presentation. I'm sure you will do a great job."

Hearing coughing, Shin turned back to Kirishima, who was looking at them with an amused expression.

Shohei pretended not to look and focused on his game console, but Shin knew his friend was looking.

Right, his friends know about his feelings for Sumire.

'I mean, it was quite difficult to hide that me and atsuro likes the same girl.'

Moreover, Sumire probably doesn't remember this. But she has already met these two before. He, Kirishima, and Shohei used to belong to the same delinquent organization. An organization that was on a lower level than the Holy Knights. But occasionally, their group would get called up for backup, and during those times, Sumire would have at least seen them.

Then again, the Sumire from back then is completely different from the present. Kirishima and Shohei aren't saying anything, either.

'I thought Shohei's reaction would be stronger since he used to say he was afraid of Sumire.' Maybe it's the effect of the ramen coupons?

Before Shin could say anymore, the doors opened, revealing Ryou.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Is Atsuro not with you?" Shin asked.

"Hm? Atsuro is already here. He was so excited, so he abandoned me on our job early."

He is-- Shin stood up and walked over to the unusually placed couch in front of the recording booth. Sure enough, there was Atsuro, fast asleep with music sheets and headphones on.

No wonder he didn't wake up when they entered the room.

'I did think it was strange. Atsuro has been the one nagging Sumire to come to the company for a while.'

Sumire officially became their composer a few months back. But, because she started her idol activities properly at that time. She never has the time to come here. Moreover, with her being pregnant, Atsuro didn't want to stress her.

Sumire has had a lot going on the past few months, and yet she still managed to compose a few songs for them. Because of those few songs, they are doing very well in the male group idol rankings.

They may not be on M5's level but they are in the top five now.

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