Eternal Melody

Chapter 847 Glorious Sunshine Part 1


With Hamano Atushi back in Japan. Sumire found herself spending more days in the Akagumi bar again. She truly feels at ease whenever she is here.

Sumire stared at the music sheet in front of her. She no longer needs to look at it, since she finalized the song a while ago. But, whenever she is nervous. Looking at the score helps ease her nerves, and she was very nervous. Ever since she properly returned to the music scene. All her events have been on a small or medium scale. Nothing too flashy, but nothing that would make her look weak either.

As her manager, Hino has been doing a very good job managing her career. The malicious rumors are still there, but those rumors target her personality, and not her music. But, this concert is a different scale. Hino told her that he believes it's time for her to start performing on larger venues.

It has only been a few months she wanted to argue. But she understood what he was trying to do.

'I understand your circumstances have been difficult. But, it would be a real shame to hide that voice of yours.'

Takeyama's parting words flashed through her head and she exhaled so deeply. It's not like she wants to hide it anymore. It's actually suffocating for her to hold herself back so much. But, perhaps she has gotten too used to suppressing her abilities. It's become a habit to sing slightly lower than usual, and to let others think poorly off her skills.

To let others shine instead of her, to give them the spotlight.

It's a bad habit. When Hino first became her manager, it was one of the first things he pointed out. She promised him that she would work on it. But, it's easier said than done.

She has never once craved the spotlight. All she cared about was being able to sing. To let her voice reach people. She doesn't care about fame and prestige, as long as she can convey her songs.

Her thoughts break off when she spotted a incoming message on her phone.

From: Yuhi

Hi love, what are you doing?

From: Sumire

You know how I spend my days thinking about my burning love for you

Otherwise, nothing new.

From: Yuhi

Is that so? I think you can be more descriptive about your burning love.

Sumire rolled her eyes at his words. He can be such a flirt. She thinks for a minute before sending him a video link to the movie she watched with Toh not too long ago.

From: Sumire

My dear, I was watching this earlier!

From: Yuhi

Do you want me to do those stuff to you?

From: Sumire

ยท?ฮธm You understood?

From: Yuhi

Damn it..

Before she knew what was happening, Sumire felt her eyelids turn heavy.

.... ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐‘‘๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐‘™.๐˜ฏ๐‘’๐˜ต

Once again she was in a dream.

But before she could process her surroundings, she felt heavy and hungry lips on hers. Those lips belonged to only one person. A content sigh escaped her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling their bodies closer.

After kissing rather passionately for the next few minutes. Neither of them said a word.

"Sumire." Yuhi said.


Yuhi brushed their foreheads together and he mumbled. "I love you so much."



For some reason, she felt the tears fall from her eyes. It was just five words, and yet all the emotions she has been holding back, all of it is spilling.

"Don't cry, I'm sorry if you learned and misunderstood."

"Do you-do you not want me anymore Yuhi?" Sumire mumbled.

"Of course I want you, I have never stopped wanting you. It's just, I have been selfish this entire time, keeping you all to myself."

"But, I like it when you do that."

Yuhi sighed deeply. "Do you? Don't you regret not being able to speak to the others?"

"I don't actually. I came to Tokyo mainly for you. So--" Sumire leaned forward and kissed him. "Don't push me away okay?"

"What about Mashima?"

Seeing Yuhi single out Toh. Sumire recalled what Siena said.

"We are talking." Sumire recalled what Toh said. "Toh isn't being pushy about this, he is being respectful. He won't do anything I don't want."

Yuhi cringed. "He sounds like a decent guy."

"He is." Sumire nodded. "My dear, don't worry so much. It's true I picked him over you before, but the circumstances then were different. Back then, you were in Tokyo and I was in star town. We weren't even a couple."

"But, right now I'm abroad- and you know I'll be held here for half a year."

"That doesn't matter, we are making this work aren't we?"

Though they aren't calling everyday anymore. This relationship isn't crumbling away.

Yuhi bit his lip and nodded. "I'm sorry for worrying you. Really, I know I should have just discussed this with you from the very beginning."

"It's alright, I understand. You didn't want to leave, it was very last minute. Of course you didn't think it through. We also argued, so I'm sure you were distracted."

Sumire sighed at the memory. Those days were painful. Fighting with Yuhi-san is something she wants to avoid doing.

Feeling his lips on hers, she sighed in content. For the two of them kissing always lead to more. It was the same this time too. She felt his hands on dangerous places, and Sumire bit her lip. She should do something for him too right?

"Uh." Sumire laughed. "Hold on a second. I just--I need to check how this works..."

Does her phone work in this place?

Yuhi chuckled amused. "You've been researching?"

"I don't want to do anything wrong." Sumire admitted.

Yuhi kissed her forehead softly. "Let's leave it at this."


It doesn't seem right to waste this rare time they have with one another. If he wants to touch her, she won't take that away from him.

He shakes his head. "It's okay. Besides I don't want to rush, which I will have to do in this place. I want to take my time and explore you carefully."


Yuhi's lips turned to a devilish smirk. "You say that, but I know you've been lonely. You've missed my body that much." He nibbled on her earlobe and Sumire shuddered. "Gods, look at you. Making that face and sound, just because I am doing this."

Sumire pouted. "Quit teasing me."

"It's hard, since your so easy to tease."

She frowned. "If you keep teasing me, I'll leave. I know how to you know."

It was a bluff and they both know it. She has missed him like crazy, and seeing him again. She wants nothing more than to get rid of the remaining distance between them and pounce.


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