Eternal Melody

Chapter 857 Glorious Sunshine Part 11


Ideas huh? She has loads of ideas. But, it doesn't seem to bring up those ideas when Toh is still nearby.

Sumire laughed. "Mm, okay."

"Are you fine?"

Sumire nodded. "Oddly enough, I am nervous. After all this is my first large venue since my debut concert. The difference from back then is, we are a couple now."

"That makes a difference?"

"Mm." Sumire trailed off and laughed. "Before I went on stage, I listened to a few of my favourite songs from you, and even listened to those silly flirting messages you used to send me. I wanted to hear your voice. Everytime I heard it, the tension would leave my body and I'd calm down."

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"You don't have to do that now?"

"I don't. Because unlike then I don't have to reassure myself with recordings. The two of us are connected through the bond we forged as a couple." Sumire beamed happily. "Yuhi, as my destined partner. You don't have to be here for me to feel your loving arms around me right?"

At those words Yuhi's cheeks coloured. "Damn brat, you're definitely doing that on purpose." Yuhi trailed off. "Is that Satomi clinging to your leg?"

Huh? Sumire glanced down and spotted a small bundle clinging to her leg. Indeed, it was her youngest son. Sumire picked him up, Seeing the balcony door open and Toh carrying Kyoko, her sweat fell.

"Did they wake up?" Sumire asked.

Toh nodded. "I think they are hungry. I'll get something for Kyoko to eat and bring some food up for Satomi too."

"Thank you Toh."

"Don't stay out there too long, the weather is getting colder."

Sumire nodded and watched as Toh left, Yuhi coughed. "Were you guys about to sleep? I must have disturbed you."

She rolled her eyes and giggled. "Yuhi-san, I am finding these days that I like your jealous side. So maybe I should make you more jealous."

Yuhi groaned. "Please don't. Do you have any idea how much self-control I have to muster when I read all those rumors on the net."

"I thought you weren't the type to browse the internet for odd rumors."

"It's Takeyama's fault. Takeyama is a huge fan of yours, and so whenever something bad happens. He ends up having a huge rant about the dirty side of the entertainment industry. Because he spends so much time browsing, I ended up picking up the habit."

Sumire laughed. "I'm joking, I think it's cute. Did you hear that Satomi? Your father is secretly stalking me on the net."

"Hey, should you really be using the words stalking in front of a kid?"

"Hmm, then should I use something else?"

"On second thought, what you said just now is fine." Yuhi trailed off as his gaze fell on Satomi.

Sumire's gaze softened when she saw him struggling to forms ords. "Satomi, look it's your father."

She turned her son towards the camera. "Say hello."

Satomi looked at Yuhi with bright eyes. "Da-da-"

Yuhi's gaze softened. "Hello there. Did you come here to say hi to your mama? I understand how you feel, it's hard to stay away from her isn't it?"

Sumire's eyes widened hearing Yuhi's tone. Oh, she didn't know that he could speak like this. But now that she thinks about it, Yuhi-san's tone tends to change depending on who he is speaking with.

Satomi looked at her and then at Yuhi, She felt a soft kiss on her cheeks and Satomi stuck his tongue out at Yuhi.

Yuhi's eyes twitched annoyed. "I see how it is. He is indeed my kid."

Sumire giggled as she lightly kissed Satomi's cheek. "You will learn soon enough how petty your father can be."

"Da-da- love Sato-"

Yuhi blinked and sighed. "One second he is provoking me and making me jealous, next he is professing his love. He is definitely your kid."

Sumire rolled her eyes. "When did I provoke you?" 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍.𝙘𝙤𝙢

It seemed that was a dangerous question to ask since Yuhi's lips curved to a smirk. Sumire frantically exclaimed. "Don't you dare say anything strange in front of the kid."

Yuhi laughed. Before he could say anymore though she hears his name being called in the background. Yuhi sighed deeply.

"Damn it."

"Do you have work?"

"Yeah, we are supposed to be meeting with some directors for the next show. It's a short TV drama that will be using our music as the opening and ending theme."

Her eyes brightened at those words. "You'll be acting?"

"Don't sound too excited. Acting isn't my thing. Jun and Ran are part of the main cast, while I'm in the secondary cast alongside Kou and Tetsuo."

"Hmm, it's strange that Kou isn't part of the main cast."

"Apparently he rejected the lead role and that's when they dragged Ran in." Yuhi trailed off. "When the director learned we were all from the same group, he decided to just cast us all. It makes the most sense after all."

"Still, I am looking forward to seeing it. I'm sure you'll look really cool acting."

It's also good that he isn't a lead character, it means there is no chance of an odd woman flirting with him. It seemed like Yuhi-san understood what was going on in her mind.

"It's a villain role, so I naturally don't have a love interest and I'm supposed to treat girls who flock to me coldly."

Sumire blinked. "Why does it feel like that was done deliberately?"

"Because it was. Takeyama made sure I got a role that wouldn't make you uncomfortable. A role that the media can't make up stories about."

"Would you have accepted a role where you would have to flirt with another girl?" Sumire wondered.

"Like I would." Yuhi ran his hands through his hair. "I think I have lost count how many times I have told you, that I have no interest in flirting with other women even if it's for work."

"Hmm, why is that?"

"-and here I am again repeating what you should know already." Yuhi takes a deep breath. "Why would I need other women? When I have a pretty, intelligent and cute wife. No matter what others say about her, she never gives up, stands proud and confidently. This world has been nothing but cruel to her, but even amongst all the hate and biterness. She shines brighter than any star in the night sky. This brilliant woman belongs to me, as my partner, wife and my best friend. She is the only source of light in this dark world."

At those words she almost dropped Satomi but Toh quickly caught him. He simply sighed and turned to walk away. Normally she would feel bad about this situation. But right now her heart was beating fast, her cheeks flushed red.

"T-this isn't what you usually say-" Sumire managed to get some words out.

"Well, you did tell me to get creative earlier."

R-right she did say that, but even then this is too much.

"I mean what I say. I hope that makes you smile Sumire."

"I-It did." Sumire mumbled.

Hearing Takeyama yells getting louder, Yuhi exhaled deeply. "I'll send you a message before you perform. Do your best Sumire. I will be watching."

"Y-Yuhi, I love you." Sumire stammered.

Yuhi chuckled softly. "Yeah, I love you too Sumire."

With those words said Yuhi ended the call, and she stared at her phone, cheeks still burned red. She has to admit, Yuhi-san has gotten so much better at flirting.

'Do your best huh.'


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