Eternal Melody

Chapter 882 Thorn Part 11


As for her current enemies in the industry. D entertainment.

Each time Sumire ends up on a job with one of their members, he is introduced yet to another person who dislikes or envies her. Another to add onto the list of people to watch over.

Hearing the doors behind him open, Hino sighed deeply.

"I told you to go to sleep, the night breeze isn't good for one's health especially yours." Hino extended his hand out and pinched her cheek. "Your voice is hoarse from singing non stop."

Sumire pouted. "Whose fault is it that?"

Hino sighed. "Unfortunately it's mine. Sorry, I miscalculated how many places I booked you in for."

She shakes her head. "It's okay, you know I love singing."

Right, of course he knows. Even if she doesn't mention it, he can see the look in her eyes when she talks about music.

This girl loves music more than anyone. It wouldn't surprise him if she sacrificed her own life for the sake of music.

"I have been meaning to say this, but just because you love singing, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice yourself like that." Hino tried to sound as casually as he could. But, he knew it was coming out with more emotion than he intended.

Sumire blinked. "You must have been holding those words back for a long time."

Hino sighed deeply and wrapped his jacket around her shoulders.

"Just one more stop, will you be okay?"

Sumire nodded. "Mmm, don't worry. Beside my dearest said he would be here later, so I won't have to fall asleep alone."

Huh? But Yuhi's schedule- His eyes twitched annoyed realizing. 'Yuhi must have cancelled a job.' That shouldn't surprise him but, doesn't he realize how every time he does that. He gives the media an excuse to put the blame on Sumire?

Hino sighed deeply. It seems he will have to bring up the topic again.

"Are you and Yuhi okay?"

Sumire laughed. "I didn't think you would ask me that."

"I'm only concerned. I know both of you have your own problems."

"Mm. I cant disagree with that. Our terrible pasts have end up contributing to a lot of self doubt, lack of confidence, and anxiety. But, when that happens we discuss it with each other. We recognize the signs and confront each other about it."

"It's a healthy relationship then."

Sumire nodded. "Others have said a lot about my relationship with Yuhi. But, all of that is based on rumors."

"Those rumors are exaggerated but you do know-"

Sumire laughed. "Of course I know. Yuhi-san told me himself, he didn't have to. But he insisted that in order for us to have a future together, we need to talk about our pasts."

"I can see Yuhi doing that. But what about you?" Hino questioned.

"Hmmm, I suppose there are still a few things I am hiding from him."

"Sumire." Hino said sharply. "I think you have tested Yuhi long enough. I never said a word to him about it, because I understand your circumstances. But, don't you think he deserves the complete truth from you?"

"Hmm so your asking me, not to lie to Yuhi anymore?"

"You know I don't mean to call you a liar. It's just seeing Yuhi change so much for you, seeing him bare his heart to you and yet you not doing the same is painful."

'I knew she could be cruel. I knew from the very moment I read those files when Sano asked me to do a background check. But, even then I thought Yuhi would be different. I thought she would keep her lies to a minimum with him.' I thought Yuhi would be different because after investigating her, it didn't take him long to realize she was the same Sumire from the facility. I thought they'd still have the same connection as before.'

"People hate liars, and yet many like them too. They lie and play with a person's emotions. It's human nature. But liars lose nothing, since nothing they say is real. They had nothing to begin with." Sumire smiled weakly. "I am a huge liar, and even though I hate lies myself. I'll continue to lie."

"Because you think you have nothing to lose?"

"Because, lies are also another form of love." Sumire stretched her arms. "I want to give Yuhi-san everything, even the ugliest sides of me. I want to give him every kind of love, even if it's twisted. Don't you think that's better than a simple exchange of truthful words?"

Hino looked at her in disbelief. This shouldn't surprise him already. Ever since he became her manager, no even before then, he knew what kind of person she was.

'No matter how much a person changes, their core nature will never change.'

She was the one who said that. He should have realized she was referring to herself.

"I continue to pile on lie after lie, casually drop a few hints to see if he notices. But even when he does, I make up another lie to cover up his doubts. The more I lie, the more my love will grow."

"This is the first time you are leaving me speechless."

Sumire laughed. "I think we have established several other occasions where that has happened already."

"Your right as always."

"Idols are the same, no matter how difficult things get for them. They cannot show their emotions. They hide behind a smile, a mask in order to keep the fans happy. We cannot drop that mask even if a relative dies, we have to continue smiling. This is why there are many cases of idol suicides. The pressure to continue to smile and wear that mask increases. The things they love, singing and dancing become a burden. It becomes suffocating."

Hino's eyes widen realizing something he read on the report. "You wanted to change the idol world, that's why you and your friends became idols. Is that the main reason you became an idol?"

"Bingo. I love singing more than I do dancing, I could have easily become a regular singer. But, that goal seemed so very small." Sumire extended her hand out towards the sky. I love music, and everything associated with it. Idols were being looked down on, and being seen as mere dolls. People didn't take them seriously. I wanted to purge those thoughts." 𝑏𝘦𝑑𝘯𝑜𝑣𝘦𝑙.𝘤𝘰𝘮


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