Eternal Melody

Chapter 895 Thorn Part 24


'Yuhi, perhaps you shouldn't have left Sumire to me. All I do is get in her way. I can't protect her.'

Since the time Sumire was stabbed, Hino started to doubt his use. He stayed behind to keep Sumire safe, to use his own body as a shield if he had to. But two incidents in a row, there have been two incidents where he has been careless. She almost died not too long ago, and Hino knew if she continued fighting like this. She could potentially end up in that hospital bed again.

Sumire stabbed the ground with her sword and large spikes made out of blood shot out, causing the ground to crumble and the creatures to be swallowed underneath.

She rushed over to him and caressed his cheek. She bit her bottom lip. "Your face is so cold."

"Now that's a new pick up line." Hino tried to joke.

Sumire shakes her head. She wrapped her arms around his neck and mumbles something in a strange language, causing a red coloured forcefield to wrap around his body. Hino immediately understood but he was too weak to protest. It felt like what was left of his life force would fade if he so much as opened his mouth.

He watched as Sumire turned to the remaining creatures. There were still so many. He couldn't talk to her but Hino mustered some strength to grab her arm.

Sumire smiled weakly as she bent down and pressed her lips on his forehead. His eyes widened.

"Stay safe Hino."

It was just three words and yet it felt like goodbye. No, it was goodbye. Sumire was planning on taking down those creatures with something that will take a ridiculous amount of strength, something she doesn't have right now with her weakened body.

Hino watched as she turned her attention back to the creatures and used all sorts of long range attacks to hurt them.

There were more creatures from before. Where are they all coming from? This is bad, Sumire- Sumire can't keep using that sword. If he recalls correctly, that sword, those blood attacks use her own blood. She is still recovering from her injury, she isn't at her full strength.



He has to move.

Hino continued to watch as Sumire blocked a barrage of those beasts attacks. She accurately spread the tendrils of blood to stab multiple creatures at the same time, while the length of her sword extended to attack more of the creatures.

He knew this wasn't the time but he couldn't stop watching her. She was beautiful, and so very graceful. Hino was mesmerised. He thought she looked good when she used a gun to fight. But, using a sword? A deadly blade. She looked like a warrior goddess.

Sumire raised her hand towards the air and mumbled a single word. "Rain."

The clouds rumbled and in a split second, droplets fell from the sky. But it wasn't water that came from the sky but drops of blood in the shape of rain drops. More rumbling, and more blood rain drops fell. The creatures screeched in pain like they were being tortured. From where he was sitting, he could see the trees slowly withering away.

Her blood, it's turned into a deadly toxin. Sumire, had this type of ability? He had no idea.

'I am a monster Hino, but I can't show that side of myself to you. I don't want you to look at me differently.'

So this is what she was talking about. But, she truly is silly. He won't judge her for this. How could he?

But this sort of power clearly takes a lot of blood- Hino watched as the remaining creatures collapsed on the ground. Their bodies didn't stay on the ground long as they withered away just like the trees in the surrounding area.

Sumire swayed to one side and almost fell into that hole she created with her sword earlier. But managed to steady herself with her sword. Even from where he was, he could see how pale her face had become.

Hino sighed in relief and prepared for her to return to him. Right then he hears a growling sound from beside the forcefield, only to see a huge red coloured light from the building window.

Sumire snapped her attention to the sound, her eyes widened in alarm as she rushed over. She moved at such speed, that he lost track of her for a moment. The forcefield shattered and Sumire had pushed him away. The thing he saw from the huge light was a huge claw, of darkness. Due to Sumire pushing him away, the creature had gotten her instead.

Hino's eyes widened. For a moment it felt like his heart had stopped. The creature had clawed Sumire's own heart out, and it rolled to the ground beside him.

"S-Sum-" Hino couldn't speak.

She wasn't moving. How could she? Her heart was gone. The creature flung Sumire away, but she didn't fall.

Something, no someone had grabbed her. It was a creature, no a person wrapped in darkness. Black coloured wings sprouted from the man's back. He looked at the scene before him with such anger that made Hino shudder.


Even in his state Hino knew who it was. 'Lucifer has Sumire.' Hino tried to reach out to her, but he couldn't move. Still he tried to drag his body across the ground. π—―πžπ—±π§π—Όπ―πžπ—Ή.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Sumire, he needs to get her away from that man. Needs to get her away from all of this.

With a snap of his fingers, that large creature that took Sumire down was dead in seconds. Hino expected lucifer to just leave with Sumire but to his surprise Lucifer landed in front of him.

His lips curve to a smirk. "If you want to come with us that badly, I suppose I can make use of you,"

Lucifer extended his hands out towards his head and a bright light wrapped around them both. Despite his weakened state Hino immediately understood.

He watched horrified as Lucifer placed his hand on Sumire's head. A familiar light surrounded the girl. A light he was all too familiar with. The power to erase memories, his power.

Hino wanted to scream, to tell him to stop but he could no longer fight back the weakness in his body. So he let his eyes close, as everything faded to black.


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