Eternal Melody

Chapter 898 My Beautiful Monster Prologue Part 3

Indeed, if she did end up speaking to those people. There is a high chance they will end up persuading her. She hates to admit it, but she is the easily manipulated type. She has too much love in her heart to truly see anyone as evil. How many times has she tried to persuade those who have become corrupted to return to their senses, only to be tricked and end up fatally wounded somehow? Far too many times to count. Since settling into the northern Kingdom, these incidents have decreased. But, she still causes Lex so many issues.

She turned to the man in front of her and ran her fingers through his white hair. His hair has always reminded her of something special. It was only when they went to the human realm and experienced winter for the first time, where she finally understood. His hair is the same colour as snow, something pure and beautiful.

'I know I'm the easily manipulated type and yet I can't just sit around and do nothing while the people suffer. I made a vow when I became one of the Queens here in the mortal realm, to protect the people at all costs.'

These devoted ones may only be causing harm to the servants in the castle right now. But it won't be long before they turn their attention to the villagers. No doubt there is already unrest in town. It's her duty as the Queen to take care of the village needs. It's also Lex duty, and in his own way he is doing what he thinks is best. Lex also cares for the people, but for Lex the most important person is probably her.

"I understand Lex. I know how reckless I can be. I'll stay put."

Lex raised his eyebrow at those words. "Your giving up on this far too easily."

Damn, he is too sharp. She was planning on sneaking away when he was gone. Seeing Lex suspicious gaze on her. Norah decided to switch tactics. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face there, pressing her naked body against his.

"You are too predictable wife. Do you think I don't understand what you're trying to do?"

"Hmm, what am I trying to do?" Norah said coyly.


"Do I really need to seduce you, my husband?" Norah placed kisses on his neck, sucking the tender flesh slowly.

Lex groaned. "Norah, you need to stop doing that."

She ran her fingers down his chest. "You're making me sound so bad." Norah pouted.

"You are bad, very bad. My little minx. You should really think twice about seducing me."

In the next second, her husband has her backed against the wall, and the edge of the tub.

"Something tells me that you wanted this to happen." Lex mumbled.

Her lips curve to a smirk. "It seems I can still surprise you, even after spending so many years together."

Lex sighed. "You surprise me everyday my heart. But, I also have ways to surprise you."


Three months later.


Norah previously paced back and forth as she waited for her husband to return. Only three months had gone by since she first heard the news regarding the devotees behaviour. These people feel they are entitled to be 'the true servants of the gods' and that's why they have been attacking the servants in the manor. It's no wonder Lex was being so overprotective.

When it became clear that Lex wasn't going to give in to the demands of the devoted. They turned their attention to her. Norah assumed they'd try to sway her over with their words, and Lex was under that impression too. But, no. When they finally reached her, they tried to kidnap her.

After the first kidnap attempt failed. Their methods slowly became more vicious. The last attempt a week ago was not only a kidnap attempt but they attempted to violate her. Norah shuddered. She could still see the bruise on her shoulder, still felt violated. Even though she woke up on time and stopped the attacker.

Waking up to someone between her thighs, someone who wasn't Lex frightened her so much. She was paralyzed with fear only for a few seconds before she summoned her power and attacked.

That power they used to drain the servants life force. What is that? She has never heard of an ability to absorb someone's power like that. If there is such ability, only someone like her and Lex should have it.

There stood her husband in the doorway, watching her. For a moment neither of them spoke but she immediately rushed over when she saw him sway sideways.

"Lex!" Norah exclaimed horrified.

Lex chuckled. "I am alright Norah."

"You're wounded."Norah looked at the red patches in his armor in horror. She reached over to heal him but Lex clasped her hands stopping her.

"This is nothing. I must go."

Norah shakes her head. "You can't go back out there like that."

"There isn't much time to spare." Lex shrugged the bloody armor off and reached over to replace some parts.

All she could do was watch silently from the corner of her eye. She wanted nothing more than to stop her husband. She has the power to do so. They aren't equals for no reason. The blood they exchanged during their wedding vows, means the same type of magic runs in her veins as they do his. Lex however has always claimed that she is far stronger than he is.

If she is supposedly stronger, why does he insist on being so overprotective of her? This infuriating man.

"I can sense your anger from a mile away, my heart."

Normally when he calls her that, she would feel overwhelmed with happiness. How can she not? By calling her that, Lex is admitting that she is his heart. That his heart will not beat without her. Norah hears him approach her. But she is angry, how can he possibly allow her to stay back here when their town is burning? When she can hear their people screaming? How can she stay back here, and allow him to go into battle without her?

He is the other half of her soul, her heart. It's the same for her. He is everything. She would gladly sacrifice herself.

"Norah, listen to me carefully." Lex said as he wrapped her arms around her from the back. "We found out what the devoted ones came for. They are-"

"-here for me aren't they?" Norah finished his sentence for him.

She already knew. From the very start, their attacks towards the servants were not random. They each chose someone she was close with. The servants, and coincidentally the villagers she was close to? It doesn't take a genius to figure out what was going on.

Her eyes glimmered with tears as she turned to him.

"Lex, please let me go with you."

"No, I will not let them have you." Lex kissed her deeply, cutting her off from speaking. He is kissing her so deeply like she is the only other person in this world, like he can't get enough of her no matter what he does.

Norag moaned softly but as much as she was enjoying this kiss. It felt too much like a goodbye, and it only made her cry more. When Lex finally released her, his lips linger on hers as he nips on her bottom lip.

"Please." Norah managed to say.

"My Queen." Lex mumbled against her lips. "You must stay behind here. If I fall, lead our army."

"I can't just--"

"You must." Lex kissed her lips again. This time with more passion. "No matter what happens Norah, I will find you again."

She sobbed. "No, our story can't end like this. Lex, if you don't return to me, I will unleash my powers on everyone. I will burn this world to ashes for you." b𝚎dn𝚘v𝚎l.𝚌𝚘m

The people? The people are important to her. She has to do her duty as a Queen. How many times has she told herself that the past few months? She continued to repeat those words in her head hoping that it would come true. Believing that if Lex fails, she would take charge and lead and protect them. But she can't do that.

She can't, because Lex failing means he will die and she can't- she won't be able to do anything without him. If anything happens to him there is no doubt that she will lose control of herself.

Lex chuckled against her lips. "Always so violent, my warrior Queen. I love you more than anyone in this world. I will meet you again, over and over until your sick and tired of me."

No matter how many lifetimes they meet, she is sure she will always love him.

As he walked away, it felt like someone had torn her heart into two.


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