Eternal Melody

Chapter 913 My Beautiful Monster Part 14

Chapter 913 My Beautiful Monster Part 14


Free from the shackles of being born into the Nagawa family. Last time she saw her brother, he looked so happy. When brother Evans lived in the family home. Akane only ever saw fake smiles on his face. But, that was definitely a genuine smile. When she was leaving a job one day. She saw her brother pushing a girl on a wheelchair with a tender expression on his face. Akane was familiar with the girl, and while she was studying abroad during the time of the accident. Brother Evans often showed her photos.

It must be nice, to be in love and to be free.

"So from your assessment?" Toh said, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"My brother's feelings for Ibuki-san are genuine. However, because of the environment he was raised in. He only knows how to show love through oppressive methods."

At those words Mashima laughed. "She also said the same thing. Sumire did."

'We really are similar. Perhaps after all this is over, we can be friends?'

"But that doesn't excuse his actions. I don't know how many times I caught them in intimate situations where I had to explicitly remind my brother that she was under age. We got into a lot of fights because of that."

"At least you tried to stop his silly actions."

"As silly as he was. I want you to understand that my brother loved her deeply, no he still does. I cannot excuse his actions but, the love he has for her is real." Akane paused. "Awhile ago, brother Evans met with brother Sano in private, and made him an offer to get him out of the deal with Lucifer. But, he refused."

Toh blinked. "How come?"

"Brother Sano said, that his only purpose so far is because he is on Lucifers side. If he leaves, he won't be much help."

Indeed, while he can feed Sumire information too alongside Eli and Mamoru. There is certain information Sano is privy too that he isn't.

Akane paused, hearing Mashima's thoughts. She did suspect that Ibuki-san had a spy in the company too. But it's that guy? She would never have suspected him since he behaves like Lucifer's loyal puppy.

Next time she is in the company, she ought to observe him more.

"I should get home, it's late."

To her surprise Mashima grabbed her arm. "Why don't you stay here? Even if your an evolved human, it's not safe to walk around this late."

Akane paused. She briefly glances at his expression. Eyes of loneliness, and pain. So much pain. "I'm not Ibuki-san, I can't replace her. If you want to find someone to substitute. There are other girls in the company."

At those words Mashima laughed. "This is a surprise. I haven't even said anything yet, and your turning me down."

"According to the rumors, your not the type of person to have a one night stand, meanwhile I happen to excel in one night stands. It won't work."

Toh laughed again. "Smart girl. Are you really related to that foolish brother of yours."

"It seems I inherited most of the intelligence." Akane paused. "You're right, it is late. I won't be staying here however. There is a hotel across the road. Walk me there?"

She truly doesn't want to get any further involved in this person. However, it's her first time seeing someone with such lonely eyes. Mashima Toh has everything. He is a person others envy. So why does he have such eyes?

_________________ đš‹đšŽïœ„đš—ïœïœ–đšŽđš•ïŒŽïœƒïœđš–

During her next shift in the manor. She was allocated some free time since 'The lord happened to take a day off.' According to the head servant the miss isn't well, so the Lord took the day off to be by her side. She has to admit, from her few days working here. It seems as though Lucifer's interest in Ibuki is genuine. She already suspected that Lucifer actually cared for her. But actually seeing it with her own eyes is different.

Akane walked around the dungeons with a small lantern in her hand. It was oddly empty. For a man that was supposed to have loads of enemies. These cells are oddly empty. Unless, he doesn't keep them in the cells here but in the organisation headquarters?

It didn't take her long before she hears the sound of groaning. She rushed towards the sound and found a cell isolated from the rest underneath an archway. There was a figure hunched in the corner.

"Narasaki-san?"Akane spoke up.

"Nagawa Akane?"

Akane nodded. "There you are. I have been searching for you."

Ever since she has been assigned this job, she has been thinking of the different places they could have locked Narasaki away.

"Have you..seen Sumire?"

Akane nodded. "I have been assigned as her lady in waiting."

Hino sighed in relief.

Akane scanned him up and down. What severe wounds, it's surprising he is still alive. Lucifer really didn't hesitate torturing him. Narasaki-san is in such a state.

"It was him who erased her memory. He took some of my power."

"Mashima suspected as much." Akane turned her attention to the chains and slipped a key from her sleeve. She proceeded to unlock the chains but Narasaki stopped her.

"No. Don't."

"I can get you out of here easily. I have a rather convenient ability as an evolved human. I can make people including myself turn invisible."

She is one of the few who has a dual ability.

Hino shakes his head. "If what your saying is true. The others are working on a plan to eventually get me and Sumire out of here. I will stay here until then."

Akane paused. "You wish to stay here? Even though you don't know how she is doing?"

From the sounds of things. Narasaki hasn't seen Ibuki since he was separated from her.

"Even so. I don't share a bond with her like the others do, but I can sense she is here. She is alive and that is enough for me."

"Can you tell me what happened that day?" Akane asked. She promised Mashima that if she found Narasaki she would get him to explain.

'Chances are Lucifer hasn't killed him. He cannot kill the ability user whose powers he has stolen. If he does, he loses the ability and reverses the effect of anyone he used the power on. You can try and find Narasaki but chances are he won't leave without her. So, at the very least. Learn what happened. I don't think Sumire would have gone down without a fight.'

Hino nodded and Akane pulled out her notebook. When Narasaki mentioned the beasts that attacked them. She felt her face colour turn pale, but she still continued to write. At the mention of the last beast she dropped her pen.

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'Th-the one who attacked them-- the only one other than Lucifer with access to those creatures- Grandmother, what have you done?'

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