Eternal Thief

Chapter 1194: Walking Treasuries!

Chapter 1194: Walking Treasuries!

Once Ace left the registration chamber, he quickly sent his Qi into his chief disciple badge, and a large amount of information appeared in his mind like a jade scroll.

After a minute, Ace refined all the information in it, and his eyes shimmered with surprise. Although Old Lue explained the main privilege of the Chief Disciples, there were still many things he didn’t bother to explain.

The Chief Disciple uniform was also a defensive ascension grade-3 treasure, but Ace wasn’t planning on using it since his own robes were enough. Another thing was the Cultivation Lodging, which was located south of the Chief Hall Court in the Chief Forger Disciple District, also where the Forger Halls and Flame Halls were located.

All the Chief Forger Disciples lived there, even those from the clans until their discipleship ended. At that point, they reached the peak of Ascension Grand General and joined the ranks of Sect Elders once they became Ascension Masters.

Furthermore, a Chief Forger Disciple status was higher than outer and inner Flame and Forger Elders, and only Flame Masters and Forger Masters were above them. At this moment, there were 194 Chief Forger Disciples in the AIG sect, and he was 195th, and his ranking in the Chief Forger Disciple ranks was also 195th!

The ranking system existed in the entire sect. There were different rankings for outer disciples, inner disciples, and core/chief disciples for both factions.

If someone ranked in the top hundred, they would earn Sect Merit Points and lavish privileges with higher ranks every month. The rankings also changed every month, and the disciple badge even showed the top hundred rankings.

Furthermore, there were different ways for Forger Disciples and Flame Disciples to climb the rankings, so they usually mind their own business.

But Ace noticed something different in his disciple badge than the information Old Lue gave him. It said that it was mandatory for a chief disciple to be a member of a forger hall or flame hall, and their disciple badge would carry the symbol of their halls.

Yet, Ace’s badge didn’t have that symbol with the information, and in that row, it was written ‘Free.’

Old Lue clearly didn’t look at this information, or he would’ve treated Ace like that from the start.

Ace knew that the eccentric had given him his disciple badge, so he was sure that there was something unusual about it. He could only make wild guesses.

‘Could this ‘free’ mean I can freely move in any foreign hall, or does this give me a choice to select the hall I want to study in? After all, I’m new in this place. But for some reason, I have a feeling that it is not that simple, I should find someone to get more information on this. If it’s former, then I can learn all the techniques of the forger halls, but if it’s latter, then I’ll have to select a hall for the time being…’

While in deep thought, Ace exited the Chief Ignite Hall, but he was stopped when he noticed some familiar figures standing there with strange smiles on their faces.

Ace’s expression sank because that group of people were exactly the seven Hall Masters of the Forger Faction. Although he knew he would encounter them again, he didn’t expect it to be so soon, and they seemed extremely persistent.

Furthermore, Ace instantly spotted the middle-aged man who had investigated his token when he appeared here, standing behind Forger Master Clifton!

‘Since you told me to follow my beliefs, then don’t blame me for doing just that!’ A sharp glint flashed past his eyes as he had already decided to throw causation to the wind since he was almost exposed, especially after his blood was seen by Old Lue.

Since these guys still didn’t do anything to him, he can assume that they were still afraid of something or under the sect’s rules. As long as he won’t harm the sect directly, they won’t move against him openly. Not to mention that eccentric was his backer for now, so he didn’t have to worry about these Forger Masters.

“Haahaha, we meet again, young friend, George, and it seems you are already a Chief Disciple now. Congratulations, here, take this small gift.” The scholarly middle-aged man who was the Hall Master of Spirit Sword Hall quickly approached Ace with heartfelt laughter and handed him a silver sword that looked extremely sharp.

Ace’s eyes lit up when he saw the silver long sword. He instantly knew this sword was a treasure, and an extremely high-grade one at that, just what he needed to hide Avos. Without hesitation, he accepted the sword; after all, why would he reject such a gift?

He quickly thanked the Spirit Sword Hall Master, “Thank you, elder!”

The Spirit Sword Hall Master’s eyes twinkled when he noticed something and laughed in satisfaction, “Oh, you seemed to be a sword person as well, not bad, not bad at all. So, how about joining my Spirit Sword Hall?”

“Shameless! Zachariah, do you think just by giving him a lower ascension grade-3 sword, you can bribe him into joining your Spirit Sword Hall!” The bald Hall Master of Spirit Armor Hall, Stetson, spat disdainfully as he quickly came to Ace and gave him a black heavy armor with golden lining and said with a smile, “Real man only like armor! Here this is a gift from this Stetson, it’s a dark elemental affinity upper ascension grade-3 armor! It can even block an Ascension Master for a full minute and have the third mystic ability of Dark Element Dark Stealth, which can turn you one with darkness, and not even Ascension Grand General Law Sense can detect you! You will get more once you join my Spirit Armor Hall.” free𝑤

Jacob was again shocked as he looked towards the dark armor and then the bald hall master. He couldn’t help but find this hall master quite pleasing to the eye, especially with his shining bald head. The Spirit Sword Hall master now appeared somewhat stingy in comparison.

He quickly accepted the armor, as he wanted to study this mystic ability, which was related to dark elements and stealth; it was simply something tailor-made for him.

Ace didn’t reply instantly as he looked toward the other Hall Masters with an expectant gaze. If he had previously found them annoying, now he thought of them as walking treasuries. He had to get something out of them first before he initiated his plan!

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