Everything Will Be My Way!

Chapter 353: 2

Chapter 353: 2

This funny scene on the owner’s forehead made Triana flash a dazzling smile. She knew him too well to understand that she couldn’t get away from the dance. So be it then. Let him enjoy her gracious gift!

Dancing to the beautiful melody with the graceful cat, Kyon admired her elegant, flexible body and alluring eyes, but soon his amazement gave way to anxiety. He had noticed some changes in her behavior. Triana had been using sarcasm for some time now. She playfully teased and even openly provoked the most annoying students into conflict. She tried to coax Kyon into becoming an alpha or making concessions to her. She played the pity card and acted more like a human. Triana did it subconsciously, no doubt, but Lovr had a bad feeling. He hadn’t tamed her yet! If she somehow broke off the chain, he would unlikely stay alive. It was too dangerous.

{Is it about the students? Certainly not. She does not talk to anyone without my knowledge. Maybe it’s all about school lessons? It’s out of the question. They teach different things there. I guess it’s all about the movies. I should censor content.} – Kyon resolved.

However, some changes in Triana’s behavior delighted Lovr beyond measure. For example, she began to take the initiative in bed, initiating sexual intercourse and coming up with something original and new every time. However, she preferred dominant positions, otherwise, she got angry, growled, whipped her tail, and was extremely rude.

Also, the tigress learned to give pleasure to her owner, both orally and vaginally. In the first case, she was motivated by the desire to get her favorite treat. As for the second case, she wanted to end this nightmare! It was clear as day that Triana despised and hated having sex. She initiated it only to earn points and because she had no other choice. It would happen anyway.

However, Triana’s body believed otherwise. It got used to Kyon’s seed. Her most private place accepted his penis that was getting bigger and bigger all the time, rewarding it with lubrication. Quiet, gentle moans came out of her throat from time to time. However, the tigress couldn’t come this way. Only intimate caresses with the help of Synergy could bring her to the peak of orgasm. That’s why she loved lick job so much.

In addition to the physical and mental changes, Triana had also increased her potential. Kyon had cleaned her keys to a large extent, making her stronger and more talented. He taught her five battle fists (a few more months, and she would definitely master six of them). Moreover, she had moved from the 6th stage of the royal phase to the 8th. It took her only two months in the kingdom with relatively low energy density in the air! The best genius in Rosarrio would envy her cultivation speed. But the most interesting and mysterious change happened to her unique body.

Once Lovr brought in brand new metal plates of heavy-duty liberrium. They should have been enough for a week of claw sharpening. However, when he entered her training room in the evening, he saw a pile of shredded metal! She had completely slashed a week’s supply of metal in just a few hours!

Triana didn’t understand what was happening to her, but Kyon had never seen her so happy. As he found out later, her connection with the unique body of the Legendary Nephrite Claws had grown immeasurably. She even learned to feel its needs without going into a special meditative state! And it was not about the transition to the next stage. It was still too early for that.

Anyway, from now on, Kyon would have to order metal slabs with the highest grade of durability enchantment, which was costly! Not everyone could afford to keep a royal phaser pet.

In contrast to Triana’s success, Kyon felt crushed, to put it mildly. Over the past three months, he hadn’t mastered even the superior grade of the heat! One percent of the available energy was too little for an effective training session… And he had a good reason to become stronger! Just to think about Dinah, the goddess’s student, who wanted to finish him at the first opportunity. As soon as she got stronger than him… he was as good as dead.

Besides, Lovr was not used to sitting around. His cultivation now was equal to that of a base phaser, which made him helpless in any conflict. It wasn’t the best time to seize power or expropriate resources, which he would do with great pleasure now. He couldn’t stand this stagnation any longer. Lovr was about to tear and throw! If he didn’t play with Triana regularly, he would definitely give way to despair.

«Why are you so sad?» – Triana asked, wagging her tail to the music. Then a sudden hunch scared, annoyed, and even angered her. – «Is my Spring Tide dance not good enough for you?» – It was humiliating for the white tiger princess, the best dancer in the animal kingdom, to see the frown on his omega face!

«Your dance is wonderful.» – Kyon smiled and kissed Triana passionately, knocking her to the floor.

Triana did not understand anything, but it was the last thing she was worried about at the moment.

Three days had passed.

Three months ago, news spread throughout Rosarrio about Haya Feruz’s, the first princess, wedding to a man whose name was kept in strict confidence. Many wanted to know who was worthy of the best genius of Athens. Today was the day. Lots of distinguished guests from the seven kingdoms and a couple of bigwigs from the capital had arrived at the ceremony.

Kyon was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, his hands behind his head. He kept sighing while the tigress was doing her best at his groin. Right at this moment, his most grateful servant was to have his wedding night sex. Unfortunately for Franz, it wasn’t going to happen. However, his cultivation speed would make it possible in a year or two when the first princess of Athens would warm his bed. He was already in the middle of the noble phase!

Suddenly everything went dark before his eyes. Invisible energy enveloped his body.

When his vision returned, Kyon found himself sitting on a cloud… on a hard cloud, just like the time he was in the mine when the goddess nearly finished him off. A voice he knew too well came from somewhere above, full of contempt and disgust.

«This pathetic look of a stupid fat freak suits your wretched nature.» – She said scornfully, her chin raised arrogantly.

Lovr looked up and saw a girl in the shade of the sun hovering on the cloud above him. Her breathtaking beauty made his heart skip a beat: «Dinah… My darling… Why… The timing for your revenge couldn’t be any worse!» – The nude fat guy muttered under his breath. His cultivation was at the base phase at the moment.

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