Everything Will Be My Way!

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

Five months had passed since Kyon’s meeting with Dinah. In total, he had spent 11 months in Cernos, most of which he spent with Triana. The process of his head’s upgrade had lasted for 8 months. It was irreversible and deprived him of power and ability to cultivate further.

The exams were scheduled for next week, after which the students would go home for a three-week vacation. Then there would be the next entrance exam, and another academic year would start.

During her first school year, Triana turned into a completely different supreme beast, mainly thanks to her owner. Lovr had used the example of his civilization to show her that the inhabitants of this world were retarded barbarians, whose life was a cauldron of hatred, wrath, and revenge. It was a vicious circle, a whirlpool of eternal enmity with no way out.

Kyon had fundamentally changed Triana’s outlook. Her deep hostility towards people and demons gave way to something else, intrinsic to an intelligent being with a sober, understanding look at this cruel world.

Lovr gave Triana a dozen lectures on why eating intelligent beings on an industrial scale was pure evil, comparable to genocide. He taught the supreme beast to empathize with people and demons, made her put herself in place of her victims, the ordinary poor people doomed to be eaten since the day they were born. Triana would never forget these lessons. They had imprinted on her mind. Lovr had no doubt that she would never be like her relatives in terms of meat preferences, even though she was a born predator, and it ran in her blood.

Triana was fascinated by Lovr’s high-tech world. Synergy, endless space, mesmerizing stars, science and art, culture and morals at an unattainable for this world level! Trillions of different dishes and flavors! The intergalactic quantum network and millions of exciting games and jobs! Becoming an alpha? Why not? She could choose any hierarchy and assert her dominance! It was a dream and a fairy tale rolled in one.

Triana had to come to terms with some changes in her inner world, but there were others that she couldn’t accept. As a supreme beast, she couldn’t stand being raped, that is, having sex with an omega. However, she really took to mating with her owner! Either he was skillful in bed, or his wiener had grown big enough to reach her heart, but the moment Triana saw his penis, she got wet in a matter of minutes, which was completely unacceptable for the white tigers’ princess! Her body seemed to have a life of its own! If she hadn’t been doing it for half a day, she had sudden mood changes, and her lower abdomen started itching. One day, Triana tried to satisfy herself with her fingers but realized it didn’t work. It was nothing compared with her master’s thick penis or the lickjob that he had so ruthlessly removed from the list of services. She licked him down there every day! Why was he so greedy? It was fucking unfair!

Before Triana knew it, she had become a nymphomaniac, addicted to sex at the physiological level. However, it didn’t concern other boys from her environment. The very idea of ​​mating with them was disgusting to her. The factor of supreme beasts’ upbringing had also played a significant role. It was unacceptable for Triana to have more than one sexual partner unless he was from her harem.

Her passion for sex had other side effects. Triana began to feel her sexual partner’s preferences as if his body belonged to her. Her sexual skills went far beyond the limits. Triana noticed the slightest change on Kyon’s face, smell, and movements that helped her to bring him to orgasm almost immediately. She also learned to choose sexy clothes, bat her eyes, and much more.

Yet, despite all her wonderful skills, Triana couldn’t help but notice the owner’s gloomy face and heavy sighs. He said he was bored, but she couldn’t understand why. The white tiger princess wasn’t fun enough for him? What an arrogant pig! Why did he stop practicing, anyway? He had stuck at the fourth stage of the superior phase! What a pathetic omega!

But there was more to it. Now that Triana’s keys were more than 720% pure (out of 900% possible), some invisible, inconceivably powerful entity focused on her soul. It didn’t seem to be alive, but it wasn’t dead either. Since then, her mind had been open to some new memories, knowledge, skills, and even other supreme beasts’ heritage… Her innate body of Alpha Beast had undergone an incomprehensible metamorphose. It didn’t affect her personality in any way, but it was terrifying as if her mind had received experience from somebody else’s life! And not only one, but thousands of lives at once! What was going on? Triana decided not to tell the owner about it. There must be at least something he didn’t know about her! The tigress didn’t like being an open book for him! She preferred to be a mystery. Anyway, it wasn’t a good time for this…

Kyon was lying on the floor of his training room, staring at the ceiling. He was bored stiff. No intrigue, no power-grabs, no harvesting. It drove his ambitious nature up the wall. He couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

«A-a-а-а-а-аh! I’M DYING OF BOREDOM!» – Kyon roared.

He was so depressed that he would be glad to see even the sect envoys or anyone from the imperial government. He wished he could meet the 0th general already. Strange enough, but his first place in the forest tournament did not cause any suspicion. His legend about Dick Baker must have been too good. Or maybe, the general thought that he would find him himself. Yeah, right. It had been 8 months already.

Juno must have become much stronger over these 8 months. As for Kara… The demoness gave birth to a child about a month and a half ago. His child, his little baby. Valeera must be more powerful now. She had created a new criminal network in the imperial capital. He couldn’t wait to get more news about her.

Lovr wondered what took his head so long to upgrade. His first six months in this world were the most productive. He had reached the middle of the superior phase, upgraded his body, in particular his vision, hearing, smell, voice, nerves, carbon bones and skin. He had created the annihilation sphere, the light cut, the flash of darkness and light. He had enchanted his body and weapons and learned to place artillery shots in the rings! Then another eight months passed and… Nothing. He hadn’t mastered even the superior grade of heat. Kyon felt stagnant, even worse than that, he felt degraded. Since he had made the deal with the goddess through her student Dinah, the shots from the rings that violated the world balance were no longer available to him. It was no idle promise but a categorical ban at the physical level! As soon as he released the moving objects from the ring, they fell on the ground, losing speed and posing no threat.

«Оh? Finally!» – Kyon’s eyes lit up. He had acquired the superior (3) grade of heat! It had taken him so long because he had only 1% of elemental energy available. Now that Kyon had the superior grades of earth and heat in his arsenal, he could cast the superior weighting enchant on the Scourge!

Without waiting another moment, Lovr took out a mold with a superior weighting formation, filled the grooves with nephrite powder, put the keys into the nine holes, and placed the Scourge in the center, activating the enchantment.

Successful and just in time! He had run out of keys!

When Kyon tried to raise the sword, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Ten tons was a bit too much! He managed only to lift it a bit, his joints cracking dangerously. He was right to have created a formation inside the sword that sealed up to 95% of its mass! In a blink of an eye, 10,000 kilos turned into modest 500 kilos. With the sticking technique, this weight should not affect his balance during the fight. Before each attack, he would have to release at least 2,000 kilos, or he wouldn’t have enough strength for a proper swing.

{Finally, some progress!} – Lovr’s eyes filled with tears of happiness. It took him eight months to achieve some success! With the superior grade of heat, the element of time had also got stronger as it was derivative of all the nine elements.

Suddenly, Kyon’s heart skipped a beat. He could feel someone in the next room have made a breakthrough! As he reached the source of the fluctuations, he found Triana all sweaty after a good work-out.

«Triana… Congratulations! The peaking stage of the royal phase!» – Kyon exclaimed excitedly.

Triana smiled in response, baring her sharp white fangs. She sat on a thick metal plate, crossing her bare legs, and narrowed her golden predatory eyes: «They say that the royal phase is more difficult to attain than the imperial one. It’s a certain turning point for a major spiritual transformation… It was easier for me than reaching the lord’s phase!»

Kyon sat down next to her, took her soft hand in his, and stroked her smooth glittering claws. They were stronger than a diamond and sharper than a scalpel! These claws had become so dangerous that they could easily rip open his carbon skin. He was lucky to have this wonder under his control. The tigress was a deadly weapon that Kyon was going to aim at his enemies.

Triana continued: «It’s all thanks to you. My keys are now almost one hundred percent pure, which has raised my body’s rank. As a result, it evolves much faster. If only the energy density in the air was higher… Oh… Too bad I will never break through to the imperial phase…» – She tucked her ears sadly.

«Why do you think so?»

«Well… I need a high-quality breakthrough medicine for this. I don’t want to take a low-quality one because if I’m not lucky enough, I will get stuck in the royal phase for life…» – She heaved a sad sigh.

Kyon hesitated for only a moment. Then he took out the precious shiny box from the ring and opened it with a solemn air as if he was going to propose. The dense, exciting aroma and the aura of the pill filled the training room.

Triana raised her eyebrows in amazement. A round blood-red pill reflected in her charming eyes. She had completely forgotten that her owner had the Scarlet Meteor transformation medicine designed to break into the imperial phase – the main reward of the forest tournament!

«Are you… Are you messing with me?» – Triana got angry, which was only expected of her. What harnessed supreme beast would ever believe that the owner was giving away such a treasure? She refused to believe it even if she knew Lovr pretty well!

«Not at all!» – Kyon winked at her.

«Liar! Stop teasing me! I know you… It’s just an excuse to add something to your list of services for a huge price and make me pay for it later! I will never believe you’ve suddenly become so generous!» – Triana kicked the metal plate in a fit of anger.

«The point is… I don’t want to delay your growth. Getting a movement technique was an incentive to earn points! It can wait. But at your age, every month counts. I can’t keep you waiting.»

«You mean… Is it a gift?» – She asked incredulously.


Triana staring at the pill, bewitched. She swallowed hard, still not believing in her happiness. Then she reached out her hand, took the scarlet pill, and sniffed at it. Her eyes welling up with tears, her eyelashes fluttering: {Is he really giving it to me?..}

«Let’s go to Boston. You need a safe place for breaking through.»

«But… I need to reach the tenth stage first!»

«No need for that. Your upgraded body and the transformation medicine of A rank will do the job.» – Kyon said, heading for the door.

Triana took him by the hand: «Wait.»

«What’s the matter?» – Kyon turned around.

«Thank you, Lovr.» – She came closer and kissed him on the cheek.

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