Everything Will Be My Way!

Chapter 364

Chapter 364

The students thought that the world had finally gone off the rails. What was going on here? Was the prince bribed? Was it Triana’s trick? Or was Dick Baker not the guy they all thought he was?

As Dick Baker hit Prince Charles, some students could feel his vibrations of the superior phase. However, even if he had concealed his cultivation, it didn’t explain anything! He had to be in the noble phase to inflict severe damage on a peaking noble phaser!

Charles rushed to the enemy, holding his long sword in his right hand.

Kyon grabbed the hilt of the Scourge, increased its weight to 2.000 kilos and crossed the blades with his opponent.


The protective barrier vibrated from the sound wave. The unexpected rumble made several students scream, the most nervous ones jumped in their seats. The audience stared in shock at the result of the collision: Baker had taken three steps back while Grand had taken only one! And still, the fat freak had made the prince retreat!

Charles couldn’t believe his eyes. Some weakling, 16 stages inferior to him, was almost equal in strength?! It was even more shocking to feel energy fluctuations in his attack! The speed of Dick Baker’s arm had to be faster than a falling star to achieve this result of the collision! But it wasn’t so. Consequently, the fat freak’s weapon had to weigh about a ton, which raised a question – how could Dick Baker handle such a heavy sword at such a fast speed?

~boom~ ~boom~ ~boom~

The three next deafening blows did not differ much from the first. Both opponents, almost equal in strength, were not going to give in. The tension in the arena was palpable.

The audience and the prince, in particular, had the same question on the mind: {How is it even possible? Does he have a unique body that gives him monstrous power?} – However, something didn’t add up. – {Speed! This monstrous sword inhibits his speed and dexterity!}

Charles’s eyes sparkled. He had found Dick Baker’s weak spot. There was no need to fend his attacks. All Charles needed was to par a blow and counterattack or get to his opponent from the side and cut him in two with one aimed blow!

When Kyon saw the prince trying to pull off his ruse, he snorted contemptuously: «My poop is more unpredictable than you!» – He decreased the sword’s weight and changed the trajectory of the strike, aiming at Charles’s leg to break it.

Charles dodged ridiculously at the very last moment, rolling on the ground and collecting dirt with his white uniform: {What’s wrong with him? How could he change so quickly the trajectory of such a heavy sword?}

The students’ months opened so wide that a chicken egg could fit inside: «Is it a staged show?» … «It can’t be, judging by the crash» … «Pinch me, someone» … «He had destroyed the prince’s hand, and now he makes us swallow dust!» … «Is Dick… Is Dick Baker really… really so strong?» … «Has he been hiding his power all this time?» … «By no means. He’d always been saying he was an invincible genius, but we did not believe him! He is so self-confident that he did not want to prove anything to anyone!» … «Oh, yeah!» – Dick Baker, who they had considered a nullity for the whole year, was pulling stunts like that! The end of the world must be near! However, their reaction would be even more intense if the students hadn’t hardened their nerves during the school year.

Triana bared her snow-white fangs in a wide smile, listening to the students’ comments. Finally, they had recognized her former owner! Her heart bloomed flowers, blood burned her veins with excitement. Let them know that her master was no omega. However, the tigress would be deeply disappointed if he failed to overthrow the leader of the hierarchy. It meant worlds to her, so she cheered for Lovr with all her heart.

«Get up, Charlito. I am not done with you!» – Kyon sneered like a typical villain.

Prince clenched his teeth: {He is getting under my skin, bastard!} – He saw through his opponent’s plan and tried to focus. Dick Baker had a natural gift to drive people crazy, he could do it with his ugly face alone. However, Charles Grand was not going to give up. Honorable Master Gia had taught him how to stay calm. The teacher always told him that a hot heart makes predictable strikes. He had to keep calm like a serene mountain lake. Cool and calculating, nothing more. Charles had learned this rule well enough.

{So, what prevents me from killing the fat freak? I have four combat fists, and a huge advantage in speed. I can destroy the fat ass in a few seconds even with one hand!} – Charles’s goal was clear, he pressed a furious attack.

~bam~ ~bam~ ~bam~

{Shit! Why is he so unpredictable? How can he know my next move three steps ahead?} – The Prince couldn’t keep calm. How could Dick Baker keep up with him with such a massive weapon and disadvantage in speed! He effortlessly fended off all the attacks and saw through all the tricks!

Meanwhile, Kyon rejoiced at his new power. His usual strikes were about one and a half phase (15 stages) more powerful than anyone’s with his level of cultivation! It was all because of his half-upgraded right arm and the fact that he could instantly change his sword’s weight from 500 to 10.000 kilos! However, he was limited to two tons at the moment. Anyway, it didn’t affect either Dick’s dexterity or speed! It was rather hard to dodge from opponents like Prince Charles, but he could always send his two-tone “sledgehammer” in his royal face!

A collision with an opponent one and a half phase stronger used to present a huge risk for Lovr. Now he could afford it…

«Die, idiot!» – Charles shouted triumphantly, noticing Dick Baker’s fatal mistake.

Kyon fearlessly caught the flying sword with his teeth, hitting the prince with Scourge.


Everyone in the dorm heard a deafening crack of Charles’s breaking ribs. With a painful cry, the prince flew a dozen meters and hit the protective barrier.

«What?» – Thousands of shocked voices mixed into a single hum. The students were expecting Dick Baker’s instant death, not the situation where he got through the battle unscathed and took Charles’s sword away while breaking him a couple of ribs! Only Triana stayed calm because she knew how tough Lovr’s head was, but even she felt uneasy.

Kyon had successfully exchanged blows with Prince Charles, taking advantage of his indestructibility. His upgraded head, carbon bones and skin, as well as the enchantment for endurance, had worked in his favor… In fact, he did not even feel a thing.

Kyon spat the prince’s sword from his mouth, threw his head back and burst into laughter: «It’s hilarious! I thought the most successful Cernos student would be a bit smarter, but he is even dumber than he looks! Haven’t I just recently said that my head is harder than the legendary thousand-old buns? What a fool!»

Charles rose to his feet, clutching at his side and trembling with anger. His usual deadpan expression distorted in indescribable hatred: «You will answer for your words, jerk… Behold the Rage of the Purple Dragon!» – He balled his hand into a fist as he uttered the name of the technique. In a matter of seconds, his fist got covered with a purple rock crystal that formed a three-meter dragon’s head.

«It’s the most powerful earth technique! Has Prince Charles acquired it!» – One of the students exclaimed. If the dragon reached the enemy, it would swallow them up, grinding their bones into dust.

Triana nervously shifted from foot to foot.

Charles punched his fist in the air as if breaking the invisible wall in front of him, and the head of the dragon rushed forward at high speed, dragging its long scaly body behind.

Kyon wondered: {Huh… It’s a target-seeking technique that requires the highest grade of earth… which means, its power is equal to a middle lord phase. Well, I’ll have to use the third mode.}

Lovr took the Scourge in his hand, jumped three meters up (not higher because of the sword’s weight), and yelled: «Falling scourge!» – dropping 10 tons on the approaching dragon.


With an ear-splitting roar, the Head of the Dragon scattered into pieces, its body fell to the ground. Deep cracks ran throughout the arena floor, covered with purple rubble.

Kyon had used the most powerful mode of three. It returned the Scourge its full wights, and the gravity pulled it down, increasing the power of the strike. This mode had some drawbacks: speed, accuracy, time-consuming preparation, and yet, it had a colossal destructive effect if choosing the right moment.

Lovr put his sword on the shoulder and sneered: «Nothing I haven’t handled before! It’s not likely to be a big hit with the ladies, though… Try again!»

The audience was amazed and confounded so much that their hair stood on end. Any of them would instantly die, meeting the rage of the purple dragon created by Charles, but the fat freak had effortlessly destroyed the lord phase attack and was now messing with the prince!

Triana quickly ran her fingers through her hair: {He told me so many times that I underestimated him, but I didn’t believe him… I didn’t believe him!} – The tigress felt a pang of guilt. She had called him a weakling so many times! So wrong of her…

Charles was dripping with sweat. He couldn’t catch his breath, gasping for air. The technique he had used was the most powerful in his arsenal, but it was energy-consuming and had a long rollback. Dick Baker had destroyed it as if it was a joke for him…

Every time, life gave Charles an element of surprise that made him wish to hide, to sink into the ground, or to disappear: Lanai had stolen his precious medicine and killed his father; the wretched investigator had taken away the chance that happened once in a lifetime; the demons had escaped unscathed; something had gone wrong with the transformation medicine that closed him the door to the lord phase forever; his cultivated unique body had lost all its features; and now the most pathetic person in the whole universe was making a fool out of him! Charles Grand understood that his defeat would mean losing the remnants of his self-esteem, but above all, he would miss the last chance to get his once-happy life back. Was it possible that life had been making him stronger? NO WAY! This bitch was unlikely to smile upon him ever again! He would ruin its plans and take the bull by the horns!

Charles’s dark eyes lit up. A spear appeared in his hand, sparkling like lightning, and he immediately threw it at his sworn enemy: «The rage of heaven! Die!»

«I am sorry, I don’t smoke.» – Kyon shook his head and hit the lightning with Scourge, turning it into a ten-meter cloud of sparks. Instead of striking his body, it struck his sword and disappeared without a trace. All it took was a little isolation trick.

{What the hell is going on here?} – Charles thought in panic. The technique he had used had a powerful residual effect that could paralyze opponents up to the peaking noble phase, or destroy those with lesser cultivation, but the scarlet sword had absorbed his lightning!

«Alright, Charlito. I’ve got enough of you. Let’s call it today.» – Kyon said wearily and yawned. Then he snapped his fingers and pointed up.

An image of the sterile white room appeared on the bright screen…

Charles’s face froze when he recognized the room. He had seen it too many many times in nightmares.

The audience raised their heads to the night sky.

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