Everything Will Be My Way!

Chapter 372

Chapter 372

«Don’t you want to come back?» – Triana said quietly in the sound transmitter.

«No, thank you. I want to live, you know.»


«Where are you heading? Home?»

«Stupid question… I have nowhere to go.»

Kyon heaved a deep sigh: «Be careful on the way home. It’s the end of the world as we know it. If the dark and the bright are here, we’re on the brink of a bloody war. Your father will protect you. Tell him that humans, demons, and supreme beasts should unite to fight back…»

«Stop worrying about me.» – Triana interrupted his solemn speech. – «I heard of the dark and the bright a year ago… Father said they were coming with a different purpose. I won’t give you any details.»

{That’s how you know about the United heaven formation!} – Kyon concluded, cooling off at once. He would hate to be an ant among the fighting dragons. He was still too weak. Triana’s words sounded encouraging.

«I have good news for you, baby cub.» – Lovr said.

«What news?»

«You’re pregnant.»

«Are you fucking kidding me?» – Triana instantly got furious and clutched at her stomach instinctively.

«Didn’t you want to be a mother?» – Kyon pretended to sound hurt.

«Why didn’t you kill your seed? I would never want to have a child with an omega! I wanted to be happy with a decent male, which is now impossible because of you…» – Her voice was trembling with grief and resentment.

When Kyon heard her words and intonation, he felt immensely relieved. He hadn’t been wrong about the tigress and had taken the necessary steps just in time. He wouldn’t have killed the seed, anyway, even if he hadn’t run out of Synergy at the most crucial moment. As a matter of fact, Triana had adopted some human qualities from him for the nine months of their cohabitation, including the ability to lie. Therefore, there was a chance that she would lie to her kin to live happily with an alpha she had always dreamed of and have many tiger cubs with him. The mere thought that his woman might end with some burly, flea-infested wolf gave him a heartache. Even if the odds had been only 1%, he would never regret his decision.

«You were ovulating, tiger cub, and I ran out of Synergy… Even if I wanted – but I did not want to – I could not have killed my seed, so here we are. You will be a mom in nine months! Stop being obsessed with seeing me as an unworthy weakling, or it might affect the child… Consider me the future emperor of the world if you wish! I will visit you in about three years max… I am sure I will become the one you have been dreaming of!» – Lovr said with confidence, but honestly, he wasn’t completely sure of his success. Triana had a higher quality of energy, as well as the cultivation speed. It would be extremely difficult for him to catch up with her. He could only count on losing the omega rank in her eyes. She might also consider that sooner or later he would become her alpha.

Kyon could hear Triana’s angry snorting in the sound transmitter: «How am I supposed to go back to the animal kingdom? The white tiger princess got pregnant but can’t show her alpha? Why did I fall for that? I shouldn’t have let you go… jerk…»

{Let me go?} – Lovr had a strong suspicion that she was telling the truth. – «Тiger cub, you can lie! You are a leading authority in the forest kingdom! You can tell your family that goddess Ceres has rewarded you with a kid! No one will dare to say a thing against you… There won’t be a single sideways glance in your direction… You will be popular even with a human child! No one will know that! Let Diamant choke on his intention to make you the head of his harem… and Fenrir may go to hell, too…»

«Shut up!» – Triana interrupted her former owner angrily.

Kyon smiled to himself: «Anyway, you can solve any problem in your homeland with lies. You have nothing to worry about. I have only one request: if you have a boy, call him Roland.» – His voice trembled with emotion on the last word. Kyon was pinning his hopes on Triana in case Kara didn’t give birth to a boy. Lovr had always wanted to give his child this name. He didn’t mind if there were namesakes.

The tigress said in a quiet but stern voice: «I’ll heed to the words of my baby’s father, but you will have to keep your promise and come to the animal kingdom no later than in three years to prove that you are worthy of being my alpha and the rightful father of my child! Otherwise, I will be deeply disappointed in you… I hope there’s a reason behind your confidence.»


Kyon could see through a bird the tigress crush up the sound transmitter and disappear. Apparently, she wasn’t going to keep in touch with the wrecked omega. He frowned, visibly annoyed. Too bad he could not say goodbye to the tigress properly. She meant a lot to him.

Triana got undressed and turned into the beast, rushing at an incredible speed in the direction of the Elk closer to her homeland. The tigress had become so powerful that she could be equal to a peaking emperor phaser, but the mighty predator was shedding bitter tears, wounded in the most vulnerable, delicate place – her heart.

All Triana had ever wanted was to be happy in Fenrir harem while he hadn’t lost the alpha rank for her… But the wretched human had ruined everything by getting her pregnant. A child from an omega… There wasn’t a deeper humiliation for the supreme beast. The tigress could only pin her hopes on Lovr becoming an alpha one day. This thought warmed the heart with the idea that she had made the right call and things would work out for the best. Triana couldn’t wait to see her father…

The next day, Lovr rented the roof of a cafe in the suburbs to meet someone in Kyon’s personality. A pleasant warm breeze caressed the skin. He could hear the murmur of voices downstairs, discussing the green night.

{Triana said that they didn’t come to invade the planet, then why are they here?} – Lovr needed more information. His conversation with King Vladimir didn’t help much. It would take a more powerful source, someone like the head of the imperial department, to shed some light on the situation! Kyon was intending to get a job as an imperial investigator in Dantes, but before that, he had to drop in Athens to visit the Feruzovs’ treasury.

~click~ ~clack~

Kyon could hear a loud, confident sound of high heels approaching him.

He turned around and saw a charming lady in a thin bright summer dress who bore a striking resemblance to Marina. She didn’t look older than twenty-five even if, in fact, she was a little older. The guest had enchanting green eyes. She was wearing a wide-brimmed from beneath which her hair fell like a river of molten gold up to her waist. The beautiful lady emanated an aura of a proud, powerful woman who could move mountains and tame the seven seas. Her irresistible charm surpassed even that of Queen Vlada’s. No man could possibly remain unimpressed by this gorgeous widow.

When Diana Stone saw the handsome young man, she approached him and held him tight: «Oh Kyon! I’ve missed you so much, my dear son! I’ve been worrying about you!»

«Hello… Mother…» – Kyon greeted her awkwardly. The most delightful, dazzlingly beautiful widow, who also happened to be his adopted mother, was tenderly hugging him. Subconsciously, he considered her just a woman because he had never known his biological mother. Likewise, boys who have no sisters can have private fantasies about them without any guilt.

Diana kissed her son on both cheeks, then she took his face in her hands and looked into his deep dark-brown eyes: «Why didn’t you call me, Kyon? You had my frequency, didn’t you? I was wondering where you had been and what you had been doing!»

A wry smile twisted Kyon’s lips: «I am sorry… I am a selfish brute.»

Diana shook her head: «I know you’ve been busy… I don’t blame you.» – She took a seat at his table and continued: – «Tell me all your news! What are your plans for the future? Have you found yourself a bride?..»

Lovr took out some buns and two cups with hot tea from the ring and began to talk about his adventures in Cernos. He didn’t tell Diana about some things, but it wasn’t because he didn’t trust his mother. He didn’t want to worry her.

Diana was the only reason, beside XiaoBai, to care about the Stones. Her sincere feelings were difficult to ignore. Perhaps, somewhere deep inside, Kyon needed this emotional connection, being an orphan from birth. He was really glad to see his mother and learn the latest news about his family.

Once Lovr concluded that Diana saw him as a copy of her missing husband, not in terms of his character or appearance. She knew that he could also move mountains. After all, he was now the new indestructible pillar of the family who made her feel protected, calm and peaceful. Kyon didn’t seem to mind, on the contrary, he was flattered.

«…So, I am heading to Dantes to begin my career as a high-ranking imperial investigator, but you can’t tell anyone about it.» – Kyon added.

All this time, Diana listened carefully to her son: «I didn’t expect anything less from you! I’m sure you’ll be soon the head of the Imperial Department! Please keep in mind that people there hold on to their positions… If they see you as a threat, they will get rid of you. Be extremely careful, enlist somebody’s help! You will need someone powerful by your side! I can introduce you to Elsa, your strong and talented sister. I’m sure you will get along with her! She will benefit from meeting you: Elsa loves to be in the spotlight, and it is impossible to stay unnoticed next to you!»

Kyon coughed dryly: «It’s a good offer, but I can’t give you an answer right away… Will you arrange a meeting for us if I let you know my decision a bit later?»

«Of course!» – Diana perked up. – «My reputation obliges the order to connect me with Elsa at the first request! I can arrange your meeting if my relationship with Elsa leaves much to be desired.»

«Alright. How is the family doing after the tournament?» – Kyon changed the subject.

Diana started to tell him: «The Stones have acquired an unprecedented reputation thanks to you! We returned the humiliation that we had suffered from the Browns. Their family went bankrupt due to the conviction for tax evasion and was dissolved… Thousands of Browns lost their family name… Patriarch Herman and Timothy had been expecting to win the tournament, but they screwed up thanks to you.» – She gently took his hand into hers.

Diana smiled affectionately as she noticed Kyon’s embarrassment. She assumed that her words had reached his, but in fact, he was struggling to hold back his indecent emotions.

Diana went on: «Every day, we receive hundreds of letters from all different kinds of people. Respectful masters send us gifts, expressing a desire to take you as a student. The sect envoys have been particularly persistent! They speak on behalf of their leaders, promising us untold riches and much more… Bai has been a mess after talking to them. He would gladly send you to the Fat sect, but he didn’t know where to find you… Silly father! He does not understand anything. I do not share his opinion because my son must decide his future himself! By the way, your grandfather no longer holds a grudge against you for blackmailing him for ten million spheres… Neither do I. You should have got even more because you deserve credit for the Stones’ victory! Our family must invest all the resources in such a promising family member, the goddess’s messenger!»

Kyon wondered while his mother kept talking about family affairs: {Does she want to strengthen family bonds? Or is there a hidden catch behind her good intentions?}

An hour flew by.

Lovr could tell Diana’s motives were ambiguous and quite selfish. She seemed desperate to get closer to him. It was hard to resist her charm, care and tenderness. Yurich had taken a wonderful wife.

«Tell me what women do you prefer?» – Diana asked suddenly.

«Beautiful and unapproachable. I like the challenge.» – Kyon answered brusquely.

«Hm…» – She seemed to be choosing her words carefully – «Then I need to ask you for something important.»

«Ask for anything. I will help you if I can.»

«I want you to marry my daughter.» – Diana looked serious.

Kyon’s eyes widened: «Which one?»

She looked mysteriously: «It’s up to you!»

«But I am your son! They are my sisters!» – He retorted.

«They are your foster sisters, and you’re their foster brother. Marrying within a family isn’t a rare event, but people tend to condemn closely related marriages like in your case. But what does it matter? I give you my blessing. That’s the main thing!»

{Wow! She is so..} – Lovr was surprised. He had underestimated his mother’s determination.

«Elsa wanted to be an investigator as a child, and that’s what you are going to be. I’ll be very surprised if you don’t get along. However, she has a boyfriend, Rose Valentine, his name or so it seems. But when Elsa finds out that you are the goddess’s messenger, she will definitely choose you over him.»

{Rose?} – His mere name set a flare of hatred burning in Kyon’s heart.

«As for Juno…» – Diana lowered her gaze. – «You have a year left.»

«A year?»

She spoke quietly: «She is getting married in a year.»

«To whom?» – Kyon became concerned about his ripening property.

«Roman Clinton convinced his patriarch father to fork out for buying my daughter’s hand and heart with Tokens. I have no doubt that he is captivated by her beauty, talent and inaccessibility. As soon as Juno comes of age, she will be obliged to marry him, or else we will all be in huge trouble.»

«One year…» – Lovr whispered and nodded. – «Alright, mum. I’ll do what you say.»

«You will? I am so happy!» – With a happy smile, Diana rushed to hug her son. It was her initiative to adopt Kyon, and now she talked him into marrying her daughter. If the wedding took place, he would never turn his back on the family! A promising future awaited the Stones! He was a diamond in the rough that she had spotted the moment they met.

Their conversation lasted a couple of hours. Then Kyon said goodbye to his mother, saddled the fastest mount in the kingdom and set off for Athens.

Lovr took out a fragrant pill and swallowed it without hesitation. It was a boosting medicine that he had acquired for 16 million spheres after the forest tournament. It was a good decision to take the pill after the head upgrade was over. It was effective for only two months.

During his stay in Cernos after the tournament, Kyon had received only 14% of the darkness in the core. Prince Charles had given him 5% before he died. The students had given him 9% in nine months. The result was pretty discouraging. It was harder to harvest dark emotions than light ones, which was absolutely illogical! His body of the void was created with symmetrical opposites, so the conditions must be the same! But for some reason, it didn’t happen.

As for collecting souls, the peaking noble phaser didn’t give him even one percent. It was even more oppressive than gathering the darkness. Where was going to get so many deadly opponents? And how was he going to kill them?

As a result, the nucleus of his body of the void was filled with 0% souls, 0% elements, 85% light emotions and 25% dark ones. It was a real challenge to meet the four conditions. But Lovr was not going to give up. Athens and Dantes were his next destination! He was in for numerous new adventures and achievements.

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