Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 902 - Full-fledged Attack

Chapter 902 – Full-fledged Attack

“Get ready, everyone. We will start today!” Feng Yu clapped his hand to get the attention of all the brokers.

All the brokers were excited. They knew the time had come for them to launch a full-fledged attack. Although they had dumped Thai Baht before, the amount is not significant. Feng Yu and Soros were hoping the other party will lose more money and gain higher profits.

But yesterday, Soros called Feng Yu, and they discussed over the phone. They agreed on building a portfolio of short and long-term future contracts and dump Thai Baht in large amounts. They decided to crash the Thai Baht in one go!

Before they start, Feng Yu had gotten 1 billion USD worth of Thai Baht futures contract.

Feng Yu continued to borrow money and dump shares in Thailand’s stock market in an attempt to disrupt Thailand’s financial market. Although Feng Yu is incurring massive losses, as the stock market index dropped, he would earn from shorting the shares.

Stock index futures are the same as commodities futures, where only a 10% deposit is required. Some financial institutes even accept 5% deposits.

With this leverage, the returns are significant if Feng Yu wins. But his risk is also very high.

Thailand has 15 local banks and offshore financial institutes, and Feng Yu starts to arrange his men to get massive loans in Baht from them. Feng Yu’s short and long-term future contracts are through overseas banks.

The Forex market is similar to the stock market. If there are more sellers than buyers, the price will drop. Feng Yu and Soros start to dump Thai Baht at the same time, and the price of Baht starts to dive.

Kirilenko looked at the monitor excitedly. “Feng, are we making money when the value of Baht falls?”

“Of course. But the current amount is nothing. We started building our portfolio when the rate is 24:1, and it is only 25.3:1 now. This amount is too low.”

“Didn’t we used leverage?”

“Yes. We can earn 1.3 Baht for every 1 USD. Even if its 10-times leverage, our return is only 13 Baht. Our profits are only around 50%. Do you know how much losses we incurred when we dumped Thai Baht?”

“That means Thai Baht must continue to fall for us to make money?”

“Yes. Don’t be anxious. I estimate Thai Baht will fall to 27:1 latest by the day after tomorrow. We will stop when it reaches this amount.” Feng Yu smiled.

“Stop? Why must we stop? Shouldn’t we continue to dump Thai Baht and make it drop further? How are we going to make money if Thai Baht stops depreciating?”

“You think the Thai Government is stupid? They will surely intervene, or else, Thailand will go into super inflation.

There are already signs of inflation in Thailand now, and the Thai Government had imposed some measures to stop it. The government had issued 10 billion Thai Bhai bonds, hoping to support their financial market. The property reserves were also increased from 100% to 120%. The financial institutions also prepared 5 billion Baht as reserves.

That means there will be more Thai Baht circulating, and the supply will outweigh the demand. When a country injected a large amount of their currency into the market, it will cause inflation.

“How is the government going to interfere?” Kirilenko asked.

“They will do the opposite. Prices will increase when they started buying. The Thai government still have a large amount of foreign reserve. Last month, they had done this once. Based on our analysis, the Thai Government had used 2 billion USD of the foreign reserve to interfere with the exchange rates.”

“Ok. It’s hard to explain to you how the whole operation works. Some of the jargon is hard to explain in Russian. Guangwei, bring Brother Ki to have fun in Macau. Remember, don’t gamble too much.”

Fu Guangwei had wanted to bring Feng Yu to Macau to have fun. In Hong Kong, many people love to go to Macau for a short holiday. Sometime, Hong Kongers will spend their weekends in Macau. There are lots of pretty women from all over the world in Macau, and it is most suitable for people like Kirilenko.

“You are not going? Don’t you have people to oversee the operation here?” Kirilenko asked.

“If I don’t monitor the market, they will now know when to stop. When the Thai Government steps in, Soros will surely withdraw, leaving us to face the Thai Government head-on as the main force.”

Feng Yu knew clearly that in his previous life, the Thai Government and Malaysia’s Government joined hands against Soros and made Soros suffered losses of over 300 million USD. He could not even recover his losses with his futures contracts.

In this life, although many things had changed, like Feng Yu and Kirilenko’s involvement, Feng Yu still hopes for the same thing to happen. He wants to see how much money Soros prepared to gauge the strength of Soros and his gang!

Now, Soros is waiting for Feng Yu to dump more Thai Baht, and Feng Yu is also waiting for Soros to do the same. The more they dump, the more losses they will incur for now. But in the end, both of them will make money.

Feng Yu is taking a gamble. He is betting his money on Soros will not hold back. After all, not all of Soros’s money belongs to him alone. A portion of it is from the investors. Even if Soros can hold on, his investors might not be that patient.

Not every investor is like Kirilenko, who trusted Feng Yu unconditionally.

Although Kirilenko comes to the office every day to ask about the situation, he never objects to what Feng Yu did.

This is because Kirilenko trusted Feng Yu.

“Ok! All of you can report off after you all finish recording your daily trades. Remember, each of you must email me your analysis of the market.”

Feng Yu stretched himself. It’s been a while since he sat in front of a monitor for so long. Although it’s tiring, he is still very excited.

Feng Yu seldom get this excited. Having an annual income of 1 billion or 800 million USD is ordinary for Feng Yu. Just his Microsoft and Yahoo shares can generate this amount if he sells it.

But this time, it is Feng Yu’s opportunity to find out how Soros and the Quantum Fund operates. It is also the opportunity for Feng Yu to make money.

The effects of them dumping Thai Baht in large amounts only lowered the value by a little today.

The next day, Feng Yu saw Soros’s card. He got his men to spread rumors of the Thai Government going bankrupt internationally. The Thai Government had lots of external debt, which is almost due, and Baht is depreciating. He urges everyone to exchange Thai Baht for USD.

This rumor spread to Thailand quickly, and Baht’s exchange rate start to drop again. This time, the value of Baht dropped more than before and exceeded Thailand’s Central Bank’s limit. The market starts to panic!

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