Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 923 - Hong Kong’s Return

Chapter 923 – Hong Kong’s Return

Warning: Extreme Chinese propaganda. This chapter is the author sucking up to his Government with his fantasy. You can skip this if you want, as this chapter has nothing to do with the main storyline.

“What is wrong with you? We have so many relatives and friends here, and you had only arranged for these few seats?” Feng Xingtai scolded.

“Dad, this is a meeting room, and have limited seats. Reporters from all over the world are here, and there are representatives and leaders from many countries. Even the representatives from the US don’t have so many seats! Our meeting room has the best view.”

More than 8,000 reporters are in Hong Kong to cover this story. The number of reporters is almost the same as the Olympic Games, and there are limited seats. Even Feng Yu and the rest of the younger generations had to stand behind.

Feng Xingtai felt better when he heard the US representatives don’t have as many seats as him. Anyway, it’s fine for his friends and relatives to stand outside to watch the ceremony. My son is so capable of getting these seats.

Feng Yu was here to attend the ceremony, but he still arranged his brokers from New York to watch the market closely. After all, they are not interested in the handover and are more concerned about making money.

This time, Feng Yu was not only using his money to invest, and nothing must go wrong!


June 30th, 2342 hrs. The handover ceremony started!

2356 hrs. Flag carriers from both countries appeared, and all the spectators stood up to watch the flagpoles.

2359 hrs. The British and Hong Kong flags were lowered. Many spectators were excited as they look at the flags being lowered. Some British were weeping as it will be a great loss of income for them!

At exactly 0000 hrs., the Chinese National Anthem started, and all the Chinese, including the Leaders from the Chinese Government, sang it proudly. Along with the anthem, the Chinese and Hong Kong flags rise slowly.

Feng Yu and the rest looked at their National flag and sang the anthem at the top of their voice. He could even hear his grandfather singing in his hoarse voice.

When the anthem ends, the crowd cheered. Feng Yu’s parents were clapping like crazy.

Although China still has not recovered all its lost territory, this is the first step to victory. Feng Yu thought he would not be so excited as he had gone through this once in his previous life. But at this moment, his tears still welled up in his eyes.

Li Na’s tears were flowing down. Chinese patriotism is embedded in every Chinese, and it’s like a religion.

Wen Dongjun, who was standing beside, was crying loudly, and Zhang Han still had to wipe his tear with a handkerchief.

Feng Yu’s grandfather was also crying, as he had finally lived to see this happening before his eyes, and is an important occasion for him!

Cameras flashed non-stop, and Feng Yu passed his handkerchief to his grandfather as his grandfather’s handkerchief was already soaked.

Feng Yu noticed many Hong Kongers are also crying. They had not forgotten Hong Kong is part of China.

Today, Hong Kong had finally returned to China, and everyone is excited. If it weren’t for many reporters around, everyone would be celebrating like crazy.

President Jiang walked up the podium, and everyone can tell from his expression that he is very excited. He is representing China to announce Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

In his speech, President Jiang said this is an important occasion for all Chinese and will be recorded in history!

Of course, in his speech, President Jiang also mentioned the Chief Architect. The Chief Architect is the one who comes up with the ‘one country two systems’ model and had participated in the negotiations.

At this moment, the ‘Old Man’ is sitting in front of the TV like the other Chinese, watching the live ceremony telecast.

This national event is more significant than the Lunar New Year. Young and Old are sitting in front of their TV to watch it.

There are no skits and no celebrities singing pop songs, but this live telecast had record-breaking viewership!

Fireworks started on the coast of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, everywhere in China, people start to set off fireworks.

Along the streets in China, people start to celebrate, and Hong Kong’s return to China is the only topic they are talking about.

All the workers and their family members in Bing City Machinery Company, Wind and Rain Electronics, Aiwa Electronics Factory, etc. are watching the ceremony in their factory’s main hall.

When the National Anthem started earlier, all of them sang along loudly.

Li Mingde stood on the stage and announced. “Other than giving you all a day off tomorrow, every worker will receive a 500 RMB Tai Hua Supermarket, Shopping Card.”

Now, Tai Hua Supermarket has branches in many cities. Some cities only have a supermarket instead of a Hyper-mart, but the sales are still outstanding.

The workers had just received last month’s bonus, and now, they are receiving a shopping card! They are overjoyed!

All of Feng Yu’s companies are the same, and even Lehaha and Jianlibao also gave out benefits to their workers.

Many overseas Chinese, who watched the ceremony, thought of returning to China.

China is strong now, and the overseas Chinese start to miss their hometown.

Hong Kong’s return is a calling to the overseas Chinese.

Today, it is a sleepless night for many people.

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