Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 179 - Not An Accident

Chapter 179 – Not An Accident

Ian made a call after the receptionist gave him the details about the boy who had died. It was his hospital and he had to make sure everything went well. He was not the one to allow any mistakes, be it of any sort. It had taken him a lot of effort to build his own hospital and he expected perfection, with no black records of any sort.

"Hello, Sergeant Phil."

"Hello, Dr. Davis."

"Sergeant, I need a favor from you."

"Yes, yes Doctor. Tell me how may I help you?"

Ian accounted him all that had taken place in his hospital regarding the boy and his family. The sergeant listened to him and was silent for some time. "Doctor, I'll send my men to take a look at it. Please don't worry. We will resolve the issue as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Sergeant."

"My pleasure."

Ian ended the call and sighed. He wondered how they had ended up in this trouble. Now that the matter was being handled by Sergeant Phil, he had no reason to worry. At that moment, a nurse came to him running. "Doctor, the driver has woken up."

"Is it? That's great." Ian went along with her to take a look. As she had said, the man had woken up and he was staring at the ceiling without blinking. As soon as Ian went inside, the man's eyes darted him.

"Hello. How are you feeling? Does it pain anywhere?" Ian asked gently. He went through his health chart and checked his body for any abnormalities.

"Doctor, can you please call the police?"

Ian stared at him in surprise. As soon as the man had got up, he had asked to see the police. This was something unexpected. He had not spoken anything else nor did he complained of pain.

"Why do you want to call the police? Is something the matter?"

"Yes, I need to file a report."

"Ohh, is it? Let me take a look at you first and make sure that you are alright. Okay? We need to see if you are doing fine."

The man nodded and Ian started to see if he was fine. He checked his vitals. Everything looked normal, except that his heartbeat was a little high. There was nothing wrong with his body.

"You are doing fine. I'll call the police for you."

Ian made a call to Sergeant Phil once again in front of the man. "Sergeant, the school bus driver has woken up and he wants to meet you. He wants to file a report."

"Is it? I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"He will be here shortly. You can rest until then." Ian assured the driver but got a blank stare in return.

Forty minutes later.

The Sergeant and Ian were in the CCU, waiting for the man to speak up. 

"I am Sergeant Phil. Do you want something to tell us?"

"Yes, Sergeant. I need to make a complaint."

"Against who?"

"I don't know who he was."


"He was the person who tried to kill me."

"What?" Ian and the sergeant were both dumbfounded.

"Yes. It was not an accident, everything was planned."

"Can you explain it in detail?"

"The truck which rammed into the bus was following us for quite some time. I saw it through the rearview mirror. It hit us at the intersection while I was taking a turn."

"Then what happened?"

"I was thrust forward and fell off the bus. The kids stayed inside and I think they got hurt. But that was not the case. There were two people in the truck and one of them got down. He was searching for someone among the kids. I tried to stop him, but he struck me with the rod."

The sergeant and Ian looked at each other in silence. What they had assumed to be an accident was actually an attempt to murder or kidnap. The case had suddenly taken a different turn altogether. 

"Did you see the man's face?"

"No. He was wearing a mask."

"Did he take the child he was looking for with him?"

"I don't think so. A lot of people had accumulated by the time he finished dealing with me. So, he might not have gotten the chance to do what he intended to do."

"I'll take a look at it. We will see if any of the kids who were in that van were missing. Do you have anything else for us to know that might help in the investigation?"

The man thought for a while trying to recollect everything that had occurred that day. But he couldn't find out any other details that might be of great importance. He then remembered something. "Sergeant, I have something. But I am not sure if it is worth it."

"That does not matter. Tell us everything you know, even a minute detail may help us."

"The attacker had a tattoo on his arm. When I was trying to defend myself, I accidentally tore his right sleeve and I saw it."

"What kind of a tattoo was it?"

"It was a snake of some kind. It looked scary." The man revealed everything and once again the Sergeant and Ian looked at each, but this time in realization.

"I'll do a thorough investigation and look into this matter. Thank you for informing me." The sergeant took his leave and Ian followed him.

"What do you think about this case, Dr. Davis?" 

"I am not sure. I am still wondering if he is telling the truth or not."

"There is nothing wrong with investigating it. I'll take a look at it thoroughly. If what he is saying is the truth, then we need to buck up and find those bastards. We cannot allow anybody else to get hurt because of them."

"Yes, the Vipers are becoming bold each day. We need to do something about them."

"I wonder who they wanted to take with them and why. Is it someone from an influential background?"

"I don't know what to say. Anyway, this is your case now." Ian sighed. "What about the boy I told you about?"

"I have sent my men to find the boy's family. If we have no results by the end of tomorrow, we will take care of the body. You have nothing to worry."

"Thank you, Sergeant."

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