Chapter 515 - 515 Dazed

515 Dazed

Jiang Yue thought that no one would notice if she had a few more watermelons in the field, so she went into her space when she got up that morning and planted two more seeds in her space. They were both seedless watermelons.

Then, by tomorrow morning, she would be able to pick ten large watermelons from the space.

Therefore, after washing up the next morning, Jiang Yue entered the space in her room. She planned to pick the ten watermelons. Then, she could take them out when she was outside the space.

This meant that she didn’t need to go into her space to get it later in the day.

In her space, the vines that grew from the two watermelon seeds were green and had large leaves. They covered the small piece of yellow soil that was the size of her fist and the puddle of water that was the size of a small bowl. She could clearly see that the vines had extended to the black soil again. The long ones had ten large watermelons with exposed black patterns.

Jiang Yue plucked the watermelons one by one and placed them aside.

The vines of the watermelon plant began to wither as she plucked the last watermelon from each vine. Then, they turned black and disappeared.

The small patch of yellow soil and the small pool of water were exposed again without the vines and leaves covering them. They were about half the size of before.

However, the distance between the water and the yellow soil did not change. It was still the same distance.

Jiang Yue was stunned. She squatted down and frowned as she stared at the soil and water. “Why did it suddenly get bigger… The distance did not seem to have changed… There should be a reason for this… I wonder what happened to this space…”

Jiang Yue began to ponder.

Recently, other than planting a few seeds in this small piece of yellow land from time to time, there was nothing else that changed. There was nothing strange about this… Wait, something was wrong!

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