Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1375

Chapter 1375: News of the Second Strange Seed

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As Lin Yuan looked at Tian Ningning’s hopeful expression, he handed Zhou Man’s information to Tian Ningning and said, “Tian Ningning, do you think you’ll be able to get Zhou Man?”

Tian Ningning nodded with delight and said, “I will. Sister Man is practically my mentor.”

Lin Yuan’s eyebrow twitched, and he replied, “Then, go and do it. After you’re done, tell Zhou Man to come up with a draft for the Star Web article on the matter I just told you about and send it to me.”


But now that she knew that Lin Yuan was the Moon Empress’ disciple, the Savage Snake Guild Club’s shutdown of Zhou Man seemed insignificant.

In less than four hours, Tian Ningning sent the soft copy of Zhou Man’s article to Lin Yuan.

After Lin Yuan read through the article, he found it to be acceptable. Zhou Man had written clearly and objectively. She only wrote about the result and not the process. It was as though she was writing from a third-party angle.

This article would leave room for boundless imagination and guessing when posted on Star Web.

With Lin Yuan’s approval, Zhou Man nervously logged onto Star Web. She stalled for some time and checked the article numerous times before posting it. She knew that her life would be forever changed once this article was posted.

She would gain a new lease of life and could start posting articles on Star Web again. Zhou Man was full of gratitude for Tian Ningning and the young man who Tian Ningning had said was the Moon Empress’ disciple.

Zhou Man’s article immediately made a huge splash on Star Web.

No one on Star Web had mentioned the conflict between Sky City and Connected Beast Park for the past two days. But that was not because Star Web’s users had forgotten about the conflict but because the most recent events had been too shocking, and there had not been any new news on the conflict.

As such, the public could only speculate what was happening under the table.

The Moon Empress’ disciple’s action caused Sky City to gain a new wave of fans on Star Web.

They had remained popular in the few months since Sky City had been established. Their mystique and wealth only helped them to gain a swarm of loyal fans who were unhappy that the Moon Empress’ disciple was interfering in this matter and caused Sky City to be unable to destroy Connected Beast Park as revenge.

Thus, two camps emerged on Star Web. One side represented Sky City while the other side represented the Moon Empress’ disciple, and they engaged in a clash of opinions.

At the same time, Lin Yuan’s faith power climbed rapidly. He knew that this increase in faith power would sustain him for some time.

However, no event could remain popular forever, and this event was no exception. Nonetheless, Lin Yuan was not worried because Black would be stealing all the thunder at the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection a month later. At that time, the influx of faith power would return.

After Zhou Man published the article, many Star Web reporters started to follow this event. Although many of them were secretly jealous of Zhou Man, a Star Web reporter who was supposed to have been shut down by Savage Snake Guild Club but had now gotten her hands on such juicy news, it was not prohibited for such public relations articles to be posted on Star Web.

After the Star Web reporters picked up on this news, they immediately rushed in to write articles based on their own opinion. As long as they jumped on the bandwagon fast enough, they would be able to spread this trending and profitable piece of news.

This matter had only been released for half a day. But before Lin Yuan could contact Connected Beast Park, Miao Zhenshan had called Lin Yuan with his teeth gnashed.

Lin Yuan did not say much else to Miao Zhenshan, but the latter tried to gain Lin Yuan’s favor multiple times by acting submissive.

Lin Yuan had decided not to destroy Connected Beast Park to gain faith power but also to try and use the relationship between Connected Beast Park and Whale Ocean Commerce to try and find the strange seed with Immortal aura.

Thus, he subtly mentioned the collaboration between Connected Beast Park and Whale Ocean Commerce while putting up an oppressive front.

Miao Zhenshan was struggling to find something to talk to Lin Yuan about. He was afraid of saying something wrong and offending Lin Yuan.

Now that Lin Yuan had expressed interest in the collaboration between Connected Beast Park and Whale Ocean Commerce, Miao Zhenshan instantly told Lin Yuan the information that Di Wancheng had stressed to keep secret.

He thought about how he had been rejected when he asked Whale Ocean Commerce for help. After the rejection, he had thought about ending the collaboration with Whale Ocean Commerce more than once. However, Di Wancheng had threatened him, and he could not ignore Whale Ocean Commerce’s wrath.

To put it bluntly, Miao Zhenshan had submitted to Whale Ocean Commerce and allowed himself to be threatened into working with Whale Ocean Commerce.Read full chapters at .com

Thus, Miao Zhenshan felt good telling Lin Yuan about the information he had promised Whale Ocean Commerce that he would not reveal.

Lin Yuan’s eyes lit up when he heard what Miao Zhenshan said.

‘Seed? Could the seed that Whale Ocean Commerce wants Connected Beast Park to nurture be the same type of seed that Red Thorn has consumed?’

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