Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527: Tell Them I’m Still Here!


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Naturally, Lin Yuan could use the popularity from this to gain new fans and repay some of those who had been supporting him.

He was going to tell them that he was still here and had been working hard in the shadows!

Lin Yuan logged out of his own Star Web account.

He took out his phone and called Tian Ningning.

When she picked up, he said, “I’m going to fight on the Celestial Stairway.”


Tian Ningning immediately started to cheer out of excitement.

As Black’s exclusive reporter, Tian Ningning was acquainted with the people who managed Black’s official fan club.

As such, she knew much more news than him.

She had wanted to ask him to appear as Black countless times. But every time, she decided against it.

Tian Ningning had been eating at the Return from Faraway Mansion in the past two days and knew how busy Lin Yuan was.

Nonetheless, Black was Tian Ningning’s faith, and it was difficult for her to watch her faith being trampled on.

Now that she knew that Black was going to fight on the Celestial Stairway, she immediately said, “Lin Yuan, give me a front-row seat. No matter how many fights you fight, I will produce all the fight reports tonight.”

Upon hearing that, Lin Yuan replied with a smile, “You will probably have an easy time writing the fight reports today, and they won’t take up much of your time.”

Next, Lin Yuan logged into Star Web as Black and immediately went into Star Web Tower to begin the matching.

Lin Yuan had reached 14-stars on the Celestial Stairway, and most of the experts he encountered had a Platinum fey. The weaker opponents would have a Gold and above Fantasy Breed fey.

This level of power was easy for Lin Yuan.

Now, Lin Yuan could defeat such an opponent with any of his feys, even the Jasmine Lily.

However, there were a few feys that Lin Yuan could not summon during a Celestial Stairway battle, and the Jasmine Lily was one of them.

Once he summoned the Jasmine Lily, he would announce to the world that he was Lin Yuan.

If he revealed Blackie and used Spirit Essence Explosion to attack his opponent’s feys, the regular people would not think much of it, but those who had attended the Guard Ye Banquet would easily be able to guess his identity.

Genius needed to use Tool Transformation to become a mask that Lin Yuan would wear while Chimey was busy evolving itself.

Lin Yuan did not want to waste Chimey’s time.

After all, Chimey needed more time to evolve itself than Genius when it consumed the Intelligent Ganoderma Sinensis.

Thus, the most suitable feys that Lin Yuan could use were Source Sand and the Acid Corrosion Queen Bee.


Lin Yuan planned on sending the Diamond X/Legend Acid Corrosion Queen Bee from the beginning of the battle so it could train its combat skills. This would help it to comprehend Willpower Runes in the future.


After Poison Beauty became the Listening Heron Chamber of Commerce’s signed host, she used the support they gave her to become a famous host.

She no longer needed to work as a Celestial Stairway guard to earn a living or gain the attention of fans.

All of the money that Poison Beauty earned went to evolving her power.

Many of her feys had evolved significantly.

The Illusory Mist Western Jackdaw and Poison-Weaving Dark Spider had reached Platinum, and a Creation Master had evolved them to Epic quality.

With this amount of power, Poison Beauty still had space to evolve even if she reached level 14 of the Celestial Stairway.

Ever since she became the main host selling luxury goods, Poison Beauty rarely live-streamed on Star Web.

But even though she had money now, she did not forget about her old fans. Whenever she had time, she would live stream, fight a bit, make some argumentative comments, and block some people.

However, when she started live-streaming her battle this time, she was not trying to make a living but testing where her limits were.

If she could only make a living after spending so much money to evolve her feys, the money would have gone to waste.

However, Poison Beauty did not expect that the Star Web fights she did during her free time ended up increasing her number of fans.

She was currently matching up with opponents and planned on releasing a slew of insults the moment she was matched to test her opponent’s mindset.

This would also make the fight more exciting for the live stream audience.

But when she saw the silver mask that her opponent was wearing, Poison Beauty was stunned. Her audience was also stunned.

There had been people who wore silver masks when they fought on Star Web.

However, Black’s popularity had been falling recently, and the number of people imitating him had also decreased.

Moreover, most of the people who fought on the Celestial Stairway were experts who wanted to make a name for themselves using their unique fighting style.

Hence, people rarely did imitations on the Celestial Stairway.

Blue Wind Rain: Isn’t this Black? Although he isn’t dressed in black clothes, his physique and height match that of Black!

If Lin Yuan could see the comments in Poison Beauty’s live-streaming room, he would definitely roll his eyes.

All of you are just spouting nonsense!

He had not only grown taller in the last few months, but his entire aura had changed after consuming the Earth Center Fine Milk.

The female audience in the live-streaming room had also noticed this.

Lonely Confused Fish: No, no, no! This person’s physique is top-notch! Poison Beauty is already enamored!

Hating the World: Poison Beauty, regain your senses! Look at his information and see if he’s Black. Even if you aren’t curious, we want to know!

Laugh Silently: If he’s Black, I suggest Poison Beauty and Black get married immediately! They matched with each other three times on Celestial Stairway, even though Black rarely comes on here! They are destined for each other!

Poison Beauty looked at the silver-masked figure.

She could clearly sense the figure’s aura. It was extremely familiar.

She had only ever felt this aura from one person, and that was Black.

While Poison Beauty was nervously looking through her opponent’s information, the figure opposite her said softly, “Long time no see.”

When she heard this voice, she was certain that this person was Black.

Nonetheless, she clicked on his information.

She was not doing this so she could read the information but so the live stream’s audience could see.

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