Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531: Black’s New Record

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Master Duan Li pointed out that Black had used a Diamond/Fantasy elemental source-type lifeform in the post.

Black had not used his full power, and the source-type lifeform only showed off its ability to control sand. As such, it was impossible to tell what its exact grade and quality were.

Master Duan Li’s post provided two key pieces of information. The first was that the fey was Diamond/Fantasy, and the second was that it was an elemental source-type lifeform.

These two pieces of information stupefied everyone on Star Web who was watching.

With Diamond/Fantasy power, he was already at the level to become one of the top 30 members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence.


If Black had a Diamond/Fantasy fey, it meant that he stood a chance of fighting to become one of the top 30 members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence two years later.

There had been many posts that declared that Black was weaker than Lin Yuan and Chu Ci.

But now, despite having a Bronze/Fantasy fey at 15 years old, it seemed that Chu Ci could not compare with Bronze’s power.


However, Lin Yuan’s power during his fight with Meng Xu was beyond that of Black.

Lin Yuan’s combat style involved the red beam of light that could drain vitality.

But if Black could use the yellow sand to block the beam of light, Lin Yuan would be unable to drain vitality.

When one was comparing geniuses, one genius would be praised to the heavens while the other would be belittled to the point of worthlessness.

As such, many of Lin Yuan’s fans could not hold back.

Moreover, many members of the veteran and top factions had recognized Lin Yuan during the Guard Ye Banquet.

When they saw people on Star Web praising Black while insulting Lin Yuan, they acted as if on one brain cell.

How dare you say that the Moon Empress’ disciple was weaker than Black? Black might be strong, but he did not have a sacred source lifeform. Was he able to defend an attack from a Diamond X/Fantasy V fey using his physical body?

Lin Yuan was still fighting on Star Web when he noticed that his own identity and Black were rapidly gaining faith power.

As such, Lin Yuan felt he had time to fight a few more bouts on the Celestial Stairway and gain faith power that he would use to help Dark Blue evolve to Fantasy Breed.

Lin Yuan did not stop and continued commencing matching.

He realized that almost all the opponents he encountered were Star Web hosts.

After all, many people would want to seize such a golden opportunity.

But no matter how hard the Star Web hosts tried, they could not push Lin Yuan to use a second move.

Every time an opponent summoned their feys, large hands made of sand would appear to end the battle.

Lin Yuan climbed from level 14 to level 50 in two mere hours.

This rate was a record on Star Web.

More importantly, Lin Yuan maintained his streak of being undefeated.

Although Lin Yuan still had not reached the top of the ranking, he had risen to number six.

Very few people could achieve 50 consecutive levels of victory as no one could predict what opponent they would be matched with.

There were many Star Web hosts who stayed at around level 30 to 40 despite being able to reach level 60 to 70 so that they could perform more dramatically. Some even chose to stay at around level 20 to 30.

Hence, the first placeholder of the Celestial Stairway ranking had only won 63 consecutive fights.

This was the best record ever since the Radiance Federation established Star Web.

The person who held the record was none other than the current Radiance Envoy, Qi Ruo.

Everyone was guessing whether Black would be able to break Qi Ruo’s record.

Consecutive wins on the Celestial Stairway and consecutive wins on Star Tower were different matters.

It was much more valuable to win on the Celestial Stairway than it was to win on Star Tower.

Once Black beat Qi Ruo’s record, his image would be erected on the Celestial Stairway’s golden Hall of Fame.

Previously, Lin Yuan had broken Star Tower’s record with his 100 consecutive wins, and his image had only been erected on the bronze Hall of Fame.

It would mean unimaginable glory for citizens of the Radiance Federation to be erected on the golden Hall of Fame.

If Black could beat Qi Ruo’s record, it meant that they had comparable talent.

The members of the veteran and top factions who were paying attention to the matter thought to themselves, If Black is able to break Qi Ruo’s record, he will be able to gain many hidden points for the upcoming Radiance Hundred Sequence selection.

Under the hopeful gazes of all the Star Web users, Lin Yuan charged forward.

Xiang Yang had already been able to reach level 50, so it was not surprising that the opponent Lin Yuan encountered on level 50 was no match for him.

Lin Yuan conquered the opponents in his path until he reached level 63.

He continued to use the giant sand hands to achieve victory easily.

Suddenly, the name at the top of Celestial Stairway’s ranking, which had been occupying that position for so long, flashed and was replaced as it fell to number two.

Every person on Star Web who was currently paying attention to this fight on Star Web felt as though they were witnessing history being written.

The person who had fought against Black as his 26th opponent on the Celestial Stairway realized that his name had been recorded as well because of this event.

It could be said that today was the best day to be Black’s fan and the day that Black gained the most number of fans.

Black’s participation in the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection became the spotlit topic again.

However, they were no longer debating whether he could pass the selection but what rank he would obtain.

This match that shook the entire generation was nothing but another day in Lin Yuan’s life.

He was completely unaware of the waves that he was making.

Lin Yuan continued to fight and soon found himself undefeated at level 75.

By using the best methods to evolve the Source Sand to Diamond X/Fantasy V, it was even capable of defeating Diamond IV/Fantasy II feys using compressed sand.


Black’s fans had been excited when he broke a record and even more excited when he broke multiple records. Eventually, they felt numb. This entire event had taken place in the span of two hours.

By the time Black’s number of consecutive wins increased to 76, his fans were no longer fazed.

But to the rest of Star Web, it was an earth-shattering event.

This event was reported to the Radiance Sacred Hall, the imperial court of the Radiance Federation, the Spirit Guards, and other organizations.

When Lin Yuan defeated level 79 and was in the midst of matching for level 80, he received a message from a Star Web official.

V Star Web: Black, congratulations on breaking the Celestial Stairway’s record of consecutive wins. We will be erecting another image of you that will be placed in the Celestial Stairway’s golden Hall of Fame.

The golden Hall of Fame differed from the bronze one in that the images erected there included the expert’s feys. They could choose up to three feys to adorn their images.

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